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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 5 - N° 225 -  September 4, 2011


Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


It should be avoided promiscuity in the sex

There are spiritists, who understand to be hasty and uncharitable spreading the idea that a change in sexual orientation is possible by means of psychological treatment to people who pass through the experience of homosexuality.

It must, however, to be understood that this thought did not emerge from nowhere and that there are two authors, both doctors and highly respected, which expressed their opinion about the subject.

One of them is Dr. Robert Spitzer, American psychiatrist, professor at Columbia University, who presented to the American Psychiatric Association, ten years ago, in 2001, a study which says that 66% of men and 44% of women treated by him managed effectively, with your help, change their sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual.

The other author is the well-known physician and colleague Dr. Jorge Andrea, who wrote in 1980, long before the study by Dr. Spitzer, who is indeed possible for the homosexual who wants to have a stable relationship with people from different sex. To achieve this, it is necessary first of all, other than a willingness to refrain from homosexual relationships.

By showing up thinking that we do not want to say that homosexuality is a disease, or a misconduct, or simple sexual orientation.

No, homosexuality, as already said the World Health Organization, is not a disease, and that is exactly why we should not use the word "homosexual" but homosexuality when referring to the theme.

All issues surrounding sexuality are, in fact, closely linked to the soul - or incarnate Spirit - and have nothing to do with regard to their causes, with the body.

The Spirit, as we learned in the spiritual doctrine, may be reborn in a body of man or woman, and when it is disembodied, it matters little to him, for what the guide - according to Spiritism - is the evidence for which the spirit is passing.

Over the millennia, the Spirit goes through huge stringer of reincarnation, sometime in a position of femininity, sometime of masculinity, which consolidates the phenomenon of bisexuality, more or less pronounced in almost all creatures. Men and women will therefore be so relevant, strongly masculine or strongly feminine, without specifying absolute psychological.

In response, the Spirit of the female experience in transit to the male, to wear the physical body, inevitably shows traces of femininity that have matured over many centuries, although it is reincarnated in a male body, verifying the same with reference to women in the same situation.

The transition that we refer to is part of the evolutionary process, but Emmanuel and other respected authors in our midst also report that the man who abused the powers reproductive organs, wrecking the existence of other people with the destruction of many homes and construction unions, can be in many cases, driven to seek new position in the physical rebirth, in a body morphology female, learning, under the prison, to readjust their own feelings. Of course, the same can happen with the woman who acted similarly.

This fact, called by many - including by Chico Xavier - of sex inversion in which a female soul wears a male body, and vice versa, it can also occur in cases where educated and sensitive spirits, anxious to perform specific tasks the elevation of human settlements and lifting themselves, pray for the spiritual instructors own admission in the physical, fleshly dress in the opposite psychological structure through which transiently define. Emmanuel refers to this in his book Life and Sex.

The subject obviously has not escaped from Allan Kardec, which added to the case very important information, as we read in the Spiritist Magazine, 1866, pp. 2-4.

According to the encoder of Spiritism, the influence that the incarnate spirit of the body suffers is not quenched immediately after the destruction of the shell material, so as not instantly lose the tastes and habits land. It can happen, then, that the Spirit through a series of stocks in the same sex, which makes for a long time to keep in erraticity the character of man or woman, whose trace was imprinted on the spirit.

If this influence is reflected from physical life to spiritual life, the fact also happens when the Spirit pass from the spiritual life to the embodied life. Thus, it will bring in a new incarnation of the character and inclinations which had the Spirit. Changing sex, then you can keep the tastes, inclinations and character inherent in the sex that has just left, which explains the fact that there are manly women who behave like real men, and vice versa, whether exist a homosexual relationship.

Returning to the initial theme, it is noteworthy that none of the mentioned authors had said about condition change in all cases. For men who went to Dr. Spitzer, the percentage did not exceed 66% and, for women was even smaller.

It is not difficult, in the view of the above information, understand why this happens; it is likely that the fact is only really possible in cases where there is the so-called normal transition cited by Kardec, Emmanuel and others.

In cases of sexual inversion, especially those caused by trial process, it is evident to us, spiritists that this change is not desired by anyone and it is not going to be possible.

In support of this thought we may recall here the case of a well-known TV presenter, who died recently, told to the public that the conversation he had with Chico Xavier.

He reported his case was one of these so-called sexual inversions: a man's body, female psychology. Chico Xavier would have then recommended to stick to a stable homosexual relationship, avoiding promiscuity, because that is, yes, what we should always reject, leave it heterosexual or homosexual. 



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