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Year 6 - N° 260 - May 13, 2012

Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais (Brasil)

Pedro Campos - pedro@aliseditora.com.br  


From the Atom to angel: the evolution of
intelligent principle

(Part 2 and final)

Ricardo Baesso de Oliveira

How evolution took place

The evolution of living creatures from inferior species is an undisputable fact of science. Studies of fossils show that bacteria without an individual nucleus evolved into unicellular beings with a nuclear membrane and organelles a little more complex. Later, the cooperation between these tiny little creatures made possible the emerging of new pluricelular forms of life and therefore, in a chain of increasing complexity, came along vegetables, inferior creatures, superior creatures and man.

If we take into account only the extreme ends of the chain, there will be no apparent analogy; but if go from one ring to another without a solution of continuity, we arrive, without a brusque transition, at the plant and vertebrate animals. We then understand the possibility that animals of a complex organization are nothing more than a transformation, or, if you will, a gradual development, an insensitive principle, of the lower species and, thus, successively until the primal elementary being.

Following step by step the succession of creatures, one may say that each species is an improvement, a transformation of the species immediately below.

What we argue is how it all happened. The hypothesis most accepted by scientists associates two ideas: natural selection, proposed by Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin in the 19th Century, and Mutationism, an idea presented by Hugo de Vries. Together, these ideas bear the name Neo-Darwinism.

Mutations are transformations in the DNA molecule. As DNA is the mold in which the cell guides itself to synthesize its proteins, modifications in the DNA will be followed by changes in the proteins of the cell and therefore chances in its form and function.

Many mutations are harmful (causing diseases of a genetic kind) or neutral (not having any effect on proteins). A small number of mutations, however, can be beneficial, allowing for some individuals to survive and reproduce in a more effective way than the others (natural selection).

Thus, Neo-Darwinism explains the emergence of new species (mutations undergone by lower species) and the disappearance of old species (they were not fit enough to survive the struggle for life). It is estimated that 99% of the species that existed in the past have perished.

But for the Neo-Darwinism it all took place without a purpose or a reason, but as a result of the blind forces of chance, which is illogical, for blind forces of chance do not produce highly complex and intelligent beings.

To make logic the neo-darwinist proposal, one needs to admit the existence of the intelligent principle, the invisible commander of the evolutionary process.

The evolution of the species in general and of man in particular took place in two states of life: the material and the spiritual. The “missing links of evolution”, that is to say, its inexplicable phenomena happened in the spiritual realm, away from the investigative lenses of scientists. The spiritual principle functions as an intelligent design with its ethereal body comprised of subtle energies, and works as a modeling field of the physical form. The evolutionary achievements of the spiritual principle are shaped in the physical body and the spiritual body simultaneously, in their experiences on the two planes of life.

We may still consider the activity of biologists in the astral plane who, under the loving supervision of Jesus, monitor the progress of the world, intervening when necessary, in the spiritual bodies of the evolutionary forms, during their stage in the spiritual plane. These interventions could be responsible for the mutations necessary to the development of new skills. 

The journey of the intelligent principle 

Created plain and ignorant, the intelligent principle will find the resources that it needs for its improvement in the experiences it will have in the different biological species, in its long evolutionary journey. The body is simultaneously the wrapping and the instrument of the intelligent principle and, as it acquires new skills, it is coated by a layer more appropriate to the new kind of work it is supposed to perform.

The experiences of the spiritual being, whether in the physical plane, the spiritual or the extra-physical one, which will enrich you in your intimate structure and, simultaneously, improve your fluidic layer. In this coming and going, the spiritual principle will go through the harshest screenings of adaptation and selection, taking up the multiple values of organization, of reproduction, of memory, of instinct, of sensitivity, of perception and self preservation, entering, in this way, through a more complex and painstakingly acquired intelligence, the initial zones of reason.  

In the mineral: the attraction 

In the beginning, the spiritual principle influences the atomic-molecular organizations in the mineral kingdom. It’d be like an energetic axis inserted in the core of atoms, molecules, inviting them to unite.

This energetic axis creates, with its vibrations, the aggregation field reflected in the forces of attraction and cohesion, and determines the concentration of energies and the respective condensation in the atoms and molecular arrangements.

Therefore, mineral organization would be a consequence of a power in the togetherness of its atomic units, to orderly guide the aggregation process.

In the core of the mineral, the intelligent principle would absorb experiences, and outside it would gather positions renewing itself; in order to practice new potentials of orientation with the ever-so more complex forces rebuilt by past experiences of similar phenomena. In this coming and going, within or outside matter, there’d be the reincarnation principle in action. 

In the vegetable: the feeling 

All the possible experiences acquired in the mineral, the intelligent principle is ready to take place in the vegetable kingdom.

Now, besides the acquisitions of the previous phase (mineral: attraction), it’d acquire, in the vegetable stage, the new potentials of sensitivity. The sensitivity mentioned here has nothing to do with the complex reactions of the more elaborated Spirit in the man phase.

The sensitivity acquired in the vegetable kingdom has to do with reactions to stimuli, the development of harmonious responses to different stimuli from the environment. 

In the animal: the instinct 

The mature and elaborate spiritual principle in the vegetable kingdom, in countless times, would have to be awaken in new positions as a demand from its internal impulse. Therefore, it will seek a new evolutionary step for affirmations, manifesting itself in the animal kingdom.

The condition the characterizes the spiritual principle in this phase would be the acquisition of the instinct; at first in inferior animals, in a very simple manner, later in mammals, because of their more elaborate organs, shows itself even more efficiently, getting ready to, later, enter the kingdom of reason. 

In the man: reason 

It is believed that man had conquered reason and, consequently, free will and full responsibility for his actions about 200 thousand years ago. However, pre-historical men, with their physical package very similar to the present one, came about before that, around 3 million years ago, when the frontal cortex, the noblest area of the brain, was ready.

The development of conscience didn’t take place abruptly; it was being developed throughout thousands of years in successive existences in the superior primates and later in various species of the Homo genus. 

Group soul of a species 

In The Book of Spirits we read: It is in the inferior creatures that the intelligent principle elaborates itself, it individualizes itself little by little and gets the practice for life. (607-a)

To individualize itself, according to the dictionary is the same as considering oneself something apart from others. In accordance with these ideas, a few evolutionary thinkers present the hypothesis of a group soul of a species, according to which the intelligent principle in its experiences in the inferior kingdoms of nature, still hasn’t find itself individualized, that is to say, evolutionary walks together with creatures of the same species.

In the more simple species, the spiritual principle would be more attached to their relatives, creating together a filed of collective influence, the group soul of the species, that would have the purpose of controlling the species. It’d be, therefore, a collective dynamism that drives mineral, vegetable and simpler animal colonies.

As the species lose their contact with the colony, as a result of their own evolution, they individualize, beginning to depend solely on themselves.

According to this hypothesis, we may understand why the society of insects such as bees, ants and termites, instinctively develop perfect and complex activities, impossible to be explained otherwise.  

Biological essays and mass destruction 

How to understand the appearance of so many species that should have disappeared with time? At least half a dozen of cases of extinction have been documented since the beginning of life on earth. The most recent of them, around 65 million of years ago, led to the extinction of big reptiles, when a meteor of about 10km of diameter hit the Gulf of Mexico. If the spiritual principle works as an intelligent design, how to grasp the dawn of species that should not prevailed with time?

First of all, we need to understand that the spiritual principle, as an intelligent design, brings in its core a purpose of evolution, a force that drives it forward, a meaning, a reason for being and existing: progress.

It does not bring, contrary to what some may think, a map that is ready and outbidden, and that should be copied and followed. If that was the case, the idea of predestination would prevail, which goes against the principle of the law of personal achievement. In order for growth to take place it is necessary to have a choice, failures and successes, which would be necessary elements in the acquisition of experience.

The biological species that appeared and disappeared should be deemed biological essays experienced by the intelligent principle, which sought the best way to reach its aims.

There’s no determined plan; things could have turned out different. Some paths could have been tried until they appeared a dead end. Evolution is creative and not prefixed.

The mass destruction of the great reptiles allowed for a small ape, the size of a mouse, who constantly ran away from dinosaurs, to find room to live freely. Those tiny apes, a few million years later, have spread into great primates which were the matrix for the dawn of the human species, about 3 million years ago.

In conclusion: man, in a certain way, is the offspring of a great tragedy that culminated with the mass extinction of pre-historical reptiles. 



  1. A Caminho da Luz, Emmanuel/Chico Xavier.
  2. A Evolução Anímica, Gabriel Delanne.
  3. A Gênese, de Allan Kardec.
  4. Breve história de quase tudo, Bill Bryson.
  5. Criação Imperfeita, Marcelo Gleiser.
  6. Evolução em dois mundos, André Luiz/Chico Xavier.
  7. Iluminação Interior, Joanna de Ângelis/Divaldo P. Franco.
  8. Impulsos criativos da evolução, Jorge Andrea.
  9. O Consolador, Emmanuel/Chico Xavier.
  10. O Livro dos Espíritos, de Allan Kardec.
  11. O Relojoeiro Cego, Richard Dawkins.
  12. O Tao da Libertação, Mark Hathaway e Leonardo Boff.


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