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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 268 – July 8, 2012

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Mediums' Book

Allan Kardec

(Part  18)

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. What are the instructive communications?

B. It should be criticizing the spirit communications?

C. What is a medium?

D. What to do when the option arises spontaneously in an individual any mediumship?

Text for reading 

169. Referring to the magnetic  curator action, the spirits told to Kardec the magnetic force that resides in man, but is increased by the action of the spirits he calls to his aid. When a person magnetize someone with the purpose of curing, and invokes the help of a good spirit, this increases the strength and will of the magnetizer, directs your fluid and gives the necessary qualities. (Item 176, second. Question)

170. These people are therefore true mediums, for that act under the influence of spirits, that, however, does not mean that whatever writing mediums. (Item 176, 6th. Question)

171. Give the name pneumatography mediums who have an aptitude for direct writing, which is not possible for all mediums or psychics scribes. This faculty, which shows very rare, and has no practical use is limited to a patent proof of the intervention of an unseen force in the demonstrations. (Section 177)

172. Whoever, either in the normal state, as in ecstatic, strange communications received by the thought of their preconceived ideas, may be included in the category of inspired mediums, forming thus a variety of intuitive mediumship, with the difference that intervention of an unseen force that's much less sensitive. When inspiration is even more difficult to distinguish the thought of what you own is suggested. Spontaneity is what mainly characterizes the thinking arising out of spirits. (Section 182)

173. The inspiration comes from the spirits who influence us for good or ill, yet it proceeds mainly those who want our good and whose advice very often not followed. (Section 182)

174. The inspiration takes place, often with respect to the most common conditions of life. For example, the individual wants to go somewhere, a secret voice tells him not go, because danger. It is the inspiration. (Section 183)

175. The feeling is a vague intuition of things to come. It may be due to a kind of second-sight, which allows one to foresee the consequences of things to come, but often is also the result of hidden communications, and especially in this case, can you give to those who are endowed with the name of it of presentiments of mediums, which are inspired by a variety of mediums. (Section 184)

176. Nature always keeps communications about the nature of Spirit and brings the stamp of his elevation, or the inferiority of his knowledge, or ignorance. (Section 185)

177. They can be divided mediums into two broad categories: a) mediums of physical effects: those who have the power to cause material effects, or overt manifestations; b) mediums of intellectual effects: those who are more apt to receive and transmit communications intelligent . (Section 187) 

Answers to questions

A. What are the instructive communications? 

Instructive are the serious communications whose principal object is in any teaching given by the spirits, on science, morality, philosophy, etc.. They are more or less deep, according to the degree of elevation and dematerialization of the Spirit. Qualifying for instructional communications, supomo it true, because what is not true can not be instructive, even if said in the most impressive language. Then this category, we can not include certain teachings that have only a serious way, often blistered and emphatic, that the spirits that dictate more presumptuous than instructed, have mislead those who receive them. (The Mediums' Book, item 137.)

B. It should be criticizing the spirit communications? 

Yes A spirit communication can be serious, ie, weighting for that matter, high in shape, and yet be false. Not all serious spirits are also understood, there is much that they ignore and over who can make mistakes in good faith. That is why the spirits truly superior recommend us, continually, that we submit all communications to the test of reason and the most rigorous logic. (Ibid., item 136.)

C. What is a medium? 

Any person who feels in some degree the influence of spirits is a medium, ie, intermediate between those and the corporeal world. This capability is inherent in man and therefore not an exclusive privilege. Few people there who do not show rudiments of college. One can say therefore that we are all mediums. It applies, however, the adjective medium only those whose college medianímica is clearly characterized by effects and translates patents and a certain intensity, which requires a body more or less sensitive. It should be noted also that this facility is not at all in the same way; mediums usually have a special aptitude for this or that kind of phenomena, which gives so many varieties of mediums are many kinds of manifestations. (Ibid., item 159.)

D. What to do when the option arises spontaneously in an individual any mediumship? 

The correct in this case is to let the phenomenon follow its normal course: nature is wiser than men and Providence is wiser, having given their goals, the least of them may be the instrument of the greatest achievements. It is always useful, so try to put yourself in relation to the Spirit to know from him what he wants. The invisible beings who reveal their presence by sensible effects are generally low grade and that we can take the moral ascending, ascending is this morality that must be acquired. To get it, it is necessary to pass the individual's state of the natural psychic medium optional, which is fully aware of its power and spiritualistic phenomena produced by the act of his will. Thus, instead of hindering phenomena, which can rarely and not always without danger, we must take the medium to produce them by his will, imposing to the Spirit, rather than being dominated by it. Hereby, the medium gets to control the Spirit and a tyrannical ruler sometimes he can make one be obedient and often very docile. The moralization of the Spirit by the advice of an influential and experienced third party, if the medium does not meet the conditions to do so, it is also a very effective way. (Ibid., item 162.)



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