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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 5 - N° 222 -  August 14, 2011

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Spirit’s Book

Allan Kardec 

(Part 14) 

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.

Questions for discussion

A. Spirits, as they are free of dense matter, have access to each other and can go anywhere?

B. Why lower the spirits are pleased to lead us to evil?

C. As observed by the spirits own individuality?

D. The Spirit, after the death of the body material, immediately see their relatives and friends who preceded him in the spirit world?

E. There are spirits among the private affections and enmities?

Text for reading

158. Inferior spirits are pleased to take us despite the evil they have not deserved to be among the good. His desire is to prevent as much as they can, that the spirits still inexperienced reach the highest good. They want to prove to others what they are tasting. Already good spirits seek to combat the evil tendencies of others to help them to rise, is a mission. (L.E., 280 and 281) 

159. Relatives and friends do not always meet after death; this will depend on the elevation of each one. If one is earlier and faster motion than the other, cannot be together, can sometimes be seen, but there will always be together, unless they can march shoulder to shoulder or when they have achieved equality in perfection. (L.E., 290) 

160. There are particular affections among spirits, as among men, but the bond that unites the spirit is stronger in the absence of the body, because it is more exposed to the vicissitudes of the passions. (L.E., 291) 

161. There aversions among the spirits, but only among the unclean, and it is these men that excite the enmity and divisions. (L.E., 292) 

162. Only imperfect spirits retain a kind of animosity, until they are cleansed. If the reason for dissent was a material interest, no longer think about that. However, a few they are dematerialized. If there is no antipathy between them, and there is no more reason for dissent may be reviewed with pleasure in the spiritual world, just as two schools, coming of age, they recognize the folly of their children's fights. (L.E., 293) 

163. The memory of evil deeds committed two men against each other, is an obstacle for its sympathy and leads them to distance themselves. (L.E., 294) 

164. Those who have done evil in this world, whether they are good, forgive, in accordance with our repentance. If they are bad, they can save resentment and sometimes chase us up in another existence. God can enable you, as a punishment. (L.E., 295) 

165. The affections that nourish the spirits people are not susceptible to change, because in the spiritual world no longer exists under the mask which hides the hypocrites. The love that unites them is for them a source of supreme happiness. (L.E., 296) 

Answers to questions

A. Spirits, as they are free of dense matter, have access to each other and can go anywhere?  

Yes and no. To avoid or approach, as sympathy or dislike about each other to inspire others, as it happens between incarnate. They are a world in which the material world is pale reflection. The meet in the same category by a kind of affinity and form groups or families, united by ties of sympathy and the purposes for which designed: the good, the desire to do good, the bad, to make the evil, the shame his faults, and by the need to find among those who resemble them. The good ones go everywhere and it should be, so that they can influence the bad. The regions, however, that good habits are sealed to the imperfect spirits, so that they do not interfere with their passions. (The Spirit’s Book, questions 278, 279, 280 and 290.) 

B. Why lower the spirits are pleased to lead us to evil?  

They do so by spite because they have not deserved to be among the good. The desire that prevails in them is to prevent, as you can, that the spirits still inexperienced reach the highest good. They want others to experience what they experience themselves. (Ibid., questions 280 and 281.)

C. As observed by the spirits own individuality?  

They find their individuality by the envelope, which makes them distinguishable from one another, as does the body among men. (Ibid., questions 284, 285, 285-A, 282 and 283.)

D. The Spirit, after the death of the body material, immediately see their relatives and friends who preceded him in the spirit world?  

Immediately not because he needs some time for yourself to recognize and jettison the material veil. (Ibid., questions 285, 286, 287, 288, 289 and 290.) 

E. There are spirits among the private affections and enmities?

Yes, just as occurs among men, being, however, the stronger the bond that holds the spirits to each other when in need of material body, because then that bond does not lie exposed to the vicissitudes of the passions. As for hatred, only he among the unclean spirits and they are there to instill in men the enmity and divisions. (Ibid., questions 291 to 296.)


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