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Methodical Study of the Pentateuch Kardecian   Portuguese  Spanish

Year 5 - N° 211 - May 29,  2011

Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The Spirit’s Book

Allan Kardec 

(Part 3) 

We continue the methodical study of the Pentateuch Kardec, which focuses on the five major works of the spiritual doctrine, in the order they were first published by Allan Kardec, the Encoder of Spiritualism.

The answers to the questions presented, founded in the 2th edition published by FEB, based on translation of Anna Blackwell, are at the end of the text below.

Questions for discussion

A. The Spirit's Book was written in order of who?

B. What people watch good spirits and help?

C. What is God?

D. What Spiritualism teaches us about God and the evidence for its existence?  

Text for reading 

27. The strain that is seen in the drawn opening Prolegomena is the emblem of the work of the Creator. "There you find all the basics together materials that can better represent the body and spirit. The body is the strain, the spirit is the liquor, the soul or spirit is connected to the berry field. A man by the quintessence spirit and you work know that only by working the body the spirit acquires knowledge." (Prolegomena, p. 49.) 

28. If the feeling of God's existence was nothing more than the product of a teaching, or there would not be universal, except among those who had been able to receive this teaching. (L.E., 6) 

29. The harmony which regulates the forces of the Universe reveals combinations and specific purposes and, therefore, an intelligent power. Assign the primary training at random would be a nonsense, because chance is blind and cannot produce intelligent effects. (L.E., 8) 

30. When the human spirit is no longer obscured by the matter and has, for its perfection, approached the Godhead, then see and understand. (L.E., 11) 

31. God exists, you cannot doubt, and this is essential. Don’t desire to go further. Do not desire to go further. Don’t get lost in a labyrinth from which we could not leave. (L.E., 14) 

32. The intelligence of God is revealed in his works, like a painter in his painting. (L.E., 16) 

33. God, a model of love and charity, was never idle. Whatever the distance that you can imagine the beginning of its action, will be able to understand it one second at idle? (L.E., 21) 

34. We cannot, except by thought, conceive the spirit without matter and matter without spirit. (L.E., 26) 

35. The ponderability is an attribute of matter known to man, but the matter regarded as the universal fluid. The matter is ethereal and subtle than this fluid is imponderable to human perception, it is nevertheless to be the principle of heavy matter that we know. (L.E., 29) 

Answers to questions 

A. The Spirit's Book was written in order of who?   

It was written by dictation and by order of superior spirits, to lay the foundations of a rational philosophy, free from the prejudices of the spirit of the system. It contains nothing that is not the expression of their thinking and that has not been examined by them. Just order and orderly distribution of materials, as well as the notes and the shape of some parts of the essay is the work of Allan Kardec. (Prolegomena, sixth paragraph, pg. 49.)

B. What people watch good spirits and help?     

The Good Spirits only dispense assistance to those who serve God with humility and selflessness and repudiate all who seek the path of heaven one step to conquer the things of earth. (Prolegomena, last two paragraphs, pg. 50.)

C. What is God?     

God is the supreme intelligence, primary cause of all things. (L.E., questions 1 and 14.)

D. What Spiritualism teaches us about God and the evidence for its existence?   

The proof of the existence of God who is infinite in His perfections, is an axiom known men of science: There is no effect without cause. Seek the cause of everything that is not the work of man and our right answer. The supreme intelligence of God is revealed in a proverb also known: By the work one recognizes the author. Well! Consider the work of creation and seek the author. Unable to create any human being what nature produces, the primary cause is therefore a superior intelligence to humanity. Whatever the wonders that human intelligence has operated itself needs a cause, the greater the operating, the more there is to be the primary cause. That is that higher intelligence is the primary cause of all things, whatever the name that will bring. (L.E., questions 3, 4, 5 and 9.) 


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