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Year 6 - N° 282 – October 14, 2012

Brasília, Distrito Federal (Brasil)

Pedro Campos - pedro@aliseditora.com.br


“Spiritualism is a religion and we are proud of it”

Jorge Hessen

 That sentenced was pronounced in November of 1868, at the Society of Spiritualistic Studies of Paris, by Allan Kardec, the Decoder of Spiritualism 

It circulates around the Internet, and also in some spiritualistic journals, absurd criticism of the literature of Emmanuel. Undoubtedly, it is a question of a fruitless attempt to disregard the extraordinary work of the great medium Chico Xavier and enthrone the ideological hegemony of these agents of turmoil.

One does not need to make a great effort to identify in these brothers the lack of sense, for they find themselves completely distant from the Doctrine of Spirits, entangled in the webs of obsessive fascination.

Melancholic critics of Chico Xavier, Emmanuel and Andre Luiz, such brethrens stay in a state of hypnotic numbness, delusional in the inside of a derailed train that ended up in the foolishness named “emmanuelism”, sponsored by “spiritualists”, who have nothing better to do.

This aversion of Emmanuel has lingered on for a long time within the Spiritualistic movement, the same way as the grudge against Andre Luiz, since the publication of the book ‘Nosso Lar’ (Our Home). Recently, we thought about watching a video presentation about what they nicknamed “Emmanuelism”. We saw it; however we could not stand the mutilated pseudo-research and we stopped watching in order not to obliterate our mind’s landscape.

Among the ‘pearls’ of its content, they state that even for “spiritualists” themselves Emmanuel is a “pseudo-scholar”. We are not sure which source they used for such incoherent statement.  

Emmanuel: a pseudo-scholar? 

The fundamental description of Emmanuel that we do is this: he does not praise, he does not recriminate. He demonstrates, raises awareness. He is vehement; He shows that the ones who come around are immune to the horrors of tomorrow. That’s why he invites us to an intimate reform. We, who interpret him, and allow us to be in awe of him, let out a little cry of comfort: “Yes, we can!” This is a little poetic, but that’s how we feel about Emmanuel the benefactor.

It is clear for a conscious spiritualist that this subject smells like a pointless and illogical discussion. To rebut it may be a waste of time, but even then, let’s spare a couple of minutes in order to write about this nonsense, reminding ourselves that we must beware not to come up against the same wavelength.

It is laughable the effort of our brethrens (dodgy reincarnations of 19th Century’s ex-scientists) who consider Emmanuel a pseudo-scholar. Who do they consider a scholar? Afonso Angelo Torteroli? Or themselves? It is a mockery!! We write with the intention of warning the readers, for “according to circumstances, to unveil a hypocrisy and a lie can be a duty, because it is better to see a man fall than many fooled and become victims of him”. (1)

These brothers, dressed in fertile imagination and blurred in their thought, reverberate that the Young “catholic” Chico Xavier, when he had the medium vision of what seemed to be the priest Manoel da Nobrega in a former reincarnation, and later identified as Emmanuel, made sure that he would become his spiritual mentor. With that, would all the medium process of this extraordinary medium come to be by a “catholic mysticism”. (!?...) 

Spiritualism: an academy of “exponents of knowledge”? 

Thus, the current admirers of Torteroli (that “scientist” Who abused the resignation of the “mystic” Bezerra de Menezes, in the 19th Century) go around saying that, for being a Jesuit, Emmanuel imposed a catholic bias to the Spiritualistic Movement. Well, if these fellows studied more thoroughly the spiritualistic principles, they would identify that the Spiritualism did not require to be “catholicized” with the outstanding messages of the great architect of Catholicism, Doctor Gratia Aurelio Agostinho, former bishop of Hipona, who dictated several messages that are now in the Kardecian Pentateuch. What matters is the essence of its orientations, which do no harm to the Third Revelation; on the contrary, contribute to shed some light upon it through the Gospel. Spiritualism is a moral doctrine that strengthens religious feelings in general, and is applicable to all religions; it belongs to all of them but at the same time to none in particular. That’s why it does not advise people to change religions”. (2)

Formally, what’s concealed in the rhetoric of these adventurers of illusion, under the subject “Emmanuelism”, is nothing but a hidden restriction to the religious aspect of the Spiritualistic Doctrine which is brilliantly supported in Brasil by FEB and brightened by Chico Xavier in the medium practice.

These Kardeciologists, “PhD’s of nothing in particular”, far from using common sense, insist in spreading the “progressive” thesis that one needs to get away from the “Catholic Christ”, from the religion, church aspect of Spiritualism and transform it into an academy of exponents of “knowledge”, under their conduction, obviously! That can only be a mockery! 

Jesus: the most perfect type, our guide and model 

Under the spell of this compulsive philosophical trend, they go on the Internet, write books and articles, and promote innocuous lectures, stung by telepathic directives of the dark ‘intelligences’ of the threshold. But whether you like it or not, the Christ is the model of virtues for all men, and it was not Emmanuel who said it, but the mortals who took part in decoding Spiritualism and Kardec himself. It is worth remembering what we read in question 625 of The Book of Spirits: “Who is the most perfect type that God has given man to serve as a guide and model for men?” Answer: “Jesus.”

When commenting the answer Kardec made the following note: “To men, Jesus constitutes the kind of moral perfection that Mankind can aspire to have on earth. God offers it as the most perfect model and the doctrine he taught is the purest expression of the Lord’s law, because, being him the purest of the beings that walked the Earth, the Divine Spirit gave him life”. (Book of Spirits, item 625.)

Such brethrens have placed themselves as victims of the mob of chasers of the Master Jesus from the doctrinarian realm. They stumble without direction. Maybe because, in an interview given to brethrens in Uberaba, Chico Xavier warned: “If they take Jesus away from Spiritualism, it turns into a mockery. If you take away the religious aspect from Spiritualism it becomes a business. The Spiritualistic Doctrine is science, philosophy and religion. If you take away religion, what is left? Jesus is in our everyday living, as long as our trials and tribulations come about, the first name we remember, capable of providing relief and comfort is Jesus.”(3)

Jesus: Divine messiah, God sent 

They attack, with the same purpose, even the figure of the pioneer Olympio Teles de Menezes, naming him Catholic-Spiritist. The hoards in the dense regions are powerful and get “organized”, once they have as their goal, the banishment of Jesus from Spiritualist studies. Such brethrens, trapped by astute knights of the threshold mists, attest that Kardec wrote the Gospel in order to pacify theologians, attempting an approach to the Church (believe it or not!).

They get red with anger when reading Kardec, who stated: “Spiritualism is a religion, and we are proud of it.” (4) Besides that, the Spirit St. Louis warns that “spirits don’t subvert religion, as some intend to. On the contrary, they confirm it, sanction it through irrefutable proof. In time, the number of sincere believers will be much larger.”(5)  The master of Lyon assures that “Spiritualism lies upon the fundamental basis of religion and respects all beliefs; one of its effects is to infuse religious feelings in those who don’t have them, and strengthen them in those who have them faltering”. (6)

For the heralds of the anti-religion, who affirm that “Jesus is an archetype shaped in the collective consciousness”, we remind that the master of Galilee was the manifestation of the love of God, the personification of His kindness. And for Kardec, the notable pedagogue and scholar from Lyon, Christ was a superior Spirit, of the highest kind and placed, for his virtues, much higher above mankind on Earth: “By the immense results he produced, his incarnation in this world by force must have been one of those missions in which the Deity only trusts his direct messengers, in order to fulfill his tasks. Even without supposing that he was God himself, but merely sent by God to transmit His word to men, he’d be more than a prophet, but a divine Messiah”.(7) 


Bibliographical references: 

(1) Kardec, Allan. O Evangelho segundo o Espiritismo, RJ: Ed. FEB, 2000, cap. X, 20:21

(2) Kardec, Allan. Revista Espírita, fevereiro de 1862 - Resposta dirigida aos Espíritas Lionenses por ocasião do Ano-Novo, Brasília: Edicel, 2001

(3) Entrevistas com Chico Xavier disponíveis em http://www.espirito.org.br/portal/artigos/diversos/religiao/espiritismo-sem-jesus.html e http://www.meumundo.americaonline.com.br/eespirita/espiritismo_sem_jesus.htm

(4)  Kardec, Allan. Revista Espírita, dezembro de 1868, discurso de Kardec em reunião pública realizada na noite de 01/11/1868, na Sociedade Parisiense de Estudos Espíritas, Brasília: Edicel, 2001

(5)  Kardec, Allan. O Livro dos Espíritos, RJ: Ed. FEB, 2002, perg. 1.010 (a)

(6)  Kardec, Allan. O Livro dos Médiuns RJ: Ed. FEB, 2000, Capítulo III, Do Método, Item 24,

(7)  Kardec, Allan. A Gênese, RJ: Ed. FEB, 1998, XV, item 2.



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