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Year 6 - N° 303 – March 17, 2013

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)

Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


Marcus de Mario

Who was
Chico Xavier?
Knowing whether Chico Xavier, was this or that person in the past doesn't change absolutely nothing

We have some books in the Spiritist movement, as well as articles and interviews, conveyed in print or digital, whose authors claim to have been the medium Chico Xavier reincarnation of the great figures in the history of mankind. Most authors based their belief in personal information that would have been revealed by the medium itself. You can? As more than one author confesses, is closely matter of belief. There is no documentary evidence, nor spiritual revelations from several sources to confirm the reincarnations, almost all of famous figures. We do not believe that there is bad faith regarding reports about the revelations that have been given by the medium unforgettable, intimate conversations but can be interpreted wrongly. However, for our reflection, we take as true revelations. In this case, we would have to admit that Chico Xavier, previously, was Plato, John the Evangelist, Francis and Allan Kardec, among others. So let us this information through the sieve of logic, reason and common sense, as recommended in Spiritism.

The Spirits Plato and John the Evangelist, appeared in spiritist coding. But they would be Allan Kardec, who then dictated messages through mediums? The first hypothesis is the emancipation of the soul, also known as split, psychic phenomenon in which, in this case, Kardec, seated at the table in full mediumship meeting, he would have given communications. That is possible because emancipated we can more easily access files from the unconscious, where they recorded the memories of past lives, and partially disconnected from the body, communicating through a medium. The phenomenon is not discussed, we have numerous examples of its accuracy, but we ask, why is that? Why the Superior Spirits, which dictated the doctrine of necessity would cause such phenomenon? We know that research into past lives is the least important? And in this case, the communications would have the stamp of falsehood?

Every revelation should be based in evidences

Yet another important observation here: Kardec in his writings in the Spiritist Magazine and Posthumous Works, reports that there had ostensible mediumship, always serving up seeing mediums, sonambulics, psychics, trance and physical effects to get the information about reality spiritual. If so, how did he explain the emancipation of the soul, accessing files consciential of past lives, which is a rare phenomenon, and was not aware of that?

Another explanation is that spirits of the same moral and spiritual elevation would be presented and signed messages like Plato and John the Evangelist, respectively. This phenomenon also we need not discuss. In "The Mediums' Book" that is studied and we learned that spirits of the same order can be replaced when necessary. Now, if the two characters were reincarnated as Allan Kardec, which need it? To give greater accuracy Spiritism? But the encoder itself states that the names are less important, in fact he preferred to hide names of mediums and communicating, shortening them, for example, Mr. C., Miss medium. M. and so on. Many messages are signed by A Spirit Shield, A Friendly Spirit, and common names that mean nothing to us.

One document is presented as proof that Kardec was the Greek philosopher Plato. A note from the encoder, in his own handwriting, that the spirit Zephyr would also revealed to him that incarnation. Recall that Prof. Zephyr revealed. Denizard Rivail incarnation as a Druid priest with the name Allan Kardec. The document is saved in our country, under the care of the heirs of the scholar and researcher Canuto Abreu, who brought abundant historical documentation of French land before the outbreak of World War II. Now, every revelation must present evidence, and that there was only one information brought by a single spirit, which Kardec noted, and nothing more.

While incarnated Chico Xavier denied being reincarnated Kardec

Cannot be given credence to all that a spirit says, even when there is a higher spirit, as was the case of Zephyr. His revelation about the Druid priest can be searched, resulting in the book "The Genius and the Celtic World Unseen" by Léon Denis, a work that everyone should know. Now, how to research and prove that Kardec was Plato? The fact of the encoder have done just the annotation reveals its spirit of organization and record communications, and nothing more.

Well, now let us pass the word to Chico Xavier. In an interview on August 28, 1988, the newspaper Diário da Manhã, from city of Goiânia(GO), answering the question whether it would be Kardec reincarnated, he replied: "No, I'm not. (...) I say this with serenity. I am not. I consult my psychological life, my tendencies. All that I have inside my heart I am. I have no resemblance to the man brave and strong that in twelve years, left eighteen wonderful books."

If his words are a product of his extreme humility, here is a major contradiction: humble and liar? We cannot conceive of such behavior in Chico Xavier, which gave sufficient evidence of goodness and faithfulness to the principles spiritualists, being named man-love, so is his dedication to the protection of others, and also be named interbeing, while living material reality and spiritual reality of life as said J. Herculano Pires.

Of what we are sure is: Chico Xavier was a kindly spirit, faithful observer of Spiritism, tireless charity worker, extraordinary medium for bridging beyond, such as Christians and citizens. As to its historical past, stocks that had other incarnations are just speculations without scientific basis, without proof, which we can only classify as intimate and belief without doctrinal support.

It is important to know who was Chico Xavier in the past?

These speculations have always existed, but it loomed after disembodiment of the medium miner who preferred life in silence, trying not to feed these ideas, but, as we saw in his interview reproduced here, vehemently denied being the reincarnation of Allan Kardec, which puts in doubt, so the other historical figures who lived.

We need to be very careful with the infiltration of weird ideas within the in spiritist movement, brought by authors such ideas embodied and disembodied, without support in logic, common sense and reason, based solely on a statement and putting words in the mouth of someone who has no more is here to confirm or deny the veracity of the information. And what changes Chico Xavier was whether this or that person in the past? Absolutely nothing. And because it would always have been a famous character of human history? This even contradicts information in spiritist, that the Spirit needs to go through various experiences to reach perfection, but he never managed to remain anonymous and perform other tasks, such as acquiring these experiences?

Let our dear Chico Xavier to continue his work, now in the spiritual world, reducing speculation and dealing with more serious alleged spiritual revelations. Dedicate ourselves to studying the vast literary work produced by spirits through it, thus growing in understanding and transforming us morally. This is the most important. Who I was in the past, who was Chico Xavier in previous existences, do not matter, no change in the current context, nor diminish nor add to what we are and what we do.

Let us take care of performing charity, to be men and women of good, studying Spiritism to better experience it, fighting this tendency to always want to deify others, sanctifying only one who came to work and witness of their faith to benefit men. Let us unite our thinking with Jesus Christ, guide and model of humanity, to be living epistles of the Gospel, let each one give account of himself before God.

Marcus De Mario é Educator, Consultant, Writer living in Rio de Janeiro-RJ.



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