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Year 5 - N° 229 -  October 2, 2011

Rio de Janeiro, RJ (Brasil)

Renata Rinaldini - renatarinaldini@hotmail.com 


Homosexuality in the spiritist perspective

(Second and final part)

Retrospective of the first part

The first part of this article began with question number 200 from The Spirits’ Book in which Allan Kardec asks if the spirits have a gender. As we have seen, the Spiritual Benefactors said "not as we understand," and after that we presented the cause of homosexuality based on an article by Allan Kardec published in the Spirite Revue of January 1866.

Then, for further clarification on the subject, we transcribed chapter 21 of the book Life and Sex, entitled "Homosexuality," by the Spirit Emmanuel, who starts his comments with question 202 of The Spirits’ Book. 

In this matter the Codifier of Spiritism asks the Spiritual Instructors if the Spirit prefers to incarnate (embody) in the body of a man or of a woman. Their answer was the following: "It is a point to which the spirit is indifferent and which is always decided in view of the trials which it has to undergo in its new corporeal life." 

We divided this chapter into four items: the phenomenon of bisexuality; consequences of abuse, why have a body opposite to one’s psychological framework and educational support.

Then, later on we transcribed Chico Xavier’s answer, on being asked about "how our spiritual friends conceptualize the problem of homosexuality" by also dividing it into three items: causes of tendencies, problems of sex and the Greco-Roman civilization. 

André Luiz in the book Action and Reaction 

Continuing with the development of the theme, we present the work Action and Reaction, psychographed by the medium Chico Xavier, with clarifications provided by the Spiritual Benefactor André Luiz in chapter 15, entitled “Opportune Notes”.  In it, he reports that Hilário; his partner for studies whilst in the spirit world; on one certain occasion asked the assistant Silas about the disquieting problems of sexual inversion.

“Silas hurried to clarify and said:

– I will not need to stretch the elucidations. Considering that sex, in essence, is the sum of the positive or passive qualities of the mental field, it is natural that the markedly  feminine  Spirit  takes centuries and centuries in the evolutionary lines as a woman, and that the distinctly masculine  Spirit  holds on for a long time in the experiences of man.

However, on many occasions, Silas continued saying, when a man tyrannizes a woman, stealing her rights and committing abuses in the name of his superiority, he disorganises himself to the point that, unconscious and unbalanced, he is driven by agents of the Divine Law to a painful rebirth in the body of a woman, so that in extreme intimate discomfort, he learns to worship from within a woman; his sister and partner, daughter and mother, before God. The same situation happening to the criminal woman who, after leading a man to debauchery and delinquency, creates for herself the same terrible insanity for beyond the grave, requiring almost always to stay in a male body, so that, in the webs of misfortune to her sensibility, she learns how to build, within her being, the respect she owes man before the Lord.   

We did not include in this definition, however, the big hearts and beautiful characters that in many circumstances reincarnate in bodies that do not correspond to their innermost feelings. By being in such a situation which was a position requested by themselves with the intent to operate with more security and value, and not only the moral perfecting of themselves, as well as for the performance of specialized tasks, through dangerous stages of loneliness, in favour of the earthly social field that forces the vales of constructive renunciation upon them in order to accelerate the step in the understanding of life and spiritual progress."  

André Luiz in the book Sex and Destiny 

In chapter 9 of the book entitled Sex and Destiny psychographed by Chico Xavier, the Spiritual Benefactor André Luiz also broaches the homosexuality question on taking part of a study encounter at the Institute of Renewal “Sister Souls”, directed by the spiritual Instructor Felix for the spirits in need of sexual re-education after discarnation (dying).

Andre Luiz reports that Felix, on explaining the ideas suggested by several participants, narrated in a summarised manner that in the higher Spirit world, one’s sex is not uniquely considered as the morphologic standard for the body of flesh, differentiating male and female. A unilateral definition that on Earth, still does follow with tyrannical attitudes and demands inherited from animal behaviour.

Among the discarnate spirits, beginning with those of average evolution, sex is categorized in the human individuality as the divine attribute that occurs with intelligence, with feelings, with reasoning and other faculties which are up to the present far less applied in the techniques of human experience. The more the creature rises, the more it empowers itself with the understanding that the use of sex demands discernment due to the responsibilities sex entails.

Any sexual liaison engenders systems of vibrational compensation and the partner who damages the other up to the point in which it has generated consequent moral disasters; will start to respond for fair debt.

All sexual excesses damaging consciences call for correction as much as any abuse of reasoning.  A man who abandons his companion without reason or a woman who do so, generating excesses of passion on the victim creates a certain karmic burden in their own way, because nobody harms others without harming themselves. 

Renewing concepts 

Felix predicted that Earth, little by little, will renew principles and concepts, guidelines and legislation in matters of sex, under the inspiration of science, which will place the problem of sexual relationships in a place of its own. He endeavoured to repeat that in the planet, sexual themes are taken into account on the basis of physical signs that distinguish man from woman and vice versa, however, he argued that it does not define the full reality, since an immortal Spirit (sometimes with a multi-millenary age) remains governing these frameworks, encompassing within itself  the sum of complex experiences, which compels earthly science itself to proclaim, at present, that total masculinity and femininity under the psychological point of view are non-existent in the human personality. 

Men and women, in spirit, present a more or less elevated percentage of virile and feminine characteristics in each individual, which do not secure opportunities for normal intimate behaviour in all in accordance with the concept of normality that the majority of man has established for the social environment. 

After Neves, one of the participants of the meeting, formulated a query about homosexuals, instructor Felix showed that innumerable Spirits reincarnate in many reversed conditions, be it in the field of struggles of atonement or in obedience to specific tasks that require harsh discipline by those who request or accept them.

He also indicated that men and women can be born homosexual or intersexual (a being who has organs of both sexes), as they are likely to take the physical body in the condition of being mutilated or inhibited in certain fields of manifestation, adding that the soul reincarnates in this or that circumstance to improve and perfect itself and never under the destination of evil, which compels us to recognize that crimes, whatever they are, in any position, run on our own behalf. 

In view of that, Felix highlighted that in the forums of Divine Justice, in all districts of the higher spirituality, human personalities which are seen as abnormal are considered as  in need of protection as others that enjoy an existence guaranteed by the privileges of the perks of normality; a normality according to men opinions. Felix carried on by noting that the faults committed by people with a psyche judged abnormal are examined within the same criteria applied to faults of people seen as normal and added that in many cases the alleged madness caused by people who are supposedly normal are considerably aggravated by being less justifiable in face of settings and precedents they enjoy within a most stable atmosphere of the majority. 

Guidelines from Chico Xavier

In the book Kardec carries on, the mineiro* medium answered the following on being asked if “a homosexual must accept himself or must fight against their tendencies?”:

"I've read from a emeritus analyst that under the affective point of view, all friendship and all spiritual connection, is a share of homosexuality in men and women, but the homosexuals will not be able to leave aside the way they are in a split second as if they were condemned to not working, to not serve, when we know that there are so many nurses, so many teachers, so many dignified ladies who carry out the duties incumbent upon them very efficiently and devotedly.  

However, homosexuals themselves should avoid pederasty (sexual relationship between men). Indeed pederasty is  an issue caused by man’s desire to experience sensations, but homosexuality is linked to an affective process between men and women on the planet, so that is a natural state in which souls are attuned with each other in order to do good.

Pederasty however, is very different. When we talk about homosexuality, we soon recall unfortunate contexts and settings, but the truth is that homosexuality is in every person who has a friend or who has duties of brotherhood, of service to others. Pederasty is the big problem   we should avoid and understand as being an unnecessary and even unwise condition on the part of all men.

And let’s give the theme a colour brought by its very own issue: Every man should avoid pederasty, and every woman can be perfectly outside of lesbianism (sexual intercourse between women), because our formation always leads us to the path of that which we have already been and sometimes we came to this planet to no longer be what we once were, but to learn to consider what we ought to be. "

In face of what has been written in Part 1 and 2 of this article, we present a summary of the discussed subject: 

1- Spirits do not have gender.

2- Spirits can choose to incarnate in a body of a man or of a woman.

3- Sex in essence is the sum of the passive or positive qualities of the being’s mental field.

4- A Man’s abuses towards woman and vice-versa provoke imbalance and the need for incarnating in another sexual polarity, for appreciation of the masculine or feminine condition.

5- There are also sexual inversions that are requested by grandiose souls in order to carry out specific tasks that require renunciation of themselves.

6- In the higher Spirit world gender is not uniquely considered as a morphologic standard of the body of flesh, distinguishing male from female.

7- Amongst the discarnate Spirits, starting from those of average evolution, sex is characterised by the divine attribute within human individuality.

8- The use of sex demands discernment due to the responsibilities sex entails.

9- Every sexual excess harming consciences demands corrigendum, as much as any abuse of reasoning.

10- The integral reality, governing male and female frameworks belongs to the immortal Spirit, who sometimes is of multi-millenary age, encompassing within itself the sum of complex experiences.

11- The Spirits reincarnate in positions of sexual inversion, be it for the control of struggles of atonement or in obedience to specific tasks which require hard discipline by those who request them or accept them.

12-  Every man must avoid pederasty; every woman can be perfectly outside of lesbianism because our formation always leads us to the path from which we have already been and sometimes we came to this planet in order to no longer be what we once were but to learn to consider what we ought to be.
* Translator note: mineiro: a person who is from Minas Gerais state - Brazil


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