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Year 6 - N° 277 – September 9, 2012

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com 


The universal life

(1st Part)

Paulo Artur Gonçalves

One of two things: either we go on to higher levels, through the logical pillars of the Spiritist Codification towards upper levels of understanding of what the universe is in a more advanced dimension, many of which, as yet, unimaginable in expression and context of life - or we counter pose new and dangerous dogmas, petrified within the strict literal meanings, under other religious and philosophical dogmas whose effects are of stagnating order as well as being harmful to the human evolution and are severely felt to this day on planet Earth!

Through the Codification of Allan Kardec, the spirit world has told us about the vertiginous tip of the iceberg of knowledge which is important for the advancement of mankind, who is still submerged in obstructive levels of earthly materiality. The spirit world unveiled a splendid portal of  transition to broader realities, which surpass all storied notions to date, the limited empirical framework Cartesian science has available. In no time, however, the spirit world intended in any excerpts from their main works of the spiritist philosophy, defining all the knowledge regarding Life, or the ultimate truth about everything to which it refers. Instead, it left in no uncertain terms the wide road still to be explored during our multi-millenary learning process! 

Of the the inhabited worlds

At the time of Allan Kardec the spirit world has told us about the inhabited worlds without disclosing the minor details regarding the subject as it was evident that the magnitude of information would not be within the range of capabilities of the minds of past generations, let alone the details within the scope of these wonderful written works – dividing factors for the human thought and spiritual progress. Works which are in no way stagnant or definite as a final information piece, within the long path along which we obtain a fertile and unheard learning curve regarding our spiritual life; which is intrinsic to the uncountable worlds and that await for us in the right time as the only and absolute certainty; after the period of our vertiginous passage through a bodily life!

Regarding the plurality of inhabited worlds; may our spiritualist thought school brothers free themselves in time from paralysing dogma and orthodoxy. Our spiritualist school brothers who are keen on the new surprising aspects that are revealed by the successive generations of reincarnated workers, who are obedient to their important mission together with their mentors from the invisible world. These workers, who attend the present times to talk to us about particular sublime details of spirit world cities, colonies, stations and worlds that are vibrating in stepped pattern of energy, ahead or beyond from the material world (realm). The more evolved worlds are purified headquarters from everything with which we temporarily live on planet Earth!

If for many scholars, mediums and sympathizers of the spiritist knowledge the truth of the intimacy of life in levels of energy of different vibrational levels manifesting itself becomes commonplace, in infinite dimensions, to the ethereal heights of the imponderable, what astonishment one would feel on hearing of the heady description of the buildings and densely populated cities, of superior vital habits and contexts comparing to the cramped patterns of the earthly crust – be it Mars, in the books The Dawn, in Elysium or in Astral City?!

The Spirit Eurícledes Formiga has already reported to us in his wonderful book - Life on a Happy Planet about the spiritual life of the great master of classical music Johann Sebastian Bach, an inhabitant of the invisible dimensions of Mars!

Dear Friends! There is only a motto to be adopted so that in this excessive zeal, we do not end up burying the glorious dawn of the human Spirit, raised by the radiant chanting of the Codification in shrouds of asphyxiation similar to those sedimented around what once was the authentic lighthouse bequeathed by Jesus two millennia ago, for our permanent liberation from the mistakes on the upward path!The memory, at any time, of that which the Master of Judea, knower of the eternal inheritance of our destinations, enunciated to the infantile minds of his time; which are nowadays more mature - but running endless and always in need of this indelible warning against the treacherous traps of the arrogance, vanity, of the unproductive pride and who are willing to flaunt to the world the pretentious ultimate truth: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now, when he, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you into all truth "(John, 16) and" There are many mansions in my Father's house "(John 14, 2).

Wake up! We are not alone in the Universe! 

Those who habitually read my articles know that I have been studying Ufology, especially under the spiritist point of view. The main reason for me to be interested in this subject is: viewing experiences since childhood.  Therefore after encountering strange objects above my head many times, I decided that it was time to investigate what was taking place. From then on, the certainty to spread and share my discoveries and conclusions only grew. Because it is starkly evident that something powerful leads us to this initiative.  Something we only understand when we delve into sincere research of the UFO phenomena in growing scale around the whole of the planet!!

Some of you may argue that this is not interesting to you as it is far away from your more immediate reality! I want, somehow, to clarify that this way of thinking is a mistake for the simple fact that, this Universe and the near space to Earth is infested with Life!

And not only the kind of life we see at the time in our skies and which peacefully carries on its course to the infinite; but the kind of life that interacts with us more and more, here, and in the majority of time to our absentia!! I repeat: infested!

I have had access to astonishing images and documents; pictures and videos of space missions. I have encountered appalling scenes of UFOs in droves strolling quietly in the immediate outer space of Earth, as in the deeper space of our Solar System. I am not even referring here to the aspects relating to the variety of dimensions and levels at which these phenomena manifest themselves, which is lately well researched and analyzed by the faction of spiritualist ufologists. I mean the UFOs themselves seen and filmed by space missions, and stylish images captured and footage produced in the traditional way here on Earth! An astonishing prodigality of simultaneous events, mixing with other phenomena asking for study and explanation: lights, flashes moving so seemingly intelligently; circular shapes at the hills surrounding the Russian and American space modules; ruins of civilizations on Mars, extraterrestrial bases, more gigantic UFOs; in countless shapes and sizes; artificial constructions on the moon, Europa (Jupiter's moon), and Mars; forests on Mars; squadrons of ships ...

The surprise is that this topic is not the privilege of a few but of many scholars from other countries, as in the case of the Canadian who, using the technology of their professional work with cable TV, eventually accessed nothing less than stunning images of several space missions, such as Mir.

Many also came to the conclusion that some major reason - perhaps the imminence of a forceful contact with these civilizations that have been visiting us for centuries, given the amazing growth of occurrences of contact in recent decades - is compelling the authorities themselves, interested in secrecy, to give carte blanche to some extent, to access to these reports, as follows: those who are interested, so that they finally take note of the fact, without intervention on our part. No threats or men in black ... (1)

But there are yet those who allege that everything seen in outer space is something made up here. And to this I answer: would a secret project in this field have been able to produce flying objects 12 km wide?! Or as wide as Earth, such as those giants ones that were photographed flying in Jupiter’s proximity?! And thousands of others already filmed and photographed in deep space, of bizarre and unusual features and constitutions?!Objects that change shape constantly, as observed by the crew of a commercial flight in France, fleeting lights that shoot as if they dematerialised, besides the cases involving telepathic contacts with beings? Where would all this fit in!??

It's the pretext of these larger realities with which we are in touch in swift and frightening scale I pay my contribution, to deploy a more reliable view than what Life in fact is in the UniverseLife is universal, and around us at all levels and cosmic quadrants! It surrounds us all, just above our atmosphere, in space, with amazing profligacy, in dimensions inaccessible to our physical senses and well above us, eventually, in countless cases of those who have contacted or at least have seen them! It is, therefore, of our total interest that we at least make awareness of these realities and we place ourselves in readiness to all that may be about to happen in the short or long term, radically changing the very structures of our history, culture and civilization in its already cracked foundations, as it has not been allowed idly by holders of manoeuvres and cover-ups that such reports are gradually reaching us in subtle rhythm, and at this point, inexorable! 

Life in the Universe – indisputable evidences 

Many times I have wondered if it is worth elaborating articles on this theme. In fact, in some moments I am convinced that mankind is still lethargic for such a theme. Immature. Anachronistic. The certainty comes to me that much is needed before the final conscienciousness of this inevitable reality is awaiting for us further ahead: the universal life, be it extra-terrestrial or multi-dimensional is a fact – not a belief. I make this affirmation out of many mediumistic experiences as well as field research. Such experiences transmit to me these impressions, and on the hand, they also demonstrate that there are a lot of people wishing to get to know the subject and are interested; however not interested enough to engage seriously.

It is understandable. Each one lives involved in their own context in the world. Each one follows their own personal history full of daily events and moves that deserve priority attention, naturally, and above all these ruminations over things still considered inconsistent and hazy. You see, if UFOs are not raining in the skies during the days or nights to the point of attracting massive attention, for another, the turmoil inherent to our convulsed times creates a distancing of an inevitable reality that for most of the inhabitants of the earth, remains almost only virtually possible. Virtually confined to sporadic occasions when it is intentionally poorly addressed by the mass media; with a few known witnesses, or someone who says he saw "something strange" in the heavens - rushing just to point out that it cannot say what actually it was - or who knows someone who knows someone who saw or something similar. But what does this mean for our more immediate concerns? ...

(This article will be resumed next issue.) 




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