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Editorial Portuguese  Spanish    
Year 4 - N° 176 – September 19, 2010


Fernanda Trebien / ftrebien@hotmail.com


The dead have brought and still bring news from Beyond

We occasionally hear statements like this: “Nobody has ever come back to tell if life goes on”.

It is understandable if such affirmative comes from a non Christian person, but irrelevant if it comes from people who accept and believe in the New Testament. Moreover, the New Testament describes in detail the passage when Jesus returned to his disciples after his death at Golgotha. It also describes the visit Moses and Elijah, who came to comfort him, paid to Jesus moments before his arrest.

We will not discuss the facts contained in the Old Testament, even though they are numerous and meaningful, since Brazil is a Christian country and bases its faith in the New Testament.

It is well known that the communications of the so called dead gave strength to Spiritism, because the Spiritist principles are not based on opinions nor in councils, but in facts, such as those shown by Professor Carlos Augusto Perandréa in his research about messages psycographed by Chico Xavier, which resulted in a new scientific work, first published in the journal Semina, of Londrina State University, then turned in the book " Psychography in the Light of the Graphoscopy.”

In his research, the author has proved the reality of the mediumistic communications by comparing a letter written by an individual, prior to his death, with his signature on the psycographed message. By means of technical analysis, the graphic authenticity has been proven in many cases.

For those who are not aware, Perandréa was not a spiritist until the facts and his own experience in the field of mediumnship have changed his religious view.

The spirits, therefore, have returned and will continue to come back from the beyond, bringing stories about their extra physical life in which, they say, there are many occupations and missions to accomplish.

Besides working to improve themselves, they have the task of executing the will of God, consequently contributing to the harmony of the Universe.

The spirits are continuously busy in the spiritual world, but this is not tiring since they are not subject to fatigue nor to the same needs they had when living on Earth. And, surprisingly, even the inferior and imperfect spirits perform useful tasks in the world they live, although often they do not realize it.

According to the Spiritist Doctrine, the spirits must go through all levels of the evolutionary scale in order to improve, and that is why they live everywhere and acquire, through studying and experience, a gradual knowledge of all things. Everything happens in the right time, thus the experience that a spirit is facing today, another one has already passed and others will face in future.

The missions of the spirits always seek to do good. Being incarnated or disincarnated, their task is to promote the progress of mankind and execute certain tasks. Some are assigned to sort of restricted missions such as to assist ill and afflicted people, look after the ones they protect, giving them advice or inspiring them with good thoughts.

There are several types of missions and interests to protect both in the physical and moral worlds; the spirit develops itself according to the way it performs its task.

In regards to our world, the spirits are interested in things according to their level of evolution. The superior spirits are concerned about things that help progress. The inferior ones are linked to the material things and concerned about them.

The happiness of the blessed spirits does not consist of being idle; it would be an eternal and tedious futility.

Its responsibilities are proportionate to their degree of evolution, to their light, to their ability, to their experience and to the level of confidence the Supreme Creator has in them.

As we can see, there is constant activity from the bottom to the top of the evolution scale. This offers to all, without exception, the opportunity to educate themselves and reach the goal, which is perfection.



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