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Year 5 - N° 239 -  December 11, 2011

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Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


the capacity
for discernment

Warren S. Brown

Discernment is defined by the Concise Oxford Dictionary as the ability to understand situations and to separate right from wrong 

The spirits that guide humanity on earth has consistently emphasized that spiritual progress - fundamental goal of our return to bodily life - can only be achieved if we develop in several dimensions, virtues and skills. In this article we will discuss the insight, since the lack of it, often leads to serious consequences for the spiritual welfare of the individual.

That said, it should be noted that the first substantive insight Concise Oxford Dictionary is defined as the ability to understand situations and to separate right from wrong. Also requires that an individual has the ability to evaluate things with common sense and clarity, and court savvy. It is also considered synonymous with intelligence and wit and, consequently, opposite of ineptitude and indiscernible. So, suddenly finds that it is undeniably a basic capacity. However, it would be a very foolish claim that it is found in abundance in the world where we live.

It accounts for the social scientist S. Warren Brown is the discernment of wisdom to see an issue from a perspective remarkably intelligent, and has the potential to lead to solving a particular problem or frame it in such a way that leads to clarity of question.1

In turn, the researcher Hazel C. V. Traüffer discernment is proposed that the regulation of the thought of an individual in search of "acquisition and application of knowledge in making decisions that are right, fair, and dignified".2 By the way, Traüffer and his colleagues believe that, from an academic perspective, discernment is inserted into the discipline of espiritualidade.3 And this statement gives us more peace of mind to address the issue in question through the lens of the Spiritism Doctrine.

Indeed, the ability of discernment has been linked to the legendary king of Israel, Solomon, who, based on its remarkable ability to do right, right, and make correct decisions, has been revered, at least by some researchers as the man most scholar who has lived in this world.4  

Intellectual culture and moral development are, according to Emmanuel, the imperatives of life 

However, it is worth noting that although he had been a strong leader with ability to judge, Solomon was not perfect. But back to the connection with the religious insight, we are interested in examining more particularly, the apostle Paul was emphatic in calling upon the following: "And this I pray that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and all knowledge".5 But it is not difficult to conclude that the great missionary of God urges us to develop love clear, healthy and balanced.

The Holy Emmanuel, similarly argues that "intellectual and moral improvement culture are mandatory in life, allowing us the manifestation of love in the empire of sublimation that brings us closer to God".6 After all, as he ponders: "... the sower of Heaven departed from the greatness to which it receives and came to us, spreading the clarities of Revelation and increasing in the vision and insight [...]".7 Thus, "Accept the world's problems and overcome them, the strength of our work and our serenity, the formula is just the acquisition of discernment".8

Therefore, in what aspects (problems) can we apply this capability? Allan Kardec gives us an important clue when he asked for the spiritual mentors: "How to distinguish a thought suggested comes from a good spirit or a bad spirit?" And they will quickly clarify: "Study the case. Only the good spirits give the good advice. It is your task to discern'.9 Spiritism explains us that we live in constant exchange with the mental discarnate entities. When analyzing the nature of the suggestion which rushes to the mind can know the spiritual polarity of the emitter invisible.

But we can include intelligent actions or training, for example, see reality as it is. In this sense, just look at the disasters and tragedies that plague our world today to conclude that something very serious is going on.  

Our cloudy vision prevents us, often, from seeing things
that defy common sense

Just look at the plethora of false prophets intruded within the religions, in general, faith bargaining, distorting the unwary souls, among other misfortunes. It is also worth noting the myriad pseudo-therapists - real human wolves - that explore human ingenuity promising what cannot deliver.

It is worth adding that there is also darkness in ourselves - something always very hard to admit. Indeed, the Spirit Emmanuel wisely observes that: "The pill helps, improves the injection, however, never forget that the real evil things come from the heart".10 However, our vision prevents us opaque - often - of seeing things that defy common sense. And that is so severe that sometimes, even embraces the nations as a whole. A recent event which reinforces this perception, it’s prevalence of the revenge law in the execution of the notorious terrorist Osama bin Laden. The sad outcome of this story - completely divorced from any Christian ideal - probably will lead to more violence and destruction of lives.

Discernment is a connection - in the sense of transcendence that we propose to examine here - with the initiative to seek to understand God's wisdom. That said, this mentor recommends that we seek in our intimacy with wisdom through study and meditation so that we can capture the suggestion of Deus.11 In particular, it is noteworthy that the gospel is the remedy vital to our health spirit is preserved. In fact, Jesus warned us that if we wanted to follow him - and he was the most perfectly captured the divine thought - who renounce ourselves. This recommendation clearly suggests what it’s the better way to align our life to God.

By extension, it does not make progress in our ability to not fight with our egocentrism that often oozes from us. Luke reports (17:15) that Jesus healed ten lepers in a particular village eager for their miraculous powers in his journey to Jerusalem. However, only one returned to thank the grace received. 

Each of us has a personal baggage as well as special needs 

In fact, even when we receive help from the highest we forget - not infrequently - to acknowledge or admit that everything could be much more difficult. In contrast, discernment involves, by implication, having or showing any willingness to sacrifice and renunciation. Otherwise, how to progress spiritually? Therefore, Emmanuel urges us to serve you always. And charity is arguably an effective way to put this recommendation into practice.

Discernment includes the need to have tolerance for differences. Although we are similar, are not equal. Each of us has a personal baggage and needs. The imperative of diversity is present, indeed, in all creation.

On the other hand, failed grievously because not exercise self-criticism. After all, we are not perfect, and so here are still terrible flaws of character, personality and cultural values. Socrates was extremely inspired to encourage us to us to know ourselves. However, "We are prodigal in arguments for not believing, and thus not having to change," as noted by the Holy Ignatius Ferreira.12

He states that: "Mental health is also know to accept into their own weaknesses, without, however, comply with them".13 This emphasizes spiritual mentor - with indisputable accuracy - that the analysis of the content of our thoughts reveals the our real intenções.14 This exercise of self-criticism seems highly effective and useful, especially when the objective is to attack the core of our ills, i.e., close to our home. It is worth adding here the unfathomable power of self-help - do not know, indeed, most effective tool - derived from the Gospel. However, as noted by the benefactor and the evidence show that he was right: "Few are those who seek to listen in depth lessons that are entered in the Gospel."15  

Discernment is to get serenity to accept the living
based on spiritual values

On the other hand, admit that we do not know everything (that is, the truth is not ours) seems a clever way to express the insight. In fact, to seek understanding of the forces and dynamics that govern life is essential to achieve spiritual maturity. The same reasoning applies not to assign value to things of little importance. After all, how to develop the discernment are hedonistic and, as such, handcuffed to a life of pleasure that numb the mind-numbing sensitivity and harden the heart?

Modern man, unfortunately, has been prodigal in inventing new forms of harmful distraction that has led to excesses and vices that also have an alienating effect on creatures, as the evil drug addiction and alcoholism. This applies to people who have a real obsession with video games, networks, Internet sites, chats, conversations or messages through mobile phone etc. Largely surpassing the limits of reasonable and injuring the notion of equilibrium, these creatures are hours and hours completely paralytic drunk by distractions - authentic addicts as well attested to by the experts - that prevent them from flying through thought and meditation inspired sound. So discernment is knowing how to prioritize the time - which, incidentally, goes increasingly scarce due to excessive working hours and increasing obligations - for things that add wisdom. As the Spirit Ignatius Ferreira, "Evolve is to promote the rehabilitation of the spirit".16

From the perspective that we propose talk about discernment, it is a reflection on the need to eliminate the anger and outrage at everything and everyone. There is no denying that the world is full of imperfections, faults, imbalances, injustices and inconsistencies that are due to the intimacy. Jesus certainly expects our effort and commitment to being the best. Thus, insight is to acquire inner peace and serenity to accept living based on spiritual values. In conclusion, we must use the resources that the dilated Spiritism offers and apply them in the expansion of our cognition (i.e. perception, sense and understanding) of the world, and especially of ourselves. 


Bibliographical information: 

1.      BROWN, W.S. Seven pillars of the house of wisdom. In R.J. STERNBERG e J. JORDAN (Eds.), Handbook of wisdom: psychological perspectives. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2005, p. 355. 

2.      TRAÜFFER, H.C.V. Towards an understanding of discernment: a 21st-century model of decision making”, unpublished doctoral dissertation, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA, 2008, citado em TRAÜFFER, H.C.V., BEKKER, C., BOCÂRNEA, M., e WINSTON, B.E. Towards an understanding of discernment: a conceptual paper. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2010, p. 178.

3.      TRAÜFFER, H.C.V., BEKKER, C., BOCÂRNEA, M., e WINSTON, B.E. Towards an understanding of discernment: a conceptual paper. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2010, p.177.

4.      Ibid, p. 181.

5.      Filipenses, 1: 9.

6.      XAVIER, F.C. (Pelo Espírito Emmanuel). Fonte viva. Digital version. FEB, 2008, p. 104.

7.      Ibid, p. 75.

8.      Ibid, p. 121.

9.      KARDEC, A. The Spirit’s Book. (Translation by Guillon Ribeiro). Digital version. FEB, 2007, p. 170, Question 464.

10.  XAVIER, F.C. Op. cit, p. 98.

11.  Ibid.

12.  BACELLI, C.A. (By the Spirit Inácio Ferreira). Saúde mental à luz do Evangelho. Uberaba, MG: Livraria Espírita Edições “Pedro e Paulo”, 2010, p. 92.

13.  Ibid, p. 60.

14.  Ibid, p. 35.

15.  Ibid, p. 80.

16.  Ibid, p. 162.


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