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Year 5 - N° 231 -  October 16, 2011

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)

Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


Considerations about the suicide 

Part 1

Although complex topic, it bring to the fore touched by the news which I learned later, so for some time, held on August 1 of 1993 with an English actor who charmed me by his magnificent interpretation of the character Pierre Gringoire, the Poet Major in Notre Dame de Paris, in the television version of 1982 - Gerry Sundquist. For reasons unknown, this disastrous and now distant day he committed suicide at thirty-seven years in Norbiton Train Station, London, England.

However, the intention to discuss this subject has to do before, due to the exaltation of life. This actor, it seemed sheakspeare school, was an excellent and talented artist, as evidenced in this and other works of yours in the world of drama. The question that remains is the reason for such extreme action - or reasons, probably many, an authentic amalgam intricate.

What makes someone so supposedly successful, famous, with its internationally recognized work, gorgeous, to find themselves trapped in a dead end so absolute that it does not find any airholes, to the point of you even be indifferent to his major accomplishments as a human being and as a professional, the admiration of many, the respect and recognition for their work, and love of so many who were certainly in a lamentable state of suffering resulting from the loss of a dear to them, and who voluntarily let the world scenarios so sudden, untimely and miserable?

I want to address this issue a bit in terms of spirit - the one, in my view, it provides on this complex human drama, seen daily in every corner of the planet, some light, some logical and plausible explanation.

Andre Luiz talks about the situation of those who firmly believe in anything after the physical life

Everything indicates that those who do so, such attacks against vital expression of life, winning in themselves the greatest resistance, which is the survival instinct which, under normal circumstances, leads us to persevere and fight for life to our last breath - these people find themselves prey to a crucial stage of suffering in their intimate universe: a desperate situation, whether material or emotional, a critical financial failure, a loss of love seems unbearable, or even a state of acute boredom: a overwhelming lack of goals, so that these individuals admit the continuity of a life that gradually lost its color, which was gradually emptied, and paralyzing lethargy on a stony, terrifying - and, therefore, losing all its meaning.

Yes, what we witness in these cases seems to, in essence, a number of situations caused by any one of extreme frustration insurmountable, chronic - at least from the perspective of those who no longer see shortcuts or alternatives to such a degree hallucinatory, they there are only one-way street: to eliminate themselves, the illusion that, ending the existence that seems to be miserable and unhappy as a point of no return, it also kills the terminal phase of suffering, for which there are more forces and reasons that justify having to endure it any longer.

I remember one of the books of the Spirit Andre Luiz, psychographed by the late master Chico Xavier, where he takes his time listening to a detailed explanation of its guiding spirit of the city Nosso Lar, about the state of petrified spirits that bring the invisible life under the regrettable effects of your belief rooted as reincarnated, that once implemented the thresholds of the transition body, everything would be over. The situation of those who firmly believe in "nothing" after the physical life, and that, following in his creation of eternal beings, to the inescapable laws that govern life in its highest expression in the Universe, you attract to the exact state in which believe uncompromisingly, according to the parameters of cause and effect. The supervisor explains André Luiz those souls that are there in that aspect inert, stiffened, as if they were "dead for eternity," not actually find dead - only express themselves in what they believe, and that a defense during all the time, dominated by short-sighted view of the functioning of the higher existence, that is available during the conditioning period and limiting sensory drive of reincarnation.  

André Luiz tells us have been assigned - to their surprise - as suicidal 

Over time, the flash of recognition, unbeatable and relentless, and that in itself is necessary, since the ore asleep in the early evolution to the heights of vital expression of the angels in the dimensions of the Cosmos more advanced - this flash also there, those hardened souls, superimposes his rallying cry to the greater reality of things, which were finally awakening to boost natural, natural transmutation and other concepts of their most grateful to our most faithful sons of the glorious condition of eternal divinity.

So also occurs in the operation of the Act to the suicidal, this dear brother's journey worthy of our love best arrangement for you to extend the light of understanding, prayer and assistance. For if in even worse when you make such an attack even in the early stages of life, this individual will find himself in prison, during long time interval, the experience of that inexorable climax of madness and suffering to which they abandoned at the time of extreme act. As glimpsed nothing beyond that moment, as no alternative, no shortcuts, no choice or the most light at the end of the tunnel admitted to himself, so as definitive, the suicide is thus trapped in this self-imposed hypnosis: the coiled insistence of his voluntary morbid state of mind, and in view of their relentless repetitive extreme act of violence against him, seeking a release that, for their folly juice since then, it is aggravating the suffering seen as insurmountable, but that in the most unfortunate, that can still be discovered in such a state of aggravation of inexpressible spiritual torment. 

In Nosso Lar, Andre Luiz in the reports have been assigned - to his surprise - by the technicians as suicidal kind of spirituality that embraced the city ethereal memorable, described in works by Chico Xavier, and for reasons perhaps milder, by their neglect to with your health while in landscape materials, which led him to contract the disease that killed him to the point of transition, considered premature by devoted mentors. André Luiz describes us, verbatim: "Suicide! Suicide! Infamous criminals!" - Screams so surrounded me on all sides (...) (...)such accusations troubled my heart. Unfortunate, yes, but suicide ?!(...) (...) Yes the doctor explained, demonstrating the superior serenity (...) - Perhaps the friend has not weighted enough. The spiritual body has in itself the complete history of actions undertaken in the world (...) Let the intestinal tract. Occlusion derived from cancerous elements, and these, in turn, some lightness of my beloved brother in the area of syphilis. " 

The suicide is, above all, a sick soul, worthy,
therefore, our best care

We see in the excerpt from the teaching of the larger reality in relation to suicide called unconscious, which leads to the conclusion their material early due to a pattern of reckless behavior to health care due to organic, other than that, as brutal and gesture extreme, dramatic and untimely end to the day to some extent so lucid, though clearly dominated by what we can easily recognize as a sick hypnotic hallucinatory state that overwhelms the defeatist unbeatable morbidity, which ultimately succumbs. However, if the determinants differ, the results are equitable. If the organic state of the subtle body and spiritual accuses clearly underlines the effects derived from causes located in the neglect of the individual neglects his physical vehicle, his precious instrument of expression on stage and materials to fulfill its commitment to the elusive planet during a mere moment in eternity, who also goes against your body in the unfortunate illusion of perpetual end in itself, the problems seen as crucial that the plague, invincible, operates the sad result of the thoughtless act and highly misleading. 

It is therefore the suicidal attached to the place of his mad gesture throughout the rest of the time you miss the conclusion of his physical life and subjected to constant torment of painful sensations of the body in his last moments, saturated think that your perispirit (the spiritual body, or subtle, physical replica, faithfully and vehicle coarsest sensations of the body, and sensory impressions experienced, soul) of the vital fluid needed for the lifetime of physical, scheduled in advance by technicians who each help each of us return to the stages of reincarnation, especially if this individual remained devoid of any notion of spiritual background, which, instinctively, would induce him, plagued by pain, to ask the help of the Most High, to God, and friends wizards of invisibility, these moments do without calling for help - what they do at once due to love - cannot accomplish without the aid helped to become aware, by itself, the very poor state, and their need for help. 

The suicide, therefore, is first of all sick of soul, whereby the more worthy of our love, thoughts and prayers. Individual himself is undermined by a state of being and experiencing life at its greatest extent. Deluded, mainly, by the deceptions: that here, in this microscopic world lost in the Cosmos, ends our ultimate expression of existence, and his whole purpose, with their narrow plots and uncertain as the clouds in heaven. Ignore thus not the end of our journey, and the alternatives unimaginable that await us if you simply surrender to the healthy exercise of our inner vision to expand beyond the goals, values, and concepts purely material, learning that the physical body is first of all, vehicle, instrument - our transient expression in a dense orb receives us as guests during our evolutionary path within the larger trajectory of eternity that awaits all, scenarios and contexts of life unimaginably better. 

Reincarnation is a reality that is not related
to belief or disbelief

We live in times where they do not admit more than half words in the elucidation of important things. So, what interests us here more closely, and to achieve the desired point, I need to say is: one of the greatest misfortunes that occurred to the healthy mental and spiritual evolution in the West was the arbitrary withdrawal by the Council of Constantinople in 553 AD , the entries to the reality of reincarnation in the gospels. 

You see I enunciate here, and if very well thought out, really! Because it is already past the deadline for the understanding that the truth of reincarnation is not related to belief or disbelief. There is, as the sun over our heads, and will be present in the trajectory of each one of us sometimes as many as necessary to our understanding of that learning and growth are the goals of the course - not any supposed paradise in some stationary arrival tedious and immersed in an eternal and futile play harp, and in some hell nor sadistic and inconsistent with the purposes for the great Creator who created everything with poise and purpose wise, which is not, ever, the condemnation of any part of Si even an absurd punishment, perennial, and stripped of any larger goal for accounting in a cosmic universe that it leverages and enhances their function, for the greater glory of Life! 

Suicide nets constrained beings who are born into this trap: In a world that, over the past centuries, following the dictates of religious power, is accustomed to conceive the functioning of human existence as a journey that begins in the cradle and ends up hopelessly in the grave - taking as unique and sheer comfort of hope that maybe, if it is too - but a lot! - Nice, free from sins, will go after death to that of the sky!

(This article will be completed in the next issue.)


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