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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 4 - N° 189 – December 19, 2010

Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


Christmas’ surprise


Paul lived in a very poor neighbourhood, which was part of a big town. He has a good and generous heart. Everyone liked him.  

Her dad worked very hard in the fields, earned very little. His mom also worked very hard, but had a low income. Everything his parents earned was spent on food, house rent, water and electricity.  

Paul always dreamed of having new clothes, shoes and toys. He wore very simple clothes and had no toys to play with.  

Even though, he was going through difficult times, he was a happy child. He liked everyone and everyone liked him. He always went to school in the morning. When he came back, he usually helped his mom with home duties. There was always something to do, everyday. He was always willing to help those who were in need.          

Lady Victoria asked him to pay an urgent bill for her. 

— Yes, sure Lady Victoria. I will do this for you — he would reply. 

Someone called him at another time: 

— Paul dear, can you please make some company to Rita, while I do my shopping? Since she is paralytic she might need something whilst I am away... 

— Yes, definitely Bénédite. I will stay with her and tell her a story I learned from school. 

— Thank you. She will be so delighted to have you around.  

Paul then went to Bénédite’s house. He got in and smiled at the ten year old girl who was unable to walk due to polio. On his way back home, he met Joseph, an old man who struggled to walk by himself. 

— Oh, dear boy. Can you please help me to get back home? Come on, I am in a rush here! 

No one really liked Joseph, because he was always in a bad mood. Paul didn’t mind the way he was being treated by him, though. 

— Of course, sir. How are you feeling today?

Paul patiently helped the old man walk to his house. He talked to Joseph all the way, and really enjoyed it! This was Paul’s behaviour. He was generous and kind with everyone. He not just helped people, but shared everything he had. 

One day he found a very beautiful stone. It was so bright and beautiful it reminded him of the sun. He cleaned it and kept it in a safe place. Soon later he met Andrew, a child who was crying a lot. He fell on his knee and said it was hurting. Paul then took the stone out of his pocket and said: 

— Can you see this stone, Andrew? It is magic! It will remove all your pain away from you! Please keep it. It’s yours! 

The little boy looked at it and stopped crying. He smiled and thanked Paul for such a nice gift. Paul then went to school. He got a children's storybook as a present and soon thought:  

— I will give this book to Rita. She definitely needs it more than I do. I can do many things, but my friend Rita can only stay in bed or in a wheelchair. 

Christmas was not getting close... The city was looking so beautiful! It was full of lights and joy! Paul really wanted to get a new present, but knew it was impossible. His parents didn’t have enough money for it. He then thought, full of courage: 

— Why do I need a present? Jesus has already given me so many things! I am healthy, I have loving parents and friends... I don’t need anything else! 

It was now Christmas day. Paul decided to get out of the house as he wanted to meet his friends, but he wasn’t able to find them. They all seemed to have disappeared! He got back home and felt a bit sad. It was Christmas after all... It was the day we celebrate Jesus’ birth. He really wanted to salute them. 

Later on that day, people came to tell him Lady Bénédite wanted to speak to him. He then walked to her house. He thought it was a bit strange as all the lights were switched off even though it was quite dark outside... He then gently knocked at the front door... 

The door opened and then... — Surprise! — the lights switched on and he was greeted with a lot of clapping. He looked around and could see that Bénédite’s house was full of people! His friends were all there, even Joseph! There was also a Christmas tree at the front room, with lots of decorations hanging on it! 

— But... what is going on? — he asked, stammering briefly.  

Rita smiled and explained to Paul: 

— We decided to offer a party for you, Paul! We want to thank you for everything you have been doing for us.

She then showed him a box and said:

— This is my present for you! Merry Christmas!  

He could not believe what was just happening. He not had tears in his eyes. He then opened the box and saw a small dog with a red tape around his neck. 

He then held the dog and said: 

— I don’t even know how to thank you, Rita! I always wanted to have puppy! 

— There is not need to thank us for this. You deserve much, much more! 

Everyone then hugged him, wishing him Merry Christmas. His parents were also there, feeling really proud of their son. Each person gave him a package. Lady Victoria sewed a special outfit for him. Joseph gave Paul a pair of shoes.... Andrew offered him a toy car.... 

He opened his arms and said, full of excitement:

— Thank you! Thank you! The one who really deserves this homage is Jesus! It’s his birthday! Merry Christmas to all of you! 

On that night, a beautiful and pleasant party took place at that house. This was a true fraternity and solidarity; a consequence from Jesus’ teaching: Love Your Neighbour As You Love Yourself.


                                                            Auntie Célia


O Consolador
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