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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 183 – November 7, 2010


Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


Where did we go wrong?

After leaving a grand event as the 6th World Spiritist Congress held last month in Spain, where there was much discussion on the transition that takes place in our world, it is difficult to understand the confusion that exists on earth, dealing with serious political problems, economic, social and environmental.

In Europe the economic crisis and its inevitable consequences, such as strikes, to cut down on numerous countries such as Greece, for example. In Spain, where he held the Congress, the unemployment rate this month reached an absolute record, and Indonesia, as indeed in many parts of the world, the natural scourges are repeated, as if to indicate that our beloved earth remains, in the felicitous phrase used by Emmanuel, a "retirement home".

House to reform - we believe that everyone knows - remember confusion, people coming and going, things out of place, a kind of chaos that leaves its people the impression that it will never end.

In this light appears, then, a question which is repeated time and again: Where did we go wrong? Why the world has reached this level?

The question should not of course be made by adherents of Spiritualism. After all, if there is a doctrine, a religion, a movement of ideas that have no responsibility for this state of things, this doctrine is Spiritualism.

The reason is very simple. Just recognize that, although we are in the 21st century, Spiritism has not come - as Kardec certainly imagined - the stage where they have influence over the course of society, a fact that only happens in some places, very few, and at the individual level . It is the citizen who came out of depression, is an alcoholic who is rehabilitated, is the criminal who changed his life, is that bad husband now respects the woman, is the dishonest man who realized that dishonesty is not worth it, is the hapless creature they reunited in life and now sees with optimism, and numerous similar cases.

It would indeed require claim influence over the actions of a social and political doctrine codified in France that do not care where it appeared, it is known, because in France, as we well know, Allan Kardec and his works have been ignored, while his countrymen who gave us a lesser work are revered.

It concerns us because of that, this insistence of the authors and lecturers in spiritualists talk much about the proximity of the Regeneration of the World, because there are signs that show very clearly that this planet has to meet is still a long period of adjustments to its past wars, exploitation, torture, slavery, and a vast array of different crimes. Spiritism tells us how to make such adjustments, which involve the absolute necessity of atonement and reparation of harm caused to people, individuals and nations.

Does little more than 60 years that France, Britain, Italy, Poland and the Soviets have lived the drama caused by the Nazis, who destroyed Germany and almost extinguished the descendants of Israel. And after that, we still had the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and dozens of conflicts, bigger ones, smaller ones whose crimes must be atoned for and repaired.

With regard to the spirit that we do today, we think that now repeats what was done by the early Christians who were hiding in the catacombs in order to hear about Jesus and never imagined that one day they would dominate the world, although this area has nothing valid for the improvement of the spiritual world.

Few centuries ago, the kings of Europe - which dominated the world - were all Christians and Christianity had any power on earth, there was no damage that would occur wars, the Inquisition, the exploitation, the decimation of minorities, which leads us to conclude that the building of the new world, the world of regeneration, the world of peace and concord is the result of a construction in which the spiritual man, pay his dark past, to decide on a new life with new ideals and commitments and different from those of today's society.

While it does not, continue the wars, terrorist actions, crises, strikes, plagues, disease and suffering.

It is therefore up to us spiritualists, with little possibility that we own, spreading the message, work, work in well, show which way things easier for the generations to come, so imbued with new feelings, which are essential for our planet can climb the new stage of evolution and become, in fact, in a world of regeneration, as St. Louis described in Sec. III of The Gospel According to Spiritism.



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism