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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 6 - N° 278 – September 16, 2012

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


Fight Between Siblings


Twelve year old Celeste has a good heart, is loving and observant of her duties. At school, she is always surrounded by a bunch of classmates and has many friends. She is held in esteem by all. However, despite her qualities, she is always at odds with her ten year old brother, Matthew.

Upon hearing an argument, their mother would stop whatever she was doing and rushed to respond, because their fights were ugly.

And Celeste soon complained, crying:

- Mom, Matthew broke my stereo system! He uses all that is mine! I can't take it anymore! ...

And the boy, angrily, would explain shouting:

- Mom! I did not break anything! I was looking for a book that I needed and the unit fell off the shelf by itself! It was badly placed, that's all! ...

- That's a lie, mom! He loves to break my stuff! I can't stand this brat anymore! - Celeste retorted sobbing.

And the mother was in the middle of the two, trying to calm them down:

- My children, you are siblings and need to get along! You can't fight all the time!

But to no avail. When it was not for a reason, it was for another: it would be Celeste's bike that Matthew would take without asking permission, or school supplies that would disappear from her backpack, or a book that he had torn, or some candy that she had saved and he ate, and so on. There was always a reason for an argument between the siblings.

One day, tired of the familial war and not knowing what to do after another fight, the mother seized the opportunity that Matthew was out playing with a friend and that Celeste was calmer to try to solve the problem.

She approached and sat near Celeste, who was in the living room reading a book. The girl stopped reading and looked at her, waiting for her to speak. Kindly, the mother said:

- My dear, we can't go on like this. The ambience of our house is horrible with so many misunderstandings. This is not what we learn from Jesus.

And the girl, sad, replied upset:

- I know, mom, and I also do not understand how these things happen. Before I know it, we're already fighting! It's stronger than me. The truth is that I can't stand my brother!

Her mother hugged her and considered:

- Do not say that, dear. When God puts us in the same family, living together in at home, it is a sign that we need to love each other. If we have difficulties with someone, it is because an adjustment is necessary. The purpose is to love one another!

- I know, mom, but I can't! Matthew always manages to get me aggravated!

The mother smiled, adding:

- Which means you do not have patience and need to develop it in your heart, dear.

Nestled to her mother, the girl agreed:

- I know, mom. But what can I do? ...

- Celeste, you are older than Matthew. So it is natural that the comprehension comes from you. Thus, try looking at him with less critical eyes. Exercise goodness in your attitudes, try to put yourself in his place. This way, I'm sure that your understanding, patience and tolerance will increase. What do you think?

- I'll try, mom. But I don't know if I can.

- No, my dear. Say: I'll do it! Furthermore, it is preferable to resolve your problem with Matthew now, because when we can't accomplish the task that God has entrusted to us in the present, we will be back tomorrow, in another life, with greater difficulty, to start over and do it.

- You're right, mom. I'll change, I promise!

That same day, Celeste was thinking about how to approach her brother when she saw him sad, sitting by the gate. Looking at him differently, she approached him and asked him why he was sad.

- It's because I got nothing to do! My friend promised to come play with me, but he didn't come.

- Ah! Do not worry, he must have been delayed! - and wanting to really get along with him, asked:

- Meanwhile, would you care for some ice-cream? I'm buying!

The boy stood up at once, bright eyed and full of excitement, unable to believe her sister's invitation:

- Of course I would!

They walked together talking as friends. At the ice-cream parlour, Matthew chose what he wanted and sat down to have his ice-cream. The boy looked at his sister surprised with her new attitude. Not resisting, he asked:

- You are different with me, Celeste. What happened?

- Nothing. Just remembered when I was your age and the difficulties I faced. Will you forgive me for the fights, Matthew?
- Of course I forgive you. But Celeste, I swear I never acted badly on purpose! I think I'm really clumsy, as mom says.

They looked at each other and laughed.

At home, when she saw them together, their mother smiled happily and told the boy:

- Matthew, your friend is waiting for you!

The boy ran to see his friend, and the mother looked at Celeste asking:

- I saw you going out with Matthew. How was it, dear?

- Excellent, mom! Much easier than I thought! Now I see that there's no point in trying to run away from a problem. Basically, it takes a decision on our part to resolve the

difficulties. If we do our part, everything else falls into place! I am very happy! Thank you, mom. If it weren't for you! ...


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on 06/08/2012.)


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