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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 286 – November 11, 2012

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Mediums' Book

Allan Kardec

(Part  36)

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. The wise and the inventor are never assisted in his research by spirits?

B. If a person at death left embarrassed your business, you can ask your Spirit to help untangle them?

C. Can spirits give advice on health?

D. What confidence can be placed in the descriptions that the spirits are from different worlds?

Text for reading 

331. Come from two sources contradictions: of men and spirits. The contradictions of human origin have already been explained in the chapter on Systems (item 36 and following). You could say that today there is unity of views on the vast majority of Spiritualists, at least in general principles, except small insignificant details. (Item 298)

332. Para compreender a causa das contradições de origem espírita, é preciso estar identificado com a natureza do mundo invisível. Parece estranho, à primeira vista, que os Espíritos não pensem todos da mesma maneira, mas isso não pode surpreender a quem quer que haja entendido, que são infinitos os degraus que eles têm de percorrer, antes de chegarem ao alto da escada. (Item 299)

333. Not all spirits have reached perfection. Now, can manifest spirits of all categories, it is clear that their communications will bring the stamp of ignorance or knowledge peculiar to them. (Item 299)

334. There among the spirits, as happens among men, false sages, semi wise, proud, boasters and systematic. Thus, the contradictions of origin spiritist not derived from another cause, but the diversity in the intelligence, knowledge, judgment and the morality of the Spirits. (Item 299)

335. When two different centers in the opinions and ideas differ, the answers given by the spirits can get them disfigured, because they feel these centers under the influence of different columns Spirits. So is not the answer that is contradictory, but the manner in which it is given. (Item 301, question 1)

336. Spirits never really contradict superiors and language they use is always the same, with the same people. It may, however, differ according to the people and places. The contradiction is, however, sometimes only apparent: it is more in words than in ideas. (Item 301, question 2)

337. The same Spirit may respond differently to the same question, depending on the degree of progress of the recall, since not always want everyone to receive the same answer, because they are not all equally early. (Item 301, question 2)

338. If someone has a conviction on a well-established doctrine, even if false, it is necessary to put away this conviction, but little by little. That is why the spirits often serve the terms used by that person: is not to be suddenly overshadowed and be sure to educate themselves with them. (Item 301, question 3)

339. There is unwise to attack suddenly prejudices. This is the best means to me ¬ not be heard. For this reason is that spirits often speak towards the opinion of those who hear them: it is to bring a little bit of truth. Appropriating its language to the people, as you would a speaker more or less skillful. Hence not speak a Chinese, or a Mohammedan, as they talk to a Frenchman or a Christian. It is that they are sure that they would be repelled. (Item 301, question 3) 

Answers to questions

A. The wise and the inventor are never assisted in his research by spirits? 

Oh! This is very different. When it comes time for a breakthrough, the Spirits will lead the charge of running the man to seek to carry out the ideas and inspiration you need, but in a way that you leave all the merit of the work, because we need the man the draft and put into execution. So it is with all great works of human intelligence. Spirits leave every man in his sphere. One who is only able to dig the earth, will not make depository of the secrets of God, but know take the dark one who is able to second the designs of them. (Item 294, question 29) 

B. If a person at death left embarrassed your business, you can ask your Spirit to help untangle them? 

We can not forget that death is the liberation of earthly cares. The Spirit, happy with the freedom they enjoy, not from good will resume the chain that got rid of and deal with things that no longer interest you, just to satisfy the greed of his heirs. Moreover, the embarrassment that sometimes the death of a person leaves his heirs are part of life's trials, and the power of the Spirit is no possibility of freeing ourselves from them, for they are included in the decree of God. (Item 291, question 20) 

C. Can spirits give advice on health? 

Health is a prerequisite for the job to be executed on earth, so that the spirits of good will deal with it. But as there are ignorant and wise among them, they should, for this, as for anything else, no one would go to the first to appear. (Item 293) 

D. What confidence can be placed in the descriptions that the spirits are from different worlds? 

It depends on the degree of advancement of real spirits that give these descriptions, because we understand that spirits are so vulgar able to tell us about it as it is, between us, the ignorant to describe all the countries on Earth. Good spirits delight in describing to us the worlds they inhabit, aimed at teaching us how to improve, prompting us to follow the path that can lead to these worlds. To verify the accuracy of these descriptions, the best way is the agreement that there is between them. It should be borne in mind, however, that similar descriptions are designed to improve our moral and which is, therefore, about the moral state of the inhabitants of other worlds that we can be better informed, and not on the physical or geological such spheres. (Item 296)



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