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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 5 - N° 236 -  November 20, 2011
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Mário de Araújo: 

“Women usually do all they can to avoid abandoning their children”

Our friend from the Brazilian state of São Paulo talks about Lar Uma Nova Esperança, an organisation set up to support single mothers

Mário de Araújo (photo) became a Spiritist when he was a teenager in the city of Limeira. He never looked back, and is now the president of a local Spiritist Centre, Sociedade Limeirensa de Estudos Espíritas. Mário de Araújo, a business manager with MBA at the prestigious Getúlio Vargas Foundation, talks in this interview about the new institution set up to help mothers abandoned by their partners. 

Tell us a bit more about the aims of Lar Uma Nova Esperança (A New Hope). 

It is a non-profit organisation created to support single mothers. Women, unlike

men, do all they can to avoid abandoning their children and will only take such extreme measures when they realised they won’t be able to support them. This new organisation will work with families, restoring the self-esteem of each of them, lost in many cases due to extreme poverty or violence. Our main aim is to work towards rebuilding families and supporting the development of children and teenagers. 

When was it founded? 

The official foundation date is July 28th 2010, when we began the bureaucratic procedures for the creation of the organisation.  

What are its aims for the future? 

Our mission is to embrace and support single mothers. Our vision is to promote whole development, taking into account the physical, intellectual, moral and social aspects of the families who come to live with us. The ultimate goals is to get them back into society as fully functioning citizens, aware of their duties as well as rights. 

Who had the original idea? Where did it come from? 

I’ll use an IT term, as that is my area of expertise: we’re “cutting and pasting” the Spiritist Home Espiridião Prado, founded 45 years ago in the city of Rio Claro, also in the state of São Paulo. That’s our inspiration. Their website is http://www.esperidiaoprado.com.br.

At what stage is the building work for the organisation? How are you getting the funds to carry out the work? 

We have our own address, a plot of land (4,500 sq m) donated by a young local businessman who asked for his name not be publicised. We have already built the wall around the plot and we have cleared the land. We are now working on the foundations. We are getting donations from people in the community, good people and local companies. We need 400,000 reais (about 200,000 dollars) to finish the building, a floor space of about 1,400 sq m. 

What are the main obstacles you’ve faced so far? 

At the moment, the lack of money for building. We have appealed to all major religious institutions in the city to joins us, as the home will not be an exclusively Spiritist organisation, it will benefit all. We do need more resources to carry on. 

Tell us a bit more about what you have planned for the area. 

Once the building work is done, we will have 10 houses, with two rooms each, living room, kitchen, bathroom and a little garden. The houses will be fully furnished and will be built around an internal patio. There will be medical assistance for all the children and a medical team, including psychologists, will also work on their eating habits, personal hygiene etc. The houses are planned so that families are able to live with comfort and dignity. The families will live next to each other, learning to respect the rights of each other and practicing the positive side of community live, including sharing experiences. 

What is the website for those who want to get more information? 

www.umanovaesperança.bom.br. You’ll be able to find all the necessary information there, as well as contacts for those in charge and partner companies. 



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