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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 5 - N° 234 -  November 6, 2011

Johnny Silveira - silveirajohnny@yahoo.com


The Free Bird

Once upon a time, there was a bird who unlike his brothers and sisters, was born with communication difficulties. His little head could not think straight and while the other birds sang beautifully, he just screamed sounds.

And it was not only that. Tiny - as he was called - also had difficulty walking and flying like the other birds. He was always in need of care and support from his siblings who loved him and cared for him with great dedication. 

Time passed and he grew up. However, there came a time when even though they were always alert, his mother and siblings could not help him. 

Once, in the garden where they lived, the gardener hoed and cleaned the land and gathering all the dirt, old leaves and twigs, set fire to the


The bird, who hopped from side to side in the vegetation, looking for food, tired of playing and flying, quieted down and fell asleep. He did not notice that the gardener had lit fires nearby. When he realized the danger, it was too late. He was reached by the fire! 

With his wings singed and his feet burned, he had tried to fly, but couldn't manage. 

He was in a lot of pain, but could not call anyone or cry for help. When his mother, who was never careless and had been looking for him, found him, he was already wounded. 

Then the mother began to tweet for help. The others heard the cry from the mother and came to help her. Together, they managed to pull him off the fire with extreme difficulty and take him to safety. 

As the father-bird had already passed to the other side of life, the task fell onto his mother and siblings, who nursed him with infinite care, helping him in everything they could. 

However, the injuries caused by the fire were very severe. Therefore, there was a point when the little bird could no longer endure so much suffering. He needed to free himself of all the suffering that for months had kept him attached to his small, fragile and burned little body. 

Thus, Jesus, who is all love and mercy, decided to free the bird from the shackles that bound him to the physical body. 

Then, finally, the bird, free in spirit, flew into space to meet all those who loved him, being received with much love by his father. 

His Guardian Angel, who had also come to welcome him, involved the fledgling bird tenderly, telling him fondly: 

- Welcome to the Kingdom of Love. You deserve it for having known how to face the existence full of difficulties you received. It was necessary to make it so for you to learn the lesson of love. Your difficulties in this last existence were stains that you brought from the past and that marked your spirit, and that needed to be eliminated. Now, free from the shackles that bound you to that body, rest my son, as you well deserve. 

After resting for some time, the fledgling would awake to a new life full of blessings and joy, convinced that his suffering was not in vain. He needed to go through it to readjust himself with the Divine Laws. 

And so the freed little bird, weary of the struggle that he faced, but happy, feeling light and refreshed, finally fell asleep in the arms of his father. 

Now, without pain and without suffering, Tiny could fly through the gardens, feel the wind touch his feathers, smell the flowers, talk to the butterflies, other birds, the trees, with plants. 

And whoever saw him would ask: 

- Who is this little enlightened bird thatpasses through our garden?   

And a wiser old bird would respond:

- This is a bird that overcame the difficulties of life and now lives in another garden, in the spirit world, bigger and more beautiful than ours! 


(Psychographed by Celia X. de Camargo on July 25, 2011, when our beloved Vincent Pallotti Pennacchi returned to the spiritual world.)


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