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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 6 - N° 300 – February 24, 2013
Santo Ângelo, RS (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Humberto Bohrer Garay:

“Only the Teachings of Jesus grant our path to happiness
in this world”

Humberto GAray (photo), president of the Auxilio Fraternidade Spiritist Society in the southern Brazilian city of Ijui, shares his thoughts on Spiritism and his determination of trying to put into practice the Teachings:

Please begin by telling us how you first come

across Spiritism. 

My maternal grandmother’s family was Spiritist. She used to talk about Spiritism to her children, but did not attend any Spiritist Centres to avoid conflicts with my grandfather, who had different beliefs. I used to hear my mother talk about it, but I had been baptised as a Methodist and did not pay much attention to it. I eventually went through events in my life that led me to look for God. I ended up at a Spiritist group based on the African traditions, which adore many Gods, but not a true Spiritist Centre. One day, I received a message through a medium in trance. I was told to study and look for a Spiritist Group based on the Teachings codified by Allan Kardec. My wife, Beatriz, was already attending meetings at the Auxilio Fraternidade Centre. My children were interested too, they were reading Spiritist books and we were doing the Gospel in the Home. I joined the group and have never left.

What impact has Spiritism had in your life?

It has been the sun during the day, the moon during the nights, a new horizon for everything. I used to live for the world. Now I live the world, making an effort not to be one of the world. Spiritism is the liberating pathway, Andre Luiz said. That is what it means to me, I am sure it can mean the same to everyone else.

You are a well-known public speaker and has visited many cities. What assessment do you make of your work in that field?

I feel valued, facing an ever-growing responsibility. When you take out a message that helps other people you are helping yourself. This is the best way of thanking Spiritism for what it has done for me.

What are your views on the Spiritist programmes to educate children and young people on the Gospel of Jesus?

I wish I had heard my parents’ advice when I was younger to attend a church. It would have helped me a great deal. I regret having begun my search for God as an adult. When you are away from God you can make all sorts of mistakes, as the world we live in is so full of challenges. You may either overcome them and grow or falter and increase your debts. Understanding the laws of God, the moral values brought to us by Christ, shows us the right way to progress as the immortal spirits we are. Teaching the Gospel is saving children and young people, but also their families. It will also bring about a better world for all of us. Spiritist Centres must pay enormous attention to evangelisation programmes for young people. That will create fertile territory for the blossoming of the laws of God, which will be engraved in the conscience of those who attend the courses. It will enable the good, positive feelings of love flourish in their hearts.

What is your assessment of the official Spiritist courses, known as ESDE, prepared by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (and available in English as the Roadmap - http://www.e-spiritism.org/index.php)?

I must admit that it is not easy to keep most people motivated to study and improve their knowledge of Spiritism. It becomes routine after a while and many people lose interest. That is a challenge for all of us, to encourage people to be keen to learn and gather greater knowledge of Spiritism.

What about the dissemination of Spiritism? What is your assessment?

I am very optimistic about the advances in the dissemination of Spiritism. The Spiritist Federations in all Brazilian states have been working very hard on that. There are many websites available with good information available. And we have had many Spiritist films of success in Brazil, such as Nosso Lar – Our Home. Even the TV soap operas in Brazil address many issues with a Spiritist approach. In our group, in Ijui, we have a newspaper published regularly, Jornal Verdade e Luz, and we have a internet page accessed by 6,500 people every month, as well as a Facebook page. I would like to quote the spirit, Andre Luiz, again, when he said that the best form of disseminating Spiritism is through your self-enlightenment. That is my main concern.

We are going through a phase of transition in the planet. Are we all prepared for it?

We, Spiritists, seem to be the only ones with access to proper information on the true meaning of the transition from a planet of trials and tribulations into a world of Regeneration. Other people tend to have a distorted view, focusing on ideas of end of the world, destruction and violent deaths. But we cannot forget that we all, and that includes the Spiritists, must guard against pride and its “son”, selfishness. And unfortunately many of us have failed, wasting a golden opportunity provided by our Father. Many still have the unconscious belief in the concepts of heaven and hell, of being saved even if you repent at the last minute. We, Spiritists, must spread the liberating message. That is why it is so important to disseminate Spiritism properly, without proselytising. I disagree with the old saying – “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”. Good intentions are what will keep us on this planet when it reaches its new phase, avoiding the exile to lower worlds. Most of earth’s population is still uncertain about which direction to go, but we are overwhelmingly well intentioned. In the new, “healthy” environment we will live, moral progress will be swift, without all the usual hiccups.

Your final thoughts, please.

We all aim to achieve happiness and internal peace, but we do not put that into practice. If that was really our main priority, we would give up many things in our lives and would not make much of so many events that disturb us so much. They are usually linked to the feelings of pride and selfishness. If we reflect on the real challenges of our lives, we will understand that only the Teachings of Jesus grant our path to happiness in this world. And His Teachings can be summed up in: forgiving and loving, unconditionally.



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