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Year 6 - N° 266 - June 24, 2012

Biguaçu, SC (Brasil)

Pedro Campos - pedro@aliseditora.com.br 


Space, Time and the Spirit 

(Part 1) 

João Fernandes da Silva Júnior

We Begin this piece by making a comment that we consider of great relevance for those dedicated to the study of the evolution of mankind. In order to acquire a greater knowledge about life and its many forms of manifesting on planet Earth, it is crucial that we start analyzing the evolutionary mechanism from a spiritualistic viewpoint (because that conception will open for all researchers, without a doubt, a wide range of information, resulting in more knowledge by scientists who will be able to understand the structure of the psyche of the Spirit). Nowadays there’s no more way to deny the existence of a metaphysical reality around all of us. 

The book “Space, Time and Spirit” is the product of a lot of research done in order to present the information with the rightful quality to our readers.

So much so that spiritualists know very well what materialism is, in fact a pseudo-philosophy, and empty doctrine, which does not present proof of the inexistence of a Superior Being neither proves that the spirit is a mere “mental secretion”. 

The gradual evolution of thinking made human beings more eager to understand – even if partially – those events that transcend the limits of physical matter, and because of that accredit the existence and the action of “something else” that transcends the borders of the biological and psychic organization of human beings and inferior animals. 

We are not just an organized amount of matter, we are intelligent beings situated outside the context of space-time and we find ourselves temporarily connected –electromagnetically- to a biological organism so that we can perform freely in the plane of forms, thus, acquiring a higher degree of intellectual-moral evolution on every contact with baryonic matter, interacting with it and learning through it. 

The stages of the intelligent principle in the kingdoms of Nature 

Through many revelations of a medium kind, we, spiritualists, know that the long process of evolution of living beings produces as a result a great number of qualitative transformations in the so-called intelligent principles (or spiritual monads), and such patterns of transformation make every intelligent principle apprentice in every kingdom of Nature for relatively long periods of time, aiming at, mainly, enabling all intelligent principles to emerge from their own conscious structure, of reasoning and superior aspirations, when they will finally reach the phase of being born within the components of the Human Kingdom, following through their journey of growth in the midst of indigenous groups (which reside in primitive worlds and in worlds of trials and expiations), to the point where, gradually, through each one’s efforts, they are able to reach the vital degree of lucidity that allows for the birth among the members of a more advanced civilization than the previous one, in which they lived, proceeding in this never ending march to, after billions of years of evolution, they reach the stage of pure Spirits, freed from the illusions created by the contact with the baryonic matter (1)

In our days, as civilized although little spiritualized people, we outline our life projects using reasoning, intelligence and creativity, and are no longer governed by the impulses of brute force and rudeness that are characteristics of primitive men. 

Anyone with the common sense to observe attentively the actual moment of planet Earth will clearly realize that our technological advancements are allowing for a safer study of the phenomena present in our macrocosmic universe, and also those events that belong to the reality of the microcosmic universe as well. It is undeniable that we are advancing more and more in the understanding of all the things around us, however, each one of us – incarnated or disincarnated – is also a universe that presents itself filled with questions, and such questions need to be answered by ourselves, for our own process of intellectual-moral development. 

The atom is the starting point of all Spirits 

Another point that is also important within this overview of facts that we are hereby presenting, is that inside each one of us – in our millennial psychic files – there are countless records of the language and even the culture of each of the civilizations we were part of (possibly more than once) in a remote past. And mainly because of that, the most varied information concerning the peoples who have long gone may well be part of our millennial mnemonic assets. 

We evolve spiritually and intellectually as we gather a considerable number of information about the many facts that we experience throughout our life’s trajectory. 

We must think that, in the answer given by the disincarnated for question #540 in “The Book of Spirits”,  there’s the information that the atom is the starting point of all Spirits, however, the kind of atom they refer to is still unknown. 

May we consider the psi-atoms and the intelligent principles as being synonyms?  

Will Quantum physics become an auxiliary in helping us understand in a more broad way the mechanisms of metaphysical action of spiritual entities?

The understanding about the true nature of Spirits will be able to change – for the better – our way of thinking about the true sense of physical life. 

Three new concepts emerged with Quantum Physics 

We are aware of the many difficulties modern researchers face in order to be able to penetrate a theme that is, by itself, extremely complex and broad such as life outside matter, however, with all the advancements that are being achieved and taking into account a world of information that the future will surely have in store for us – through hard scientific work done in the four corners of the planet -, we believe that science will reach such a high point of understanding that it will make possible for the population to have a more clear and objective perception of the existence of a self-created Creator (the great Architect of the Universe), and then, finally, scientists will be able to cross the materialistic barriers that already find themselves shaken in their fragile foundations. 

Three new concepts emerged with Quantum Physics: 

a) Discontinued movement;

b) Non-located interconnection;

c) Descendent coincidence. 

The three concepts afore mentioned are quite useful to better interpret the mechanics of consciousness within a holistic system, for we know that not only parts of a system are contained in the whole, but the laws that rule the whole are present in each of the parts that constitute this system, making it clear that events are interconnected in a global manner, in other words, all is independent and interconnected. This event is currently known as Interconnectedness.  

The use of reasoning – freed from preconceived ideas and fantastic theories – would enable humans to penetrate the realms of the Spirit more safely and with a better result. 

The Cosmos is an essentially dynamic entity 

We are different individuals from one another, and each one’s mindset is unique, each one thinks as he or she pleases, but materialists make no sense when they try to separate organic life from spiritual action, because, in fact, biological life is nothing but a direct consequence of such action.  

The Universe was created to bear life in its countless forms and manifestations in its endless degrees of evolution, therefore, in this sequence of events the Earth cannot be the only planet in which a diversified biological life and intelligent beings can be found.  

The Cosmos is an essentially dynamic entity, and in it transformation is one of its general laws, as announced by the great French chemist Antoine-Laurent de Lavousier (1743-1794): “In nature, nothing is created, nothing is lost everything is transformed”.  

The Spirit Galileu Galilei (1564-16) showed an extensive communication (2) in which He informed that cosmic dust was gathered in a certain point in space, and being telekinetically commanded by the Spirits of Jesus’ team, it suffered countless transformations of a physical chemical kind, giving birth to a giant nebula, which, after billions of years originated the Milky Way which contains in its core a number –for us here on Earth – incalculable of worlds, and approximately 400 billion suns similar to “our” King Star. 

We cannot help but ask you, dear reader: which would be, in your opinion, the primeval function of all the planets? Would it be to be worthlessly spinning around in space, or to contain life adapted to the environment in which it manifests itself? Well, considering the questions above, the highest purpose that we may suppose for the existence of planest would be to allow for mechanisms for the creation and full development of intelligent life. 

(This article will be resumed in next week’s issue.) 



(1) The Book of Spirits (question# 112); by Allan Kardec.

(2) The Genesis (Chapter VI, General Astronomy); by Allan Kardec


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