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Year 6 - N° 300 – February 24, 2013


Belo Horizonte, MG (Brasil)

Pedro Campos - pedro@aliseditora.com.br  


José Lourenço de Sousa Neto

Acelino’s disaster,
a lesson to us all

An analysis of an important case described by Andre Luiz
on chapter 8 of the book The Messengers by the medium Francisco Candido Xavier

(Part 1)

It is well known that in every rereading of a work or an article of moral content, regardless of how many times, new insights may occur – an overlooked detail, an angle not observed, a different understanding, a connection to a current moment in our lives, etc. How many people have read Our Home more than once, where each reading unveils new facets or new recordings? Any of the books by Andre Luiz, Emmanuel, Joanna de Angelis and other authors of the same kind allows for this gift.

When rereading The Messengers, especially chapter 8, some recordings by Acelino urge us reflections we’d like to share.

As a means to situate ourselves, we suggest that the original text should be read before, but in order to make it easier, we sum it up: Acelino was a resident of Our Home, who was prepared to reincarnate in a big Brazilian city, at the service of the spiritual colony. In the exercise of medium work, he begins to charge for his activities, thus shunning spiritual benefactors and falling into the shadows. In this downfall, besides failing his own mission, he drags with him countless brethrens who trusted him, making it even worse. His commitment is aggravated considering there’s no lack of resources for the fulfillment of the work proposed in a reincarnation program, neither the assistance of benefactors, incarnated and disincarnated alike, who strive, in vain, to bring him back to the right path.

His report is a poignant testimony of a Spirit in the midst of evolution, who fails miserably, and, aware of that, leave us a lesson of humility, a warning for us to look within ourselves and ask about what we have done with the opportunities granted to us.

The importance of relentless vigilance

Acelino, therefore, was not a novice. He was the holder of knowledge and experiences that enabled him to become a “qualified worker”, if you will, having received all the necessary input for the fulfillment of such important mission, on behalf of Our Home. The following excerpts make that clear:

- he left Our Home;

.- received “valuable instructions” and blessings;

.- had the personal assistance of one of the Mininsters of Communication;

.- good health of mind and body;

.- commitment to the “highest”;

.- placed in a big city, at service of Our Home;

.- devoted and caring spouse.

And the program starts well:

.- “Accomplished the first part of the program…”;

.- medium calling at 20 years of age, with full assistance;

.- brethrens in tune and excited about the task;

.- vision, hearing and psychographic mediumship (a happy combination).

We call the attention to this fact to highlight the importance of relentless vigilance. We may be lead to believe that spiritual ascension can free us from the battles with evil and, by lowering our defenses we end up becoming easy prey. The vanity and presumption that we become especially protected may cause our downfall. If it is certain that, in the work of the Good, we strengthen ourselves and count on the increasing help of benefactors, it is also certain that our responsibility increases. For taller trees, bigger axes – and falls as well.

It is reasonable that we wait, confidently, for new opportunities from the Divine Treasure.

God is not mean – Even in the highest falls. We must not lose hope: progress is inevitable, even if our actions delay and make it difficult, assures us OLE (from the Law of Progress, question 781) and Jesus (“In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish” – Mt, 18:14).

We always have the opportunity to start over. Our basic choice lies within how fast we want to evolve and the option between Love and pain. 

We don’t master all the circumstances 

I’m not a criminal to the world, but I’m a failure to God and Our Home (part of Otavio’s speech) – our criminal actions may go unnoticed to the world and human justice; they may even be considered licit actions, acceptable or even desired; but the criteria of judgment of consciousness is another one and we cannot escape from it. We are forgers of the shackles that restrain us – but we also have the key.

You lost the game because you didn’t play, and I lost it because I played clumsily.- To play or not to play, is always a matter of choice. Whoever chooses “not to play” opts for defeat (you fool yourself thinking that you chose “not to lose”) – it is the unfaithful servant who buried the talent he received: his excuses are worthless in face of the charges of his master (tribunal of consciousness) and did not spare him from condemnation: “And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Mathew, 25:30).

Different from mundane gambling, in the great game of life we all have enough ante – our talents, intelligence, spiritual support, etc. -, and the game is not about winning or losing, where there’s always have to a loser in order to have a winner. There’s always the possibility of everybody winning – the Universe is abundant. In this game we must do the best we can with cards we are dealt – which are our resources -, analyzing options, studying strategies, measuring ingredients, choosing objectives. But we must not forget that we do not master all circumstances. For that, we must not lose our humility and always remember that we depend on the help of our fellow idealists and, especially, from above: “I planted the seed, Apollo’s watered it, but God has been making it grow”. (I Cor, 3:6).

We must think about our eternal future. – we seldom do it, being stuck in immediacies and the ephemeral. We do not apply the perspective of time to our journey, or sell cheap our condition of eternal Spirits.

The fall I experienced shows diverse characteristics and, to my view, much more serious ones. – To have mercy and not judge others; to be more strict and less condescending with your flaws, if we really want to evolve. This does not imply in losing your faith or be discouraged – see Acelino’s early speech: “it is reasonable to wait confidently”. “I trust providence”

Providence provides us the necessary support 

Clarity, objectivity and sincerity in self-analysis lead to a better understanding of your own weaknesses, with a safer identification of the resources at our disposal and, therefore, the prescription of the more suitable solutions.

I tended to transform my faculties into a source of material income. – An ever present trap, subtly or intensively: the reward for spiritual works is not give in the form of legal tender, but the petting of the ego, the emulation of vanity, the gratitude subtly hoped for, and many other sneaky ways of payment that undermine our basis, and create a barrier to the Spirits of light, who always work without interest, as well as bringing about the presence of less happy companions, still attached to the limelight.  

Jesus leaves no room for doubt:

Heal the sick, raise the dead, and cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give. Do not get any gold or silver or copper to take with you in your belts no bag for the journey or extra shirt or sandals or a staff, for the worker is worth his keep”. (Matthew, 10:8-10).

The Masters covers all the subtleties o four thinking, from the graduation of the values of remuneration to the fictitious “needs”. And brings us back to Divine Providence, which will provide the necessary support.

Through reasoning we can seek the light, the truth (“Let your light shine before others” – Mathew 5:16; “Then you will know the truth” – Job, 8:32); but with it we spin the web that tangles us, and the fallacious excuses that fall upon the least critical analysis.

We lean upon other people’s actions to justify our own (“everybody does it”), choosing, maliciously, the examples in accordance to our aims (why don’t we look up to those more noble behaviors?!). We forget, however, that when repeating such behaviors we incur in the same consequences (“…Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!” Mathew, 18:7).

Friends, oblivious to the sacred character of faith, approve of my egotistical conclusions – We choose/ do as many friends as enemies. 

Acelino was active in his own downfall 

Incompetent leaders usually surround themselves with mediocre subordinates, who do not criticize their disastrous decisions, or even endorse them. Ill-intentioned individuals surround themselves, consciously or not, with commensals, partners in their ill intentions, who approve, stimulate and even suggest attitudes that lead to intended purpose. “Since bad influences act upon you, you attract them, wishing bad.” (OLE, q. 466).

In the case of the “partners” in the madness (a regime of mutualism or simbiosis), the commitment between them is the one of shared responsibility. “Can a blind person guide another one? Won’t they fall into the same grave?” (Lc 6:39)

With the “ignorant friends” the consequences might be a whole lot worse – the leader is misleading ignorant souls, but not necessarily evil, who trust in him and gave themselves up, innocently, to his leadership. This is clear in the recordings in the book of of Acts, about the action of Judas: “After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered.” (Acts, 5:37)

For those Spirits, somewhat innocent and trusted, there may have been attenuating circunstances that do not apply to him, the mistaken leader, who has the knowledge. We may see this in the orientation of Jesus to his disciples: “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town”. (Mathew, 10:14-15).

This excerpt of the chapter shows which was Acelino’s great downfall and why it’d be, at least in thesis, greater than Otavio’s and Andre Luiz’s. Besides ruining his own endeavor, he brought together, actively, fellows who dedicated him trust and on him depended for their learning and growth.

If Otavio and Andre Luiz failed by omission (“they did not play”), Acelino was active in his own downfall (“he played wrong”). (To be resumed in the next issue.)


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