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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 259 - May 6, 2012

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Mediums' Book

Allan Kardec

(Part  9)

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. When you play a piano without contact from anyone, is the spirit which presses the keyboard to get the sounds?

B. How were they discovered other means of communication with spirits?

C. How do you explain the phenomenon of levitation?

D. The density of perispirit varies from person to person?

Text for reading 

81. The Spirit of Erastus, a former disciple of St. Paul, speaking about the phenomenon of transport, explained that, for phenomena of this order, we must rely on psychics mediums, ie, endowed with the highest degree of mediumistic faculties of expansion and penetrability, because the nervous system of these mediums, easily excitable, enables them, through certain vibrations, designing around it with its profusion animalized fluid . ([1]) (Item 98)

82. If the cooperation of various mediums, gifted, facilitates the realization of the phenomena of tangibility, punching and levitation, with the phenomenon of transport gives up something different. Production of those phenomena to obtain the phenomenon of transport, the distance is great, because in this case, not only the work of the Spirit is more complex, more difficult, but much more the Spirit can not operate except through one psychical apparatus, ie, various mediums can not compete simultaneously for the production of the same phenomenon. (Item 98)

83. The presence of certain persons unfriendly to the Spirit that operates this phenomenon came radically operation. Furthermore, transport always require a higher concentration and at the same time a greater diffusion of certain fluids which can not be obtained only with gifted mediums which have the best conditioning apparatus eletromedianímico. (Item 98)

84. It is necessary that between the Spirit and the medium influenced exists a certain affinity, a certain analogy, a similarity that allows fluid to the expandable perispirítico the red blend, unite, combine with the Spirit who wants to run transport. This fusion is such that the resultant force becomes, so to speak, a. (Item 98)

85. Erastus then says that there is an element that only has the red, the fundamental phenomena medianímicos: the lifeblood of the Spirit operator is required to be impregnated. It is the only way he can, through certain properties of the environment, isolate, make invisible and do move around certain objects and embodied themselves. (Item 98)

86. Let us keep a rule that spiritualistic phenomena are not meant to be taken in fun and curious spectacle. If some spirits lend themselves to this sort of thing can not be only to simple phenomena, and not for those, such as transport and the like, require exceptional conditions. Many will say that such phenomena are useful to convince the skeptics. Erastus, however, recommends: "Speak to the heart, is out there that will do the most conversions serious." (Item 98)

87. If it is absurd to reject systematically all phenomena beyond the grave - Erastus remember - it is not good warning to all to accept them blindly. When a phenomenon of tangibility, the appearance, visibility or transport manifests itself spontaneously and in an instant way, accept it, but not blindly accept anything, that every fact undergo a thorough examination, deep and severe, because Spiritualism has nothing to gain from these small demonstrations skilled magicians can imitate. (Item 98)

88. The phenomenon of transport presents a remarkable peculiarity: it is that some mediums only obtain somnambulistic state, which is easily explained. There are sleepwalking in a natural detachment, a kind of isolation of the Spirit and the perispirit, which should facilitate the combination of necessary fluids. (Item 99)

89. Those attending the influence of transport phenomena. When there is unbelief on their part or opposition, much can hamper the production of the phenomenon, but not enough to paralyze it entirely. (Item 99, question 4)

90th. The objects transported are taken from somewhere: flowers, gardens, the confections, from any one shop. The fact - says Erastus - can cause real harm to people who belong to certain valuables such as rings, for example. (Item 99, the seventh question) 

Answers to questions 

A. When you play a piano without contact from anyone, is the spirit which presses the keyboard to get the sounds? 

Even when they appear on the hands of materialized spirits who plays the piano, the phenomenon occurs as explained earlier. When the Spirit rests his fingers on the keys, puts them really and even moving, but not muscle strength to press the keys. He animates the keys with an artificial life, and they obey his will, moving and playing the piano strings. Keys to animate the Spirit makes use of part of the universal fluid combined with the animalized fluid medium. (The Mediums' Book, item 74, paragraph 24.) 

B. How were they discovered other means of communication with spirits? 

Then the first psychic phenomena observed since 1848 in North America, known as "rap" (noise caused by spirits communicating on the floor, ceiling, walls and furniture), perfected the art of communication Stroke alphabetic that was a very time consuming. Spirits after other means and is indicated to them that we owe the means of written communications. The first manifestations of this kind took place adapting a pencil at the foot of a table inn takes a sheet of paper. Successively simplified hereby serving up tables hand-sized, then the baskets, boxes of cardboard and finally simple and little tables. The writing was as current as fast and as easy as with the hand. Later it was recognized that all these objects could be omitted and the medium began to directly hold the pencil. Behold the psychographics. (Ibid., item 71.) 

C. How do you explain the phenomenon of levitation? 

When an object is put in motion, carried or thrown into the air, it is the Spirit who grabs, pushes and lifts, as we do with your hands. He impregnates, so to speak, of a fluid combined with the fluid medium and the object, thus momentarily quickened, would act as a living being, with the difference that not having free will, following the impulse of the will of the Spirit. If, on the way indicated, the Spirit can lift a table, you can build anything, an armchair, for example. If you can lift a chair, you can too, with a force sufficient fluid, while lifting a person sitting on top. Here is the explanation of the phenomenon produced by Daniel Home and Mirabelli, a hundred times with you and others. Home to reproduce once on a trip to London and, to prove that their viewers were not victims of an illusion, made ​​a mark on the ceiling with a pencil, while people passed under it levitated. (Ibid., items 77 to 80.) 

D. The density of perispirit varies from person to person? 

The density of the perisprit varies according to the state of the worlds and also varies in the same world, according to the individual. Among the Spirits early morally, he is more subtle and closer to perispirit of high spirits. Among the inferior spirits, by contrast, approaches the gross matter, and this is what makes these low-class spirits for so long retain the illusions of terrestrial life: think and act as if they were still incarnate, have the same desires and we can say the same sensuality. This materiality of perispirit, giving them more affinity with matter, makes the inferior spirits more appropriate for the physical manifestations. (Ibid., item 74, paragraph 12.)


[1]           In his Transport Phenomena, Ernesto Bozzano says there is perfect agreement between the information given by the spirits who have spoken on the subject and the experiments conducted by various researchers. According to the Spirit guide Cristo d'Angelo, to transport small "make up dematerialization and materialization of objects, to transport large, dematerialization of a point on the doors and walls." In his book In the Domain of Mediumship, ch. 28, pp.. 268 and 269, Luiz André records the explanation that the Assistant Aulus gave about the unusual phenomenon of flowers brought by the spirits to the venue of the session. Flowers - explained the Wizard - transposing the masonry wall, thanks to the very competent technicians to dematerialize the physical and carried them away, as taught in the work cited Ernesto Bozzano.



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