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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 281 – October 7, 2012

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Mediums' Book

Allan Kardec

(Part  31)

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. How to qualify the mediums of physical effects?

B. that are hearing Mediums?

C. What are speakers Mediums?

D. What mediums are somnambulistic?

Text for reading 

286. The causes unrelated to the Spirit reside mainly in the nature of the medium, in the person who evokes the environment in which it is the evocation, finally, the goal that one has in mind. There are mediums that receive most of their communications particularly familiar spirits, others show themselves able to serve as intermediaries to all spirits. That also depends on the development of mediumistic faculty. (Item 275)

287. Over time, the Spirit is identified with the medium and with the one who called. Settle, then fluidic relationships between them that make it ready communications. That's why a first confabulation is not always as satisfying as out of desire and the spirits themselves often ask the call. (Item 276)

288. We can thus conclude: a) the power to evoke any Spirit not to imply that the requirement to be at our disposal, b) the Spirit can come in one time and not see another, with a medium or an evocative it like and not with another c) the Spirit can say what he wants, and cannot be forced to say what you do not want d) the Spirit may go when he pleases, and) due to dependent or not of his will, after being a regular for some time, he may suddenly stop coming. That's why, when you want to invoke a spirit that has not presented itself, you need to ask your guide protector if you can recall. (Item 277)

289. The degree of superiority or inferiority of the Spirits indicate that tone should talk to them. Obviously, the higher they are, the more right to have our respect, our attention and our allegiance. (Item 280)

290. As irreverent would treat as equals superior spirits, as ridiculous would dispense to all, without exception, the same deference. Let reverence for those who deserve recognition for those who protect us and assist us, and for others, kindness that maybe one day we will need. (Item 280)

291. There are spirits that can never communicate: those who, by their nature, still belong to the lower worlds to Earth. Nor can those who are in the realms of punishment, unless special permission is given to them, with an aim of general utility. (Item 282, question 3)

292. There is no need to demonstrate, that the spirits are evoked, because very often they present themselves without being called, which proves that good will come from. (Item 282, question 22)

293. A Spirit simultaneously evoked in many points, you can answer both questions addressed to him, if an elevated spirit. The Sun is one, yet it radiates its surroundings, its rays taking away, without dividing. Similarly, spirits. The thought of the Spirit is like a spark that projects away her light and can be seen from all points of the compass. The purer it is the Spirit, the more your thinking radiates and extends as light. (Item 282, question 30)

294. A child's soul is a spirit still wrapped in bands of matter, but this selfless, enjoys his faculties of Spirit, because the Spirit are not old, which proves that the child ever lived. However, until they find completely off of matter, can save, language, character traits of the child. (Item 282, question 35) 

Answers to questions

A. How to qualify the mediums of physical effects? 

Especially suitable for producing material phenomena, such as the motion of inert bodies, the noises etc., Mediums of physical effects are divided into Mediums and mediums involuntary optional. The optional aware of their power and act of their own volition. The involuntary unaware of their power and influence of spirits receive without their knowing or want. (The Book of Mediums, items 160 and 161.) 

B. that are hearing Mediums? 

They hear the voice of spirits and can thus enter into conversation with them. Sometimes what you hear is an inner voice that is heard in conscience, other times it is a foreign voice, clear and distinct as a person incarnate. This college is very nice when the medium hears only good spirits or just what he calls, but the same does not happen when a bad spirit if surrounds him and makes him listen to every minute of the nastiest things. (Ibid., item 165.)They hear the voice of spirits and can thus enter into conversation with them. Sometimes what you hear is an inner voice that is heard in conscience, other times it is a foreign voice, clear and distinct as a person incarnate. This college is very nice when the medium hears only good spirits or just what he calls, but the same does not happen when a bad spirit if surrounds him and makes him listen to every minute of the nastiest things. (Ibid., item 165.) 

C. What are speakers Mediums? 

In this variety of Mediums, currently designated trance Mediums, the Spirit acts on the organs of the word. The medium is expressed speaker generally unaware of what he says, and often says things completely out of their usual ideas, their knowledge, and even the scope of their intelligence. While it is perfectly awake and in the normal state, rarely preserves the memory of what he said. The passivity of the medium or psychophonic speaker is not always as complete; them there are those who have a sense of what they say in the same instant that pronounce words, others are used as a sort of interpreter, ie get the thought of the Spirit communicating and expressing their own words. (Ibid., item 166.) 

D. What mediums are somnambulistic? 

Somnambulism can be considered a variety of mediumistic faculty, or rather, are two orders of phenomena that are often met. The somnambulist acts under the influence of his own Spirit: is your soul that at the time of emancipation, see, hear and see outside the boundaries of the senses, is therefore a psychic phenomenon. The medium, in contrast, is the instrument of a foreign intelligence; passive instrument is, and what he says does not come from him. But the Spirit who communicates by a common medium may well do it for a sleepwalker. The state of emancipation of the soul, while sleepwalking, this makes communication easier, there and then we can consider it a medium-somnambulist sleepwalker or a medium. (Ibid., items 172-174).



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