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Year 6 - N° 256 - April 15, 2012

Itapetininga, SP(Brasil)

Pedro Campos - pedro@aliseditora.com.br  


The Christian conduct
(Part 1)

Christ, under any circumstances, never stopped socializing with people, even those who were outcast

Orson Peter Carrara

Nowadays, there’s a considerable group of people who haven’t yet discovered the true meaning of life, and consequently live day by day without any moral aim, some relentlessly seeking pleasure and enjoyment, while others fall into the conflict of existential emptiness, trying to numb themselves by the use of narcotic substances, when they don’t just kill themselves.

In order to clarify this issue, the eminent decoder Allan Kardec inquires the superior Spirits about the objective of reincarnation and they reply that God imposes it in order to make the human creature become perfect (question 132 of The Book of Spirits).

In this way, we begin to understand that the life in the body serves an educational purpose, aiming at the intellectual-moral improvement, but how to evaluate whether we have actually achieved this spiritual growth?

Allan Kardec, revealing his astounding teaching skills, explores this issue when asking, in question 918 of The Book of Spirits, about the signs by which one can measure real progress.

The noble guides of mankind teach that the Spirit proves his elevation when all the actions in his bodily life comprise the practice of the law of God and when he understands, by anticipation, his spiritual life.

The second part of the question refers to intellectual progress, which is easier to be measured, for just reading is what it takes to make it happen almost instantly. Spiritualistic works make this understanding of the spiritual life easier, by inducing us to practice the first part of the question, which is related to moral progress.

Adjusting or renewing our daily conduct to the practice of the law of God, whose greatest commandment is love, is the biggest challenge of our lives.

The spiritual benefactor Camilo, through the medium Raul Teixeira, in the work “Education and Experiences”, points us out the Christian behaviors to be exercised in the many segments of human life, and will derive from our self-education.

Of similar content, we also have the book “Spiritualistic Conduct”, dictated by the Spirit Andre Luiz to the medium Waldo Vieira, in such way that in this article we will try to explore the notable lessons of both works, with the scope of improving our conducts in everyday life that shall compose the practice of the law of God.

We’ll notice that in all situations of daily life we may act below expectations, within average standards of normality, or doing the extraordinary, by revealing our Christian purpose and having Jesus as a model and guide in our lives.  

The environmental issue: 

Undoubtedly, there have been Spirits Who reincarnate with important missions in the Field of Ecology, in order to call attention of the human creature to the importance of preserving nature in all its aspects.

There are individuals who awaken this commitment to ecology within themselves, but there are those who will keep harming the environment, thrashing rivers and oceans, throwing paper and garbage in public places, emitting gases and fumes that pollute the air.

There are actions on a bigger and smaller scale that challenge the ecological balance. Should be all helping preserve nature? Haven’t we wasted drinking water when taking a shower or cleaning our houses? Don’t we throw garbage in public places? Have we contributed to the recycling and re-utilization of some products?

The benefactor Camilo warns us of the nonsense that has taken place in this field, for there are many defender of the ecology who get intoxicated with alcohol and cigarettes, forgetting that our physical body is also a work of God and deserves the utmost care.

There are also those who hug trees and animals in extinction in order to avoid their destruction, but are incapable of hugging a neighbor, or sometimes have a troubled relationship with parents of siblings, not being brave enough to hug them.

There are other idealists of ecology who, moved by neurotic passions, make use of aggressive and vulgar behavior (get naked, for instance) to promote the defense of their ideals.

The spirit of Camilo also talks about psychic pollution, because with our bad quality thoughts (hatred, jealousy, conformation, slander, uncontrolled libido, etc.) we impregnate the environment in which we are in with harsh and repulsive vibrations, which will interfere negatively in the lives of those who come into contact with us and are in tune with these damaging energies.

Let’ assess the responsibility we have in the sense of improving the psychic environment of our home, workplace, religious temple or others.  

Education for the job: 

Unfortunately, many still believe that working is a kind of punishment based on the fact that God condemned Adam to win his living from his own sweat. This is so, that some people commute to their daily work bored and unhappy, compromising the quality of their work as well as the relationship with workmates.  

We must understand that work is not only an opportunity for earning your daily bread, but it is also aimed at our spiritual growth allowing for the true social welfare.

With that in mind, we must bring to the workplace our ideal of cooperation, youth and gratitude, which will contribute to good vibes in the premises. Unfortunately we have bosses who exploit their employees, because they have huge profits and treat them rudely, as well as employees who pretend they work, take many unlawful sick days, do not cooperate with their overworked colleagues, thus many of us are doing our average instead of the extraordinary.

We sell products we know they are of poor quality, perform services aimed at deceiving the customer (such as changing parts without need, replacing them with defective ones), make money dishonestly, do not worry about the personal struggles of colleagues and are incapable of giving out a little bit of their time to listen and console them.

Camilo states that every profession in the world holds the commitment to forge the good and the progress of mankind, whether you make a lot or a little, for the victory of honesty and the good.

To do the extraordinary will be work with joy and accomplish the best, not overlooking the help, by all means, put in favor of those who work with us and the people who visit our workplace. 

Nasty habits: 

The spiritual guide Camilo invites us to reflect on a few simple and ordinary events of everyday life, but we rarely ponder and end up committing slip-ups that compromise our health and balance.

He tells us about a meal, because many individuals, when eating, do other tasks.

Such as watching TV, speak badly about others, post videos on the internet or mess up with their mobile phones or other modern gadgets in such a way that it gets on the way of proper digestion, increasing the risk of many aches and pains. Such as it is, we have the habit of complaining about the food, saying it was not good or not properly prepared.

Another hasty habit has to do with defecation, because many people take magazines and tech gadgets to the toilet, a distraction that can cause flatulency, constipation and hemorrhoid problems, among others.

We must bear the notion that psychism influence biological processes in the physical body, eating and defecating are among them, in such a way that we should not clutter our minds with disposable distractions in order to make those automatic functions can happen in an environment of calmness, under the healthy and vibrating influence of the Spirit.

We shouldn’t forget to mention the act of talking, once that many human creatures express themselves verbally unevenly, without punctuation, not allowing for the counterpart to express his opinion.

Those who express themselves this way believe they own the truth, hindering or mocking other people’s ideas, finding flaws in everything that hasn’t been done by his hands, when they don’t just start talking about themselves the entire time end under any circumstances.

Let’s think about it, noting that Camilo states that: “There are many inappropriate and nasty habits that are part of our lives”. 


Nowadays, we see countless homophobic demeanors that reveal our primary state. How many of our homosexual fellows are victims of the incomprehension and aggressiveness of others? Even at the Spiritualist House, they are driven away from the works of mediumship, showing that the leaders do not understand the question itself or even the evangelical principle of fraternity.

Many spiritualistic comrades, wrongly, state that homosexuality is obsession, moral flaw or disease. In society, homosexuals are excluded and fall victims of different kinds of aggressions.

Many articles have been written about this subject, that only incarnations can explain. Let’s remind ourselves about this phrase from the Spirit of Vianna de Carvalho, in the book “Atualidade no Pensamento Espírita”, in the sense that homosexuality is a natural experience of evolution.

It’s not about stimulating homosexuality, but understanding it, so that our attitudes towards homosexuals can be of respect and cordiality.

Moreover, the problem is not of sexual preference, but of the character of the individual, because we find many heterosexuals that are committed to a rampaging libido and to wild passions, as well as there are homosexuals who are extremely loving, polite, who dress up without any extravagance, thus being true Christians.

Therefore, we must avoid attitudes of prejudice and social exclusion, showing our bond with Christ, who, under any circumstances, never stopped socializing with people, even those who were outcast at that time. (This article shall be resumed in the next issue.)  


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism