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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 5 - N° 210 - May 22,  2011


Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


Violence in the world
we live in

The execution of Osama Bin Laden, what was news worldwide, raised a question in a lot of people which has been difficult to answer it fully and satisfactorily: - Why is violence still something so remarkable in our world?

No one clearly denies that it always has been present in every epoch. The Bible shows us the conflict that Moses took part, fact repeated with the king Saul and even with David, author of the most psalms that became eternal in the pages of Old Testament.      

The wars responsible for expanding Roman Empire, the Crusades, sad memory, the Inquisition, the long period of slavery in many countries, what only ceased in the second half of the 19th century, the numerous conflicts between European countries, the world wars of 1914 and 1939, Korean War, Vietnam War… Enough! This list is enough to show the state of war, violence and crime is not a modern phenomenon and therefore has much deeper roots than we can imagine at the first sight.

Days ago, we answered a reader of this magazine, who consulted on the violence issue, it was told her that we believe that violence which reigns in earthly society, not only in Brazil, against people in general, children, young people or adults, there is the general condition of backwardness that characterizes the world in which we live.

Earth is a very young planet, and because of this, not yet passed the second level on the evolutionary scale applicable to the planets, because nothing is more than a simple world of tests and atonement. Below it, there are only the so-called primitive worlds, where souls are beginning their evolutionary pilgrimage through successive reincarnations.

To understand the developmental level of the spirits who live in our world, let’s see what St Augustine (Spirit) wrote in 1862:

 “(...) not all the spirits incarnated on Earth going around in atonement. The races you call wild are formed of spirits that only emerged from childhood and who find themselves on Earth, so to speak, ongoing education, to develop themselves in contact with spirits of a higher moral. Then come races semi civilized, consisting of those same spirits on the road to progress. They are, in a sense, the indigenous races of Earth, which then rose gradually over long secular periods, some of which will be able to reach the intellectual training of the most enlightened people.

Spirits in the atonement, if we can express it in this way, they are exotic on Earth; they were in other worlds, from they were excluded by reason of their obstinacy in evil and because they had made in such worlds disruption to the good spirits. They had to be banished for a time, into the midst of backward spirits, with the mission of making the latter to continue, because they carry with them developed intelligence and the germ of the knowledge they have acquired. It comes in punishment that spirits are in the midst of the most intelligent breeds. Therefore, for these races is that the more bitterness is lining the misfortunes of life. It is because there is more sensitivity in them, therefore, more tested by the setbacks and disappointments than the landraces, whose moral sense is found more blunt.” (The Gospel According to spiritism, chapter III, item 14).   

85 years after the above message, the situation on this planet has changed a little, as we can gauge the view of the information below, frequent in the book I went back (Voltei), from the fellow Jacob, psychographed work in 1947 by the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier. 

Here is the information that we report: 

“Almost two billion human individualities living embodies on the Planet, the benefactor clarified that more than one billion is composed of spirits half-civilized or barbarians and those who are able to spirituality are nothing more than six hundred million divided by continental family. It is easy therefore to assess the extent of regenerative service beyond the grave, considering that no man instantly change himself.” (I went back, from the fellow Jacob).

It is not difficult to understand why our planet continues to be, and it will be for a long period, a world of tests and atonement, making violence and criminality merely reflections of this condition and the evolutionary stage in which we, the earthlings, still found.


On the topics of violence crime and delinquency, read the editorials published in this magazine, that the person can see by clicking on the links below:

- http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano2/73/editorial.html

- http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano2/83/editorial.html

- http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano2/88/editorial.html

- http://www.oconsolador.com.br/ano4/188/editorial.html



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism