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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 6 - N° 258 - April 29, 2012 

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Mediums' Book

Allan Kardec

(Part  8)

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions suggested for discussion was the end of the text below. 


A. What is the role of the medium in spiritist phenomena of physical effects?

B. The Spirit can produce the phenomenon without the help of a medium?

C. What is called the universal fluid and what is its most simple state?

D. How can the Spirit, which is immaterial, act on the matter?

Text for reading 

71. When an object is put in motion, carried or thrown into the air, it is not the Spirit who grabs, pushes and lifts, as you would with your hands. He infuses a fluid combined with the fluid medium, and the object momentarily quickened, would act as a living being and follows, then, the impulse of the will of the Spirit. (Section 77)

72. There are spiritist phenomena caused and there are those that occur spontaneously, without participation of the will and away from her, since become often very annoying, which excludes the idea that they may be an effect of imagination sobreexcitada by spiritist ideas, since occur in homes of people who have never heard of it. These phenomena, which might call Spiritualism practical nature, are very important, because they can not be suspected of collusion. (Item 82)

73. Assuming - after a thorough check - that the phenomena are real, it's just fear them? Certainly not, because in no case could it be the least danger. (Item 84)

74. The spontaneous spiritual manifestations are not limited to loud and always beats; sometimes degenerate into real turmoil and disruption, furniture and miscellaneous objects are dropped, projectiles are thrown out, doors and windows are opened and closed by invisible hands, the glass panes are broken. But the manifestations of this kind are not new nor rare. (Items 87 and 88)

75. The facts of this nature often have the character of a true persecution. We know of six sisters who lived together and that for several years, the morning his clothes were scattered, hidden up on the roofs, ripped and cut, despite the precautions to lock them to the key. (Item 89)

76. The explanation of the movement of inert bodies naturally applies to all spontaneous effects just mentioned. The noises, though stronger than the beats on the table, have the same cause. It might be asked where, in such circumstances, is the medium. The spirits told us that in these cases there is always some medium, whose power is exercised without his knowledge. Spontaneous manifestations are rarely produced in isolated sites. It is often inhabited houses in which they occur, because of the presence there of certain people who have an influence without wanting to. They are natural psychics and mediums are to others as natural somnambulists are magnetized to the sleepwalkers. (Item 92)

77. The intervention - voluntary or involuntary - of a medium for the production of these phenomena seems to be necessary in most cases, although there are situations in which the Spirit appears to act alone. Is he the fluid can animalized elsewhere and not in person present. This explains why the spirits that surround us do not produce disturbances at every moment. It must first please the Spirit, which has a goal, a reason, without which nothing will. Then, often, we need to find the place where a person wants to act in a position to secondary it no coincidence that very rarely come across. Appearing as a person, he takes advantage of it. (Item 93)

78. Although the meeting of favorable circumstances, it can still be prevented by a higher will not allow it to act at will. It can then be allowed to act within certain limits only, and if the demonstrations are considered useful, either as a means of conviction, either as evidence for the person concerned. (Item 93)

79. The explanations given by St. Louis about the events of June 1860 in Noyers Street in Paris (see "Spiritist Magazine" August 1860) show: 1) that the demonstrations were triggered by a spirit who enjoyed at the expense residents of the place, 2) that the Spirit did not like disturbing the occupant of the place and wanted to hurt him and make him move away, 3) that among the inhabitants of the house was a medium, otherwise - says Saint Louis - the fact would not take place, 4) there may be occasions where the immediate presence of the medium is not necessary, 5) that objects are thrown on the house caught on the spot or nearby, a force coming from the Spirit launches them into space and they fall into place designated by the Spirit, 6) that the more we rise morally, the more we will attract good spirits, away necessarily bad, they are the bullies of such manifestations. (Section 94)

80. Evoked Spirit disturbing, this gave some information about the phenomenon: 1) that there spiritist in society, you would not throw stones, because the institution had a guard who watched over the good of people, 2) he had found the house a good instrument and no Spirit wise and virtuous to prevent it, 3) that the maid was the medium, 4) that the objects thrown at the house were caught in the yard and neighboring gardens, 5) that he could have them made, but that would be more difficult; 6) that he was in that neighborhood and ragpicker desencarnara fifty years before, 7) who was still wandering around, no one prayed for him, no one helped him and he also did not work. (Item 95) 

Answers to questions

A. What is the role of the medium in spiritist phenomena of physical effects? 

Medium means intermediate. In these phenomena, the fluid of the medium itself is combined with the universal fluid accumulated by the Spirit: it is necessary to unite these two fluids, ie, the animalized fluid medium with the universal fluid, to give life to the temporary table, or any other object . This life is, however, are temporary and end with the action, and often before the end of action as soon as the quantity of fluid is not sufficient to animate it. (The Mediums' Book, item 74, Question 14.)

B. The Spirit can produce the phenomenon without the help of a medium? 

The medium can act without knowing, that is, many people serve as auxiliaries to the spirits for certain phenomena, without realizing it. The Spirit takes them as a source, which animalized fluid needs, so is the competition of a medium is not always voluntary, which is mainly in the spontaneous demonstrations. The reason is that the vital fluid, vital to the production of all psychic phenomena, is the exclusive prerogative of the red and which, therefore, the Spirit operator is required to be impregnated. (Ibid., item 74, paragraph 15, and item 98.)

C. What is called the universal fluid and what is its most simple state? 

Created by God, the universal fluid is the basic principle of all things, except for the creation of intelligent beings or spirits. To find it in its absolute simplicity, we must reach back to the pure spirits. On Earth it is always more or less modified to form the compact matter that surrounds us, and here the state closest to this simplicity is the fluid that, in the terminology spiritist, called magnetic fluid animal. (Ibid., item 74.) 

D. How can the Spirit, which is immaterial, act on the matter? 

It combines a portion of the universal fluid with the medium fluid animalised loose fit for this purpose. With these elements thus combined the spirit animates the object of a temporary artificial life. The Spirit can then attract such an object and move it under the influence of his own fluid, irradiated by his will. Because of its ethereal nature, the Spirit itself can not act on physical matter without an intermediary, that is, without a bond that unites the committee. This bond, which is what is called perispirit (body fluid of the Spirit), is that it gives the key of all materials spiritist phenomena. (Ibid., item 74.) 



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