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Interview Portuguese Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 181 – October 24, 2010
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Leonardo Rocha - l.rocha1989@gmail.com

Alírio de Cerqueira Filho: 

“To ‘spiritise’ Spiritism, we need to humanise our workers” 

Espiritizar, or To Spiritise, is a project created in order to put into practice the three elements highlighted by the noble spirit of Joanna de Ângelis: to improve the quality, to humanise and to spiritise
the Spiritist Movement

Alírio de Cerqueira Filho (photo) is a doctor, born and brought up in the capital of the western Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá. He became a Spiritist in 1978. He’s a member of the state’s Spiritist Federation and the author of several books. His work has focused on disseminating the message of Joanna de Ângelis, the spiritual author of many books on Psychology, and the Spiritise Project is part of that goal. 

O Consolador: Tell us more about the project, its aims and how it was devised. 

It was created by the Spiritist Federation  

of the state of Mato Grosso four years ago, aimed at following the three guidelines of Joanna de Ângelis, the spiritual mentor of the great medium, Divaldo Franco.

O Consolador: In which way are the proposals linked to the Gospel and Spiritism? 

After a number of discussions, we in the Spiritist Federation of Mato Grosso came to the conclusion that Joanna de Ângelis advised us to follow that trinity – to improve the quality, to humanise and to spiritise – in order to enhance the commitment of the Spiritist Movement to the Doctrine, to the teachings codified by Allan Kardec. The ultimate goal of Spiritism is to revive the Gospel of Jesus according to the Spirit of Truth. 

O Consolador: What has been the reaction to the proposal at a national level, in other Brazilian states? 

It’s been very positive. We’ve been going round the country and even abroad, doing seminars and lectures on the theme. We have also put into DVDs several courses and seminars, which has allowed Spiritist Centres in other parts of Brazil to follow the guidelines of the Spiritize Project. 

O Consolador: Has Divaldo Franco followed in his lectures around the world the guidelines of Joanna de Ângelis? 

Absolutely! All his work is aimed at getting the Spiritist Movement closer to the principles of the Doctrine codified by Kardec. 

O Consolador: Where can we find, in the basic books of Spiritism, reference to the guidelines of the project? 

I believe that to ‘spiritise’  Spiritism, we need to humanise our workers, we need to be really aware of the importance the Doctrine has to our lives. It is the console promised by Jesus. The project invites us to bring the teachings of the Doctrine and apply it to our daily lives, as real pupils of Master Jesus. The idea is that, encouraged by Christian love, we will be able to practice hard self-knowledge and self-transformation, or interior illumination. That is what we can find in The Gospel According Spiritism, chapter XVII, item 4. Allan Kardec, the codifier, says: “We can recognise the real Spiritist for their moral transformation and for the efforts they make in order to control their bad inclinations.” 

O Consolador: Has the Spiritise Project been an inspiration to your books and public lectures? 

Yes, I have tried to follow the guidelines in all my activities, so we can offer some resistance to the attacks of the “organised gangs from the dark” (as defined by Manoel Philomeno de Miranda, in his latest book), who have been carrying out a concerted action in order to ridicule Spiritism and the truth about mediums and psychic powers.  

O Consolador: Which subjects have grabbed the attention of most fellow Spiritists? 

The biggest number of request has been for a lecture I prepared, titled Obsession and Spiritism, which draws attention to our responsibilities as Spiritists. 

O Consolador: As an author, which of the books you wrote had the greatest impact on you? 

It was, without any doubt, the first one I published, Psychotherapy in the Light of the Gospel of Jesus, which was prefaced by Joanna de Ângelis. That book was the result of several years of research on her works. 

O Consolador: Tell us a bit about your book, Without Charity, There’s No Salvation.  

That book focuses on how to provide assistance and help according to the teachings of Spiritism. Many still believe our work should be restricted to basic assistance and hand outs. The book provides guidelines for Spiritist workers based on the parables in the Gospel of Jesus.  

O Consolador: Your final words, please. 

My final message is to request that we work hard in order to follow the real teachings of the Spiritist Doctrine. We should study the works of Kardec, we should reflect on the Gospel of Jesus, so that we can really change ourselves and become better people. That’s particularly relevant in the current period we are living, the Great Transition, as the Earth leaves the stage of Trials and Tribulations to become a planet of Regeneration.  

* More information on www.espiritizar.org



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