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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 7 - N° 315 – June 9, 2013
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Erimilson Lopes Pereira:

“Music is one of the elements that can maximize the effect of our positive energies”

The author of the book “A Música segundo o Espiritismo” (“Life according to Spiritism”) says Spiritist organisations should promote Spiritist music, due to its beneficial effects

Erimilson Lopes Pereira (photo), from Igarcy, in Paraiba state, became a Spiritist in 2006. He is a volunteer worker at the Spiritist Group A Caminho da Luz, in São Paulo, where he lives. He is the author of a book on Spiritism an dmusic (http://www.luzespirita.org.br/leitura/L114.html) and is involved with the Spiritist portal Luz Espírita (www.luzespirita.org.br). His answers bring a

unique view about the musical art. 

Tell us first about your involvement with the portal Luz Espírita (Spiritist Light): 

I knew nothing about Spiritism and could not even hear about it. But I changed my views after I watched a video biography of the great medium, Chico Xavier, published on the Internet (and produced by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation, available on http://www.dominiopublico.gov.br). I began to study the Teachings, downloading books from the Internet and gathering as much information as possible. A year later I joined a Spiritist Centre and enrolled in a course to learn the principles of Spiritism. While I was there, a group of friends and I had the idea of launching a website to offer background material for those interested in Spiritism. We realised then the importance of the Internet, and at the time there were still few websites available. That is how the portal Luz Espírita was born, with the aim of bringing a dynamic approach to the study of Spiritism. 

What are the main challenges in running the portal? 

Basically, we work from home, as we do not have the financial resources that would enable us to carry out bigger projects, as we would like to. Moreover, we have no intention of commercialising our initiative and we have refused to ask for donations. We believe the longer we can stay away from the management of money the more credibility we will have. On the other hand, we have benefitted, here and there, from the creativity of our volunteers and we think we have managed achieved important advances for Spiritism. 

What is the editorial standards you apply, from a Spiritist perspective, when deciding what material will be published on the site? 

We need to analyse all aspects and check all proposals against the theoretical basis of Spiritism, up to the point of rejecting everything that goes against the philosophical logic of the Teachings. However, that is not an easy task when you work as a team, as there is bound to be diverging opinions. Also, which one of us is a position to produce the unchallengeable truth? In such case, where there is divergence, we may publish the material and put a note inviting the careful appreciation of our readers. 

Tell us now about your experience with Spiritist music. 

I have embraced the task of taking Spiritist music wherever it may go. My decision came after a read Allan Kardec’s “Posthumous Works”, where there is a chapter entitled “Spiritist Music”. I was touched by that and decided to work on it. This is one of the greatest joys I have in this journey. 

Tell us about your friend João Lucius. 

I met him during a course in our Spiritist Centre and I recognised a brother in him. He is a talented musician, as well as a lovely person. We then set up a musical partnership and our journey, travelling from Spiritist Centre to Spiritist Centre singing these wonderful Teachings, has been going on for more than half a decade. 

What has the public reacted to the presence of music in your presentations at Spiritist Centres? 

As yet we have had no major upset. In the beginning, there was a certain feeling of unease in some, but the feedback we get after our performances is always positive. Many admit they were pleasantly surprised by our proposal of Spiritist music. 

But you have faced rejection from some Spiritist Centres. How have you dealt with that? 

We have never had any row with anyone concerning our work. We only go where we are invited, and that is why I have no record of any rejection. At the most, we face indifference or mistrust from some. But that ends when we begin our explanation. In the old day, talking about a musical Gospel was almost tantamount to heresy among Spiritists. But now, what is rejected is the rejection of such initiatives. 

Do you write songs and lyrics through mediumship or do you work on existing material? 

João Lucius and I have written solo songs and in partnership. There is, of course, Spiritual assistance when we write our lyrics, but neither of us has had a clear perception of communication by a particular Spirit. That is why we say we cannot consider our music as being written through mediumship. Each song has its own story. Some came up “ready”, with melody and lyrics. Other songs demanded more work, based in existing texts, quotes and inspiration from day-to-day events. 

What is the importance of music for human evolution? 

Music is one of the elements that can maximise the effect of our positive energy. Therefore, if you get qualified in that area you are benefitting from that source of energy, working specifically your emotional aspect. To understand the positive potential of good music, you just need to look at the negative impact bad, vulgar music has had in people, dragging them to the valleys of violence, addiction and disorder. When the Spiritist Movement learns to use music to aid the Teachings in the same way bad music has been used to encourage promiscuity, then Spiritism will be prevailing in our world.  

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

I make an appeal to all Spiritist, individually, and Spiritist organisations to promote Spiritist music. Encourage the formation of muscal groups, especially as a way of attracting young people. But beware to avoid the promotion of personal interests. We work as volunteers and we believe that to be the best way to approach things. We should not have professional Spiritist musicians, but we should have Spiritists who are musicians. After all, in our pathway towards enlightenment, music is one of the skills required so we can reach perfection.


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