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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 267 – July 1st, 2012

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Mediums' Book

Allan Kardec

(Part  17)

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. The Spirits return to place where they were buried?

B. What is typtology?

C. The spirits who communicate through raps are called rapping spirits?

D. The spirit communications are divided into many categories?

Text for reading 

160. The moralization of a spirit by the advice of an experienced and influential third person, not being the medium in a position to do so is often a very effective way. (Item 162)

161. It was thought at first that the category of mediums of physical effects that should include the persons possessing a certain amount of natural electricity, real human torpedoes, by simple contact that produce all the effects of attraction and repulsion. It is wrong, however, consider them mediums, because the true mediumship implies the intervention of one Spirit. (Item 163)

162. Conclusive experiments have proved that electricity is the sole agent of these phenomena. This strange college can sometimes be combined with mediumship, but more often than not, independent of any psychic ability. As noted earlier, the only evidence of the intervention of spirits is the intelligent character of the demonstrations. Since this character does not exist, the foundation is to be attributed to purely physical causes. The question is whether people are electric or not more likely than others to become mediums of physical effects. We believe so, but only experience can show it. (Item  163)

163. Mediums sensitive or impressionable people are likely to feel the presence of spirits for a vague impression, a kind of light touch on all its members. Sensation that they can not explain. This variety does not have a well defined character. Faculty rudimentary essential to the development of all others, it develops the habit and may acquire such subtlety, that he who possesses it recognizes, for the impression that experience, not only nature, good or bad, the Spirit that is on their side, but even their individuality. A good spirit always produces a mild and pleasant impression. The caused by a bad spirit is painful, distressing, unpleasant. There is a smell to it as impurity. (Item 164)

164. We must distinguish between accidental and spontaneous appearances faculty itself of seeing spirits. The former are common, especially at the time of death of the seer who knew and loved or that are preventing that have died. Of other times, they are relatives or friends who, though dead for more or less time, appear to warn of a danger, to give advice or to request a service. (Item  168)

165. These appearances are isolated incidents, which always have an individual character and personal, and not an effect of faculty itself. The faculty is the possibility, if not permanent, at least very common to see any Spirit that is present. The ownership of this faculty is what forms, properly speaking, psychic medium. (Item  168)

166. Kardec describes what the seeing medium, who was beside her in a theater, saw during the performance of the opera Oberon: a) many of the empty seats were occupied by spirits; b) some of them put together of some viewers, as if to listen to them conversation c) on the stage behind the actors, many youthful spirits of humor enjoyed them imitating the gestures; d) other, more serious, seemed to inspire the singers and made efforts to give them energy, and) one of them always kept near one of the main singers (was his spiritual guide). Evoked then the Spirit of Weber, author of the opera, said that the execution of the work was very loose: the actors lacked inspiration. Then he decided to animate them, and the seer saw hovering above the actors and an effluvium, which broke it, spilled over into the interpreters, who were then much more animated. (Item  169)

167. The faculty of seeing spirits can be developed, but is one that should be expected to develop naturally. When we are frequent cases of spontaneous apparitions, did not want to say that they are very common. As for mediums, themselves, are even rarer and have long been suspicious of those who possess this faculty inculcate. It is prudent not to give them credit, but in the face of positive evidence. (Item  171)

168. The somnambulistic lucidity is a faculty that takes root in the body which is independent at all, the moral advancement of the individual. (Item  174) 

Answers to questions 

A. The Spirits return to place where they were buried? 

Generally, no. The body was just a dress and they do not care about the housing that did suffer more than the prisoner in his chains. The memory of those dear to them is the only thing to which they give value. (The Mediums' Book, item 132, paragraph 8.)

B. What is typtology?

It is the language of the strokes. The first manifestations were obtained by smart blows, which offered very limited resources to communication with spirits. The shots were taken in two ways by special mediums. The first of these consists in the movement of the table, which tilts itself up on one side, and then falls back, striking the floor with its foot.  To obtain this effect, the medium has Only to place his hands on the edge of the table ; A knock meant yes and two no. The drawback was the brevity of responses and the difficulty of formulating questions so as to achieve a yes or a no. After emerged typtology alphabet in that each letter of the alphabet was designated by a number of strokes, that is, a blow to the letter, the letter b for two and so on. This method is also very time consuming and, therefore, there was a way to use more current in the person in front of him completely written an alphabet and the numbers marking the number of units. While the medium is on the table, another person goes through successively the letters of the alphabet, whether it is a word, or numbers, to reach the required letter, the table itself hits a bump and write the letter; so the trial proceeded. Later we used the so-called Table Girardin, in remembrance of the use to which it was Mrs. Emily de Girardin. This instrument consists of a lid movable table 30 to 40 cm in diameter, open and easily by turning on its axis, as a wheel. Around him, on the surface are drawn numbers, letters and the words yes and no. In the center there is a fixed needle. Upon landing the medium of your fingers on the board table, it turns and stops when the desired letter is under the needle. (Ibid., items 139 to 144.)

C. The spirits who communicate through raps are called rapping spirits?

No. typtology is a medium like any other and is no less worthy of high spirits than writing or word. The Spirits that are not worth punching, therefore, rapping spirits. This name should be reserved for those who may be called tappers by profession and thereby enjoy doing things to entertain a group. They are inferior spirits, to which it applies very well to the designation of charlatans and mountebanks of the spiritual world. (Ibid., item 145.)

D. The spirit communications are divided into many categories?

Given the infinite variety that exists among spirits, under the double aspect of intelligence and morality, the communications they transmit can be grouped into four main categories. According to its most pronounced, they are crude, frivolous, serious or instructive. (Ibid., item 133.)



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