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Year 5 - N° 247 - February 12, 2012

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Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


20 teachings on the
spiritual center

Leonardo Marmo Moreira

The Spiritist Center is the headquarters of the Spirit Movement. In turn, the Spirit Movement is a social manifestation living fraternal search for all of us by the Spiritist Doctrine. Although the Spiritist Movement is subject to failures that do not correspond to Spiritualism, it is essential that all value the sincere spirit of the Spiritist task, recognizing the spiritual center a nucleus where the true "Spiritual Communion" can happen through the numerous activities of the Institution spiritualist. For us, spiritualists, can contribute to the smooth functioning and growth of the tasks of spiritual center, it is essential that we make some reflections on important information about this Home to Jesus:

1)   "The Spiritist Center is the University of the Soul." This phrase attributed to the Spirit of Dr. Bezerra de Menezes and studied with great eloquence by relevant speakers spiritualists, as J. Raul Teixeira, denotes that the primary function is the Spiritist Education. Understand that education in this context is quite broad, in particular, emphasis on the ethical and moral values ​​of the individual. Anyway, as would Raul Teixeira himself, this wide educational work begins and ends with the task of "teaching Spiritualism."

2) The Spiritist Center is the headquarters of the "Greatest Revolution of Mankind." This analysis of Professor J. Herculaneum Pires reinforces that revolution can only be achieved through the spiritual transformation of man for the better. It's called the "silent revolution" or "Internal Revolution". Systematically teaching man to live better, the Spiritist Center interferes directly and indirectly in society, promoting higher ideals and notions of the spiritual life.

3)   The Spiritist Center is "Hospital, School and Workshop." This reflection, made by some prominent members, such as Richard Simonetti, represents some of the Spiritist roles. In fact, an individual can come, at first, the Spiritist Center, in need of spiritual support or even physical and spiritual. Concurrent with the spiritual treatment, begins to instruct blessed this school on complex issues involving the deeper sense of physical life. And, if any, and freely decide to participate actively in this work to deepen and broaden their own achievements, also making them available to other needy brothers also venturing into the doors of the Spiritist Center. 

The Spiritist Center is an institution with access completely free

4)     "Where there are two or more are gathered in My name, there I am." - The Famous words of our Master Jesus demonstrates that the religious institution, be it what denomination it is, will achieve the larger goals that was designed by Providence divine is deeply bound up with the legitimate fraternity. Only individuals who vibrate high values may provide a legitimate physical construction of the values of a true "home of Jesus." The spiritual center, eliminating a number of materials and devices for the illusory manifestation of faith, has great potential for the pursuit of genuine religiosity. However, these advantages do not guarantee the preliminary spiritual quality of the work the group gathered harmoniously is not connected to an ideal of true spirituality.

5)   The Spiritist Center must maintain a balance between the pillars scientific, philosophical and religious. In fact, the very origin of the term "spiritual center" is still reason for discussions in relation to its historical emergence, and many attribute its origin to the action of Dr. Bezerra de Menezes and his conciliatory role in the Spiritualist movement of the late Brazilian XIX. In a movement divided by different doctrinal views, the idea of ​​"center" would suggest a sincere search for truth through an attitude of common sense and understanding with those who eventually may have a point of view or another slightly different interpretation of orthodox doctrine. Furthermore, the expression strengthens the medium-term trends between the scientific and / or more philosophical and / or more religious groups spiritualists. Always seeking to comply with the bases Kardequianas the Spiritist House should be prepared to study the teaching, studying continuously, so that any deviations from the path more consistent with Allan Kardec could be fixed by the confreres of the nucleus in question.

6)  "Give for free what you receive for free." - The Spiritist Center is an institution of access completely free! This topic, arguably, is a point of honor of the Spiritist Center. The failure of this Teaching, as well as devaluing any activities of the moral point of view, eliminates them the label of "Spiritualist." In addition, leaders should avoid requesting donations often character material during public meetings not to embarrass the patrons. Regardless of the economic level of the gathered assembly, we should not make the fans feel pressured to help materially.

7)     Speakers must attend lectures. The worker does not become spirit never a professional spirit. Thus, we must be careful not to repeat the mistakes in the Spiritist historically committed by other denominations. The speakers who attend lectures improves its own doctrinal content and foster a healthy exchange of information that will raise the entire spiritualist group. In addition, workers should seek to be active in their respective spheres of work, trying, whenever possible, contribute minimally to the other activities of the Spiritist Center. 

Unification Spiritist is not the same as Standardization Spiritist

8)     All sectors of the Spiritist Center should be valued. Thus, we must support the different types of doctrinal meeting, knowing that all are very useful from the standpoint of education for workers and patrons. Both lectures and study groups, for example, educational and spiritual goals reach large and valuable, and can enrich the embodied and disembodied. So, respecting the characteristics of the members of each House Spiritist and possible limitations of each worker in relation to several factors, such as the availability of time, all sectors of the Spiritist Center should be recognized as highly relevant to achieving the ultimate goal of the Spiritist which is always the same: Teach Spiritualism, improve ourselves, to assist the brothers in their needs, exercising brotherhood and ability to work as a team.

9)    The mediumistic meetings are private. Without such criteria, the exchange psychic never get the quality needed for a work of greater spiritual value. Moreover, risks inherent in psychic work are magnified and everyone involved in the project will be limited in their ability to help and be helped.

10)  The companions of Spiritist Center are members of our spiritual family. Living in the Spiritist Center is an opportunity to promote true "Spiritual Communion". Therefore, we must consider the members of the Spiritual Center as true members of our family personally.

11)  Valuing all calls "small" tasks. The Gospel tells us: "If you can not with Minimal Things, why are you anxious about the rest?". Always remember that the Spiritist Center is clean because someone is cleared. If water bills, electricity and telephone are paid is because someone has contributed. Spiritualists should ask little more aware of content responsibilities to the leaders of the House can always keep quiet on issues of maintenance material from home, avoiding blunders kept until today for other religious denominations that mercantilizam meetings of evangelical teaching requesting financial aid.

12)   Se possível, preferir atendimentos de Passes após exposições evangélicas. Todo o intervalo de tempo que dura a sessão espírita torna a ação fluidoterápica muito mais eficiente, pois a condição vibracional de todos os presentes tende a estar em um patamar espiritual bem superior àquele do início da reunião. Além disso, quando os passes ocorrem durante a reunião, tanto os passistas como os assistentes que receberão os passes perdem, no mínimo parcialmente, o conteúdo explanado pelos expositores.

13)  “Unificação Espírita não é o mesmo que Uniformização Espírita.” - Esta frase enunciada por Divaldo Pereira Franco é bastante significativa na nossa busca de harmonização no relacionamento entre confrades de uma determinada casa espírita e, até mesmo, entre os diferentes grupos espíritas. Assim, mesmo em casas que sejam igualmente respeitadoras dos postulados Kardequianos, é possível identificar algumas peculiaridades que não representam nenhuma diferença na essência do conteúdo ministrado e praticado por cada grupo espírita.

14)   Ter a consciência que realmente o Espiritismo começa com “O Livro dos Espíritos”, mas não termina com ele. Logo, o estudo de todas as obras Kardequianas, inclusive a Revista Espírita, bem como de diversas obras subsidiárias de elevado valor, favorecerá significativamente o crescimento em nosso conhecimento, enriquecendo as reuniões tanto para os encarnados como para os desencarnados. 

If there is demand to support artistic initiatives in the field spiritualist

15)  Valuing the work in Spiritist Center as a service extremely relevant! Those who suggest otherwise, or are not, in fact, spiritualists properly considered, or may be subject to negative spiritual influences.

16)  Do not allow the occurrence of bingos, dances and other similar activities sponsored by the Spiritist Center. When dealing with events on the premises of the Spiritist be even more stringent than the House of Jesus can not come to be slow and gradually distorted their higher vibration and your purposes precípuas. This negative must be maintained even if such events are "protected" under the false pretext that the proceeds will be conveyed to charity. The ends are not justified by the means and activities on the environment or promoted by spiritists in the  Spiritist center are responsible for the name of Spiritualism and the Gospel of Jesus. No aid of these events is essential to avoid violating the guidelines Evangelical doctrine of all Spiritualists.

17)  If there is demand to support artistic initiatives in the field spiritist. However, such approval shall only be provided if there is a high criterion in selecting the script of plays, the lyrics of the songs considered spiritualists etc. Do not rest, however, rehearsals and meetings artistic replace doctrinal meeting times, for example, the meeting of youth spiritist. We should not change the essential accessory for.

18)  Avoid comment or suggest the reading of said works or not spiritist, but of questionable content, which can create images and / or behavioral guidelines misleading or doctrinal errors in the minds of attendees. Always remember that each individual has specific spiritual weaknesses and all of us, especially among working spiritist, we have great responsibility in eating disorders is not spiritual.

19)   Support, where possible, the work of spiritist houses that do not hang out with. The more evolved, more work for a growing number of creatures, as our responsibilities as set out in our consciousness, come to recognize a much larger number of individuals as true friends and brothers.

20)   Never distort the truth to justify doctrinal errors behavioral individual. On the other hand, never use "desculpismos" that we are inferior to escape the responsibility of the doctrinal work, recognizing that the greater our moral fall, the greater our need for doctrinal support for other drops do not happen again in this reincarnation. Thus, shame related to failure can be an ordeal committed uncomfortable, but necessary, so that the members do not consider individuals devoid of spiritual and major weaknesses that we do not work well in envaideçamos barely started growing. Moreover, always recognize Jesus and Allan Kardec our great Spiritual Masters and Mentors the real workers of the tasks that may be successful in the harvest spiritist. This awareness is essential for workers in both the completed projects as well as the goals that could not be well executed.


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