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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 6 - N° 304 – March 24, 2013
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Karina Kasemodel de Araújo Rafaelli:

“We are happy we can
begin a new phase”

The Spiritist leader from Brazil´s São Paulo state talks about the recently opened facilities at the Amor e Paz Spiritist
Centre (Love and Peace)

Karina Kasemodel de Araújo Rafaelli (photo) became a Spiritist in 1997. She is a medical doctor, specialised in image and ultrasound diagnosing. She was born in the city of Sorocaba and lives in Marília, in São Paulo state. In this interview she talks about her work at the Amor e Paz Spiritist Centre, which has just inaugurated its new facilities, and the group’s remarkable history: 

Who founded Amor e Paz and when? 

It was founded on August 13th 1938 by Eloy Alves da Silva, José Pollon, Joaquim Pedro de Oliveira, Jovina Rocha, Flávio Antonio da Rocha, João Polon Maria and Ignácio de Loyola Torres. It used to be called “Amantes da Pobreza” (“Poverty Admirers”) but in 2008 we unanimously decided to change it to Amor e Paz. 

When the group was founded, its main aim was to help the children in need. Why and how did that change? 

It was not really in the group’s foundation. It was in the 1960s, when a Spirit named Cristina communicated through a medium in our group. She was disturbed and used to obsess some of our workers. Cristina had been involved in abortions. After receiving our guidance and making a decision to change, she suggested that we set up a special group to help children. Part of the project was to raise funds and build a children’s nursery, which was inaugurated in 1966. But it was subject to compulsory purchase by the municipality in 1997. It continues to work as a crèche, but it is no longer linked to our group. However, it is called Mother Cristina and carries on with its original purpose, of helping the children. 

You have recently moved to your new, bigger facilities… 

With the money we received from the local authorities, we realised that we would finally be able to expand and build bigger facilities. We found a plot of land in the same neighbourhood and did all the building work in about eight months. In our old place, we improved our special department to help low income pregnant women. That is something that began with the founders of our group and we have kept going. The project for our new home has been done by Donizete Pinheiro, who used to come to our meetings. There are many rooms for different purposes, a library, air conditioning, Internet access and a multimedia projector, known here as data-show. 

With your bigger facilities, what changes in your schedule of activities? 

We will keep the study group and courses as they are, the mediumship groups, the healing and the lectures and talks. What changes is the fact that we will be able to run several activities at the same time. In our old place, we only had one room for meetings or courses and another one for healing. 

You have a new space dedicated to the children. Tell us about that project. 

It is a project of love, really, to welcome the children and make them feel at home. We are running one-year courses for teachers who will work with children and teenagers, aged 3 to 14. We are also setting up a youth group from 2014 and we have been encouraging the pregnant women to join our parents’ group too. 

Is there anything else you would like to add? 

We are vary happy we can begin a new phase and help expand this work, which is really inspired by Jesus. We hope to be contributing to disseminate the comforting message of Spiritism in a more comfortable and modern environment. I believe Spiritism is worth all the effort.


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