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Year 6 - N° 267 – July 1st, 2012

Biguaçu, SC (Brasil)

Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


Space, Time and the Spirit 

(Part 2, the final) 

João Fernandes da Silva Júnior

Within our timid vision of an inhabitant of planet Earth, the main reason of all the planets have atmosphere (3) would not be that biological beings living in each world can breathe? Obviously, being diversified to infinity, the life that exists in each world is fully adapted to the environment in which it appeared, and also, life evolves together with the environmental changes that occur in each globe in the course of millennia. 

Andre Luiz (4) explains that about 70% of our food is processed by the nasal cavities, so we feed ourselves with the chemicals present in the atmosphere. It does not take a scholar or a PhD in any area of human knowledge to realize that without the presence of organic and spiritual life, the orbs would not useless globes floating in outer space. 

Nowadays we are living in an era of rapid progress in all areas of human knowledge, and psychology is approaching more and more the concept that originally had been proposed by the great Greek scholar Aristotle (384-322 BC), that it is Science of the Soul. 

The human psyche can not be considered as resulting from the activity of a set of several billion neurons, because the surveys were conducted by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936) by Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) and others had already found that there is a "component" in nature extraphysical acting in the brain of humans, and that such "component" is something that has no physical basis. 

What defines a human being in its essence is not really the presence of head, trunk and limbs composing a body, since there are innumerable anomalies which may cause babies to be born without arms, without legs, with two etc. heads. And so understanding the question, what actually defines what a human being is the presence in the biological organism, is the essence of conscious, intelligent individual, which is commonly called the Spirit and the Spirit is the agent nonphysical carrier the emotional charge of various capacities, reasoning etc.. Therefore, based on this information, it is inconsistent that someone may believe that the wealth of intellect and moral acquisitions of every human being is completely lost after the death of the biological body. 

The mediumship has always been present among the peoples 

Having an excellent source to consult the voluminous historical record-that was left by the religious people of the distant past, we find again and again the information that the components - especially the more enlightened - of civilizations Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Israeli, Celtic , Roman, Japanese etc.. longer believed in such facts as the immortality of the soul and also in communication between men and the "dead". As a result, in Memphis, the priests had - among other activities - the function of evoking the "gods" for them to prescribe medicines and treatments in order to heal the sick. At Thebes there was a lot of priests initiated into the truths of the immortal spirit. In Babylon, the wizards were always referred to people which will assist in solving various problems. In Delphos, the oracle had become so popular that even people from distant countries would consult with him. In Jerusalem, the prophets warned the people for centuries about the future birth of a Messiah who would free them. in the city of Nineveh, fortune tellers and astrologers were thought to be the intermediaries between the "gods" and men. In Japan and China, the "dead" are today revered and regarded as protectors of men. Because of all these facts we have discussed, it is not difficult to see the obvious presence of something that can not be set aside by those who seek to broaden their knowledge in the field of Metaphysics. The mediumship has always been present among all people, as history records since the most distant times. 

It is common knowledge that, although in its initial stage, she was deeply associated with the dominant religion (5). The modern occidental science took its first and wobbly steps _ during the decline of the Middle Ages. However, we also know that the main exponents of this new sector of human knowledge were not exactly what could be defined as scientists, and yes, religious thinkers _ linked to the Catholic Church, and precisely because of the occurrence of this fact, the predominance of the dogmas , popular beliefs, superstitions etc. was absolute about the novice scientific research and that still lacked an adequate methodology of action, because among many other obvious reasons, the view that prevailed in those times of extreme difficulty was that science had as paper fundamental function of proving the Bible passages. And the result was that all researchers and thinkers who did not intend to follow through this (tortuous) path suffered the fatal inquisitorial charges. (6) 

A giant scientific revolution happens actually 

After many centuries of religious oppression and extreme suffering, many changes took place, thanks to the gradual process of evolution of human thought, due to the efforts of a very large number of martyrs. The scientists and free thinkers were able to obtain the long awaited freedom of thought and expression, and then they adopted the position to question the "Bible", as those texts, regarded as sacred, were not able to support the critical examination of reason, thus creating a gradual process of separation between science and religion (in this case, Catholicism). Soon - in order to depart in a definitive way of dogmas and of all that was not possible to be registered through the physical senses - scientists have adopted an essentially materialistic vision, even to the point of denying the peremptory existence of God, the Spirits and the so-called supernatural phenomena, paranormal (events perceived as demonic in origin). 

Currently a new aspect has been presented to researchers around the world: an understanding that some religious philosophies - including, Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism - have addressed matters which are essentially scientific, albeit veiled, expressing a variety of concepts related to current discoveries in the field of quantum physics, Psychosomatic Medicine, the Past Life Therapy etc. 

The Law of Reversibility between Matter and Energy (7) - presented by Dr. German physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955) - is regarded as being an extension of the Law of Lavoisier (1743-1794), which, in turn, is seen as a reinterpretation of the old alchemical concept which set out a deeply esoteric idea that "everything is in everything." (8)

The giant scientific revolution that we are presently living is generating an increasingly less materialistic view about people and facts. New concepts are emerging broader, elucidating a large number of old questions, and pointing to horizons above nor imagined. 

In the future, a bridge will link science and religion 

We found that is very common among people comment that faith and logic are two things that don't blend, and we agree with this view, but rather that our readers to judge what we mistakenly commenting here, we say that there common faith and spiritist faith (or faith reasoned), is based on reason, and as a natural consequence of this, the spiritist faith and certainty are synonymous. The common faith and logic are incompatible, while reasoned faith and logic are two elements that form a harmonious whole. 

Many religions preach that only the human being participating in them will find their salvation, however, is quite obvious that, for someone to be saved, it must first be convicted of something, and here comes in the legend of the original sin committed by Adam and Eve, and as a direct consequence of sin, all humans are born with the marked stigma in the soul. Consider this question in a very straightforward: human justice, which is still so flawed, does not condemn the parents, grandparents and other family members just because someone was born in that family who entered the world of crime. But if human justice does not condemn an entire family just because it is a member who commits assault or uses toxic, as the Divine Justice, which is perfect, condemn all members of humanity because of something that hypothetically had been made 6,000 years ago? 

It is logical that the social environment in which we live influences us, but it is precisely so that we can overcome the difficulties that we are born into a certain social environment, and we, spiritualists, know that to acquire understanding of this fact we must know reincarnatory mechanism. 

Particularly, we believe that when a religion is imposed on his followers by threatening them with the concept of hell, purgatory, etc.., She completely loses its main function, which is to pacify the human heart by moral teachings, and precisely because of many religions are based on inconsistent dogmas, was established a gulf between science and religion. In the future, a bridge religará science and religion. 



(1) The Book of Spirits (question 112), Allan Kardec.

(2) Genesis (Chapter VI, General Astronomy) by Allan Kardec.

(3) to infinity Although varying the chemical composition of each.

(4) Evolution at two Worlds (Part II, Food Spirits).

(5) Catholicism.

(6) As was the case with Jan Hussinet (1369-1415), the Dominican Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), who were burned alive for disagreeing with the Catholic dogma, Galileo Galilei (1564-1642), who had to portray itself publicly not to be condemned to die by fire, and more.

(7) E = m.c ² (E = energy, m = mass, and c = speed of light squared).

(8) The Spirit's Book (question number 33).


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