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Year 6 - N° 263 - June 3, 2012

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)

Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The prophecies and
the Spirit's Book

2012: landmark invented by Hollywood. The prophetic words of Jesus. The question 1019 of The Spirits' Book. The apocalypse as revelation 

Gerson Simões Monteiro

The film produced in 2008, in the United States trying to revive the theme catastrophic - 2012 - THE DOOMSDAY - is, in truth, more an attempt to create a wave of psychological terrorism that the world will end in 2012, exploring baseless the prophecies concerning the changes that the Earth will pass to enter a new era. As we learned, the producers of this film used the Mayan prophecies and tried to Christianize them, but they forgot that when she was conceived, that people had not even heard of Jesus, much less thought to believe in one God.

According to Emmanuel, in Chapter VI of the second part, entitled "dawn of the kingdom of the Lord," from the book Two thousand years ago, psychographed by Chico Xavier,  Jesus entertained in the spiritual world when a group of martyrs killed in the Roman circus, the prophesied that mankind would today. In these prophecies find out how the transition will take place in our world of atonement for the world and evidence of regeneration.  

What will happen no date set 

Here are the words of the Master:

"When darkness is made deeper in the hearts of the earth, determining the use of all human progress for the extermination, to misery and death, my light will pour out upon all flesh, and all that vibrate with my kingdom, and trust my promises, hear our voices and calls sanctifying.

A powerful blow of truth and life will sweep across the Earth, which will pay, then the evolution of its institutes, the heavier taxes of suffering and blood ... Exhausted from receiving the poisonous fluid from the ignominy and the wickedness of its inhabitants, the planet itself will protest against impenitence of men ripping the guts in painful upheavals. The land will form impieties heavy clouds of pain that sprout at the moment opportune, in storms of tears in the dark face of the earth and then the clarities of my mercy, my herd behold and say unfortunate as my emissaries, O Jerusalem, Jerusalem ...

We will work with love, in the workshop of the centuries porvindouros, reorganizaremos all elements destroyed, carefully examine all the ruins searching for material that could use new and renewing of planetary life, to organize the world a new cycle, consolidating with divine truths the Comforter, the final progress of the spiritual man."

"To the mountains" 

In the New Testament, we find in Matthew, in Chapter 24 (prophecy of the destruction of Jerusalem) and 25 (signs of the end of the world), the same sense of Jesus' words recorded in the psychografic novel, by Emmanuel about the time of transition by which the earth is going.

I want to emphasize, though, verse 16, chapter 24, the prophetic words of Jesus, when advised: "So those who are in Judea flee to the mountains," and to understand the meaning of this advice, we will pay the interpretation of Emmanuel, in Chapter 140 of the book the Way, Truth and Life, which is as follows:

‘Referring to the painful moments assinalariam planetary renewal, the Master counseled those who were in Judea search the hills, The warning is profound, because the term "Judea," we must take the "spiritual region" of those who, by the intimate aspirations , approach the Master for the supreme enlightenment.
And the Earth is currently the strongest paintings in this genre. At every corner, settle fights and ruins. Deadly poisons are inoculated by the masses in the political unconscious. The marshland is filled with fog-tre Mendos. The holy places remain full of vile darkness. Some men walk to the sinister glare of fires. Compost is the ground with blood and tears, for the sowing of the future.

It is now time to withdraw from those who remain in Judea for the "hills" of the ideas above. It is essential to keep the student well in the spiritual heights, without abandoning the high cooperation exemplified the Lord on earth, where it consolidates its position as a faithful associate, invincible in peace and hope, convinced that after the passage of men of the disturbance, carrying debris and tears, are the sons of labor who sow joy again, and reconstruct the building of life.’'        

What says The Spirit's Book 

In the face of Jesus 'prophecies about this time we are living on our planet, we checked them with the answer to the question 1019 from Spiritual Benefactors, in The Spirits' Book, when asks Allan Kardec "You can never establish itself in the earth reign of right? ".

Here's what was answered:

"The good will reign on earth when, among the spirits who come to live the good predominate, because then there will make love and justice reign, the source of goodness and happiness. By means of moral progress and practicing the laws of God is the man to attract good spirits to earth and it will remove the bad. These, however, not to leave, but when there are banished pride and selfishness.

Predicted was the transformation of humanity and you avizinhais the moment that will, when the arrival of which all men rush to help the progress. This transformation will occur through the best incarnation of spirits, which constitute a new generation on Earth.

Then the spirits from evil, that death will mowing every day, and all who try to stop the march of things there will be excluded, because that would be displaced between good men, whose happiness disturb. Iran to new worlds, less advanced, perform arduous tasks, working for their own advancement at the same time as the work of their brethren further behind. This ban on spirits of the earth changed, do not perceive the sublime allegory of Paradise Lost, and the coming of man to the earth in these conditions, bearing in itself the germ of his passions, and the traces of its early inferiority, not descobris not less sublime allegory of original sin? Considered from this point of view of original sin still clings to the imperfect nature of man, therefore, is only responsible for yourself, for your own faults and not by their parents.

All you men of faith and goodwill, work, therefore, with courage and zeal in the great work of regeneration, which reap a hundred times the grain whom you have sown.

Woe to those who close their eyes to the light! Prepare themselves for long centuries of darkness and deception. Woe to those who make the goods of this world to source all its joys! Will have to suffer privations much more numerous than the pleasures enjoyed that! Oh, especially the selfish! Will not find those who help carry the burden of their miseries. " 


All of these events for the period of transition we went through to the beginning of a new era were predicted in Revelation, the word originates from Greek, meaning revelation, but he speaks of transition, not destroying the world.

It was John, a disciple of Jesus, already very old and living on the island of Patmos, who wrote the Revelation, the last book of the New Testament. In it, John presents a description of the prophetic visions presented by Jesus about the events by which humanity would pass in future times, which in fact we are already living, violence, famine, disasters, wars fueled by hatred. The language used was figured in several passages: for example, the term "nesting bird eggs fire" describes, in fact, destroying planes dropping bombs. But after all this, Jesus revealed to John the emergence of an era of peace for our world.

Of course we are already living the signs that precede this new era for humanity, provided by Christ, when he prophesied: "You will hear of wars also (...) because they will get up people against people and kingdom against kingdom." But as he himself said in the "Sermon on the Mount," "the gentle and peaceful inherit the earth", ie after the end of all this turmoil, the man will live at peace peace on the planet.



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