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Special Portuguese Spanish    

Year 4 - N° 182 – October 31, 2010

São Paulo, SP (Brasil)

Leonardo Azzalin – leonardoazzalin@btinternet.com


Is everything obsession?

As with illnesses and all tribulations of life, obsession must 
be considered a test or an atonement and should be 
accepted as such

 (Part 2 and final)


It is for this reason - that we must protect ourselves against obsessions - that André  Luiz teaches us very seriously the duty of every Spiritist Centre to hold a Disobsession Meeting for this therapeutics:


"Every Spiritist temple should and must have its own team of disobsession servers, whenever it is not meant to assist the victims of spiritual disorientation that prowl its doors, to promote its own defence and preservation."(11)


Well, now that we have briefly talked about the concept of obsession, let us go back to one of the questions presented earlier in this article and attributed to a person supposedly neurotic and fanatic for Spiritism.


"My fern withered, my goldfish died, my cat choked, my dog got sick. I think it was a disembodied obsessor, who projected evil fluids on to the goldfish that I loved so much just to kill it and cause me to be depressed."


Is it really possible that obsessors manipulate fluids and project them towards people and animals causing diseases and even, in more severe cases, leading to the death of the body? Let's analyse it using as input two passages from the Spiritist literature. One of them reports about the negative projection of fluids and the other one on fluids from positive projection.


Firstly, it is about the projection of negative fluids. In the book "Liberation", Chapter 9 - "Invisible Persecutors" (15), André Luiz and Gubio, undercover, follow Saldanha (the leader of the obsessors):


"- The young lady slowly gives in - clarified the unique character - pointing to the wide corridor crammed with obnoxious fluidic substances.

He accompanied us, somewhat helpful but suspicious, and then, after a brief pause, he freed up for us the entry of a large double chamber.

Outside, the morning was bright; the sun visited the room through the crystal glass pane.

The work of the disembodied persecutors
there was meticulous, cruel

A still young woman, showing extreme pallor on the noble lines of the decent countenance, gave herself in to excruciating meditation.

I realised that we had reached the intimacy of Margarida, the obsessed woman that our mentor was committed to assist.

Two disembodied entities of horrible physical aspect leaned over confident and dominant on the chest of the sick woman, submitting her to a complicated magnetic operation. This peculiarity of the room framework was scary. However, my astonishment was even greater when I ­ focused all my potential of attention on the uniquely dispirited young woman's head. Interpenetrating the dense matter on which the head leaned, a few tens of "ovoid bodies" of various sizes and leaden in colour appeared, resembling large living seeds, attached to the patient's brain through very subtle wires, carefully arranged in the medulla oblongata.

The work of the disembodied persecutors was meticulous, cruel.

Margarida, by the perispiritic body, lay absolutely stuck not only to the truculent disturbers that beset her, but also to the vast phalanx of unconscious entities, which were characterised by the mental vehicle, seizing her strength by vampirising* her in an intensive process.

In fact, I had already observed, a great deal of violent cases of obsession, but always driven by fulminant passions. However, I could verify there the siege technically organized."15.

Now, it is for the projection of positive fluids. In "The Mediums' Book" by Allan Kardec - Chapter 22 - item 236 (3), there is a very interesting communication of the Spirit Erastus to clarify to participants a discussion held in the Parisian Society of Spiritist Studies, which had as its theme " Mediumship in Animals. "


"Mr. T. .., it is said, magnetized his dog. Which result did he achieve? He killed it, because the unfortunate animal died after having fallen into a kind of stasis, of languor, due to the magnetization. Indeed, by saturating it with fluid drawn in an essence superior to the special essence of its dog nature, it crushed it, acting on the animal like a lightning, though more slowly. Thus, as there is no possible assimilation between our perispirit and fluidic envelope of the animals themselves, we would annihilate them instantly if we were to put them in a trance.(3)


André Luiz provides us with an extensive list
of kinds of obsession

Now, after reading and studying these two passages, I propose to everyone the following reflections.

1 - If organized obsessors can cause disease through the projection of harmful fluids onto people, why could they not do this to animals or plants? As the fern, the goldfish, the cat, the dog etc?

2 - If Mr. T., due to carelessness and ignorance, projected fluids, although positive in excess, saturating his dog and leading it to death, why could not organized obsessors do the same with plants and animals, like a goldfish, aiming to cause depression in the goldfish's owner?

But before you answer these two questions to yourself, I suggest reading some of the numerous passages in the Spiritist literature to enrich and deepen our study.

Emmanuel in the book Seara dos Mediuns (Harvest of Mediums) exposes some types of obsessions reported in passages from the Gospel, let alone many others quoted on his extensive literary work:

"In verses 33-35 of Chapter 4, from the Gospel of Luke ... There we have the direct obsession. "

"In verses 2-13 of chapter 5 from Mark's Gospel ... There we have the obsession, followed by possession and vampirism.

"In verses 32 and 33 of Chapter 9, from the Gospel of Matthew ... There we have the complex obsession reaching the soul and body. "

"In verse 2 of Chapter 13 from the Gospel of John .. There we have the indirect obsession in which the victim suffers degrading influence without losing its own responsibility. "

"In verses 5-7, Chapter 8, in Acts ... There we have a collective obsession causing ghost diseases. (12)

André Luiz also assists us with an extensive list of types of obsession. See below the relationship from the book "Prontuario de Andre Luiz (Andre Luiz’s Handbook)," by Ney da Silva Pinheiro, an excellent job of cataloguing Andre Luiz's works, published by the Instituto de Difusao Espirita (Institute of Spiritist Broadcasting)(13):


·                  Obsession of the unborn (embryos and foetuses);

·                  Obsession and miscarriage;

·                  Obsession during sleep;

·                  Obsession and alcoholism;

·                  Obsession and animism;

·                  Obsession and guilt complex;

·                  Obsession and mental development of mankind;

·                  Obsession and Spiritism;

·                  Obsession and demonic figures;

·                  Obsession and madness;

·                  Obsessive perispirit;

·                  Obsession and vampirism;

·                  Obsession in religious temples (induced sleep);

·                  Obsession among incarnated spirits;

·                  Obsession right after disembodiment;

·                  Obsession due to envy;

·                  Obsession among disembodied spirits (mental magnetism);

·         Obsession between embodied and disembodied spirits (13).

"To whom much is given much is asked,"
asserted the Master

Phew! I lost my breath! The list never ends!   

Self-obsession, psychic delusion, demons and demonism, dual personality, mental grafting, epilepsy, demonised spirits, hypnosis, mental magnetism, fluidic infections, lycanthropy, black magic, mediumship and obsession, magnetic operations, parasites, ovoids, possession, spiritual symbiosis, spiritual vampirism etc.

Enough! There would not be room enough to fit into this very article the full list of all the various types of obsessions reported in the Spiritist literature.

Now that you have read this article up to here, take a break. Prepare yourself through a prayer and make your inner reflection. Use reason, common sense, impartial and unpretentious critical analysis. Analyse it with the courage of those who seek the truth, even if that truth can hurt them deep inside the heart. And answer to yourself.

Are those who think that everything is obsession neurotic? Are they religious fanatics? Do they need a good treatment? Or is the worst of all obsessions the one that aims to keep people in ignorance of what obsession really is? Is it the one that, by keeping people ignorant about the reality of the processes of constant spiritual influencing through thinking, keeps them away from the diagnosis, the treatment and the cure of obsessions? Or is the worst of all obsessions the one that introduces ways of thinking that lead to dogmatic, mystical, superficial and personal arguments and conclusions keeping humans purposely in ignorance of the Laws of God and thus creating a fertile ground for the obsessors to act freely?

"To whom much is given much is asked," asserted the Divine Master. There is a proportional relation between how much knowledge we have received and how much knowledge we will be accountable for due to our deeds. Have we not received extensive and intensive spiritual guidance on various types of obsession? Is the knowledge of obsessions a mysterious topic within the Spiritist doctrine? Has the Spiritist knowledge brought by the detailed study not yet borne fruit in us bringing awareness of this reality?

To err knowingly is a very serious fault before God

We all make mistakes. It is natural because we are imperfect Spirits in a state of continuous evolution, but to err knowingly is a very serious fault before the Laws of God.

In this sense, Emmanuel replied wisely when asked about a very important teaching of the Divine Master Jesus.

"303 - What is the meaning of the evangelical teaching: - All sins be forgiven unto you, except those committed against the Holy Spirit?


- The acquisition of spiritual knowledge combined with the perfect awareness of our duties awakens within us the spark of the Divine Spirit that lies at the heart of all creatures. At that moment, the sanctuary of the light of God opens up to our in-depth vision within ourselves, nurturing and guiding our most legitimate notions of responsibility in life. As the man bends or falters away from the light, his mistake is justified, somehow, through ignorance or blindness. However, the mistake committed knowingly of the duty, after the blessing of the inner knowledge kept in the heart and in reasoning, this one means the 'sin against the Holy Spirit' because the human soul will then be against itself, repudiating its divine possibilities. It is therefore obvious that these errors are the most serious of life because they consist of the contempt of men for the words of God that dwells in them. " 14.

As a conclusion, I only ask one more little question:

Is everything obsession?



(1) GAS* - Allan Kardec - Chapter 28, item 81 - "Prayer for the obsessed" - FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation) edition - the 115th edition.

(2) "The Spirits' Book" - Allan Kardec - Question 122 b - FEB (BSF*) Edition - 76th edition.

(3) "The Mediums' Book - Allan Kardec - Chapter 22 - item 236 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 76th edition.

(4) Book "Harvest of Mediums" - Emmanuel - "Obsession and Jesus, pg.59 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 6th Edition.

(5) Book "Harvest of Mediums" - Emmanuel - "Obsession and Jesus, pg.60 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 6th Edition.

(6) Book "Disobsession" - Andre Luiz - Chapter 64 - "Benefits of Disobsession, pg.222 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 15th edition.

(7) Book "Spiritist Opinion" - Andre Luiz - Lesson 15 - "To the counselor medium, pg.63 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 9th Edition.

(8) Book "Our Daily Bread" - Emmanuel - Lesson 101 - "Resist the Temptation" pg.213 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 16th edition.

(9) Book "Divine Justice" - Emmanuel - Chapter "Termination of Evil", pg.102 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 9th Edition.

(10) "The Mediums' Book - Allan Kardec - Chapter 23 - item 237 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 76th edition.

(11) Book "Disobsession" - Andre Luiz - Introduction - "Disobsession, pg.19 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 15th edition.

(12) Book "Harvest of Mediums" - Emmanuel - "Obsession and the Gospel", pg.181 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 6th Edition.

(13) Book "André Luiz's Handbook" - Ney da Silva Pinheiro - pgs. 116 and 117 - Spiritist Broadcasting Institute Edition - 2nd Edition.

(14) Book "The Comforter" - Emmanuel - pgs. 177 and 178 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 11th Edition.

(15) Book "Libertacao (Liberation)" - Andre Luiz - Chapter 09 - "Invisible Stalkers", pp. 114 and 115 - FEB (BSF) Edition - 14th Edition.


SB - Abbreviation of "The Spirits' Book" - FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation) Edition - 76th edition; In the above quotations where SB appears followed by a number, this number is the indication of the number of the mentioned question of "The Spirits' Book" .


Victor Manoel Seco has been a Spiritist Philosophy student for approximately two decades, having frequented several spiritist centres in Sao Paulo city. He is a collaborator of the site www.espiritismoemdebate.com.br. He is a collaborator of the website www.espiritismoemdebate.com.br .

*Translator’s note: GAS – Abbreviation of “The Gospel According to Spiritism”

*Translator’s note: BSF – Abbreviation of “Brazilian Spiritist Federation”

*Translator’s note: “to vampirise” - Although not found in dictionaries, this verb– a neologism – is widely found on the internet meaning the action or process of sucking or absorption of the vital fluids/blood/energy from an individual exercised by demonic entities such as vampires.



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