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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 197 – February 20, 2011


Francine Prado / francine.cassia@hotmail.com


A farewell to a dear friend
who left


Friday was already getting dark when the phone brought us news that generally people do not want to receive it: someone told us about the death of a dear and close friend.

We are talking about our brother Adervaldo Roberto Patta, dedicated worker and one of the founders of the Comunhão Espírita Cristã de Londrina – Brazil. He served for over twenty years without prejudice to the tasks he also performed well in our Spiritual Center, located in the same city.

His death occurred on February 11th, hours after an emergency surgery that he underwent after two months of suffering caused by a disease which generated constant gut bleeding.

You certainly cannot ignore that the feeling of the spirit in face of death is not and it should not be a feeling of loss, because there is no death in the way people generally think of it.

Death is a change of residence and duties.

Clearly that people who ever have changed the city know that this is not something easy. It requires an adjustment phase until things fit together and everything is back to normal.

Changing jobs is not also something that pleases. Anyone who had lost his job and had to start in another company knows well how this is difficult, although it is transitory too.

Maybe because of this that death provokes, even to us who are spiritists, some apprehension similar to that experienced by those who go through situations we have referred.

Death, however, does not exist. It is only merely about the perishable body and nobody will escape from this contingency. However, it does not reach the soul, which is immortal and indestructible that goes in its walk to achieve the goal we were created for, namely perfection.

Our feeling and our desire for the friend who left us, is that he may soon be integrated into a new job again and with good will and dedication that it was always his characteristic. He can be back to work and help those in need without difficulties and obstacles that people incarnated, like us, face it.

Before the grave where Allan Kardec’s body was inert, Flammarion – clearly talking to the Encoder spirit – said these words that became famous:

“You return now to that world whence we came from, and gathering the fruits of your ground studies. Your involucre sleeps at our feet, your brain is destroyed, your eyes are closed to no longer open again, your word will not hear anymore… We know that we will all come to the same last dream, the same inertia, and the same dust. Although it is not on that involucre we put our glory and our hope. The body falls, the soul remains and returns to the space. We will find each other in this better world and the immense sky where exercise our facilities, the most powerful. We will continue the studies that there were not on earth but a theater too narrow to contain them.

We like to know this truth than to believe everything that lies entirely within that body, and your soul was destroyed by the cessation of functioning of an organ. Immortality is the light of life, as this shiny sun is the light of Nature.

See you soon my dear Allan Kardec, see you soon.”

To Roberto Patta, with our embrace, we would like to say the same words, and send our prayers to him and to his mother and his family members.

And as Flammarion, we say to him: Goodbye dear friend! Wait for us, because sooner than we think we will be together again.



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