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Year 4 - N° 166 – July 11, 2010

São José dos Campos, 
São Paulo (Brasil)
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The speculations about reincarnation at the Spiritist Movement: examining the possibility of being Chico Xavier Allan Kardec

(Part 1)

Allan Kardec established the method of rigorous evaluation of the message content through analysis of their consistency with respect to the Gospel, the structure of doctrine and science. This thorough evaluation of the message, though normally be related more directly to psychographic works, is also fully applicable to the works of authors incarnate. Anyway, this initial review is succeeded by a careful assessment of moral character or author of a medium red and the team of workers that supports the work of psychographer or writer concerned. This topic could include an analysis of doctrinal preparation of the medium / writer, because, obviously, a Spiritist more prepared doctrinally tends to be more self-critical and educated psychically. Finally, when it comes to psychic work, we analyze the name of the author's spiritual message assumption psychographic. If the name in question match the known figure, it is necessary to compare the author's work, while foreign spirit, his work produced as embodied writer. Similarly, if the same name appears through works produced by different mediums, it is necessary to compare the content and form of texts psychographed by different instruments in order to confirm that it is really the same Spirit.

Obviously, the influence of different instruments soul psychic as well as the period spent in the spiritual world can influence the style of the text, but this influence should not be something that pits the peculiarities of the spiritual writer, because if it happens, that would be more interesting Spirit use another name, or a pseudonym different for different mediums, otherwise disparage the mediumship and Spiritualism itself according to the clear distinction between the articles produced. 

The voluntary submission to the doctrinal criticism is essential so that we do not do spirit "personal work"

The approval for this preliminary assessment, however, does not necessarily make the message a doctrinal truth, but rather a message that, a priori, is content to be considered in subsequent studies deeper and wider the doctrinal point of view. From this preliminary selection, a very consistent series of studies has to be developed so that the contents of the message in question may, over a time period shorter or longer, be considered part of the Spiritist Doctrine.

Firstly, for the analysis of message content is the highest doctrinal rigor, it is necessary that those who do have deep doctrinal base, including evangelical and scientific knowledge there not to be fooled by the messages coming from spirits pseudo-wise.

Secondly, the analysis of the moral character of the medium and its preparation as well as doctrinal and moral level of all his doctrinal spiritualist group also provides important support for the analysis of message content. This fact is important because groups consist of related individuals can corroborate one another, and the unanimity within a single group or small number of spiritual groups in no way is an indication of a highly doctrinaire. In this case, the submission of an article or book on spiritual groups aware of different nuclei and areas, act as a second step to test possible misunderstandings. This voluntary submission to the doctrinal criticism is essential so that we do not do spirit "personal work", but contributions to the Spiritist Doctrine and the Spirit Movement, which must of course be the objective of workers spiritualists. It is clear that the views of other groups may be flawed, and for this reason it is essential to assess from which the criticism and, especially, the consistency or inconsistency of the arguments included in the analysis. Again, back to the question of who examines the preparation and also the baggage of who assesses the doctrinal analysis.  

The extraordinary Encoder Spiritualism established as the universal criterion of education of the Spirits

Anyway, often preventing the acceptance of a particular complaint is not exactly the lack of preparedness doctrine, but the vanity of the author's work, which ends up stressing, once again, the analysis of the moral character of the author.

When it comes to spiritual realities, such as day-to-day in the spiritual world, scientific advances achieved by researchers disembodied, psychic mechanisms of action, levels of expression perispiritual and past reincarnations of famous personalities, among others, the analytical rigor becomes even greater, since it is extremely difficult for researchers to reach definitive conclusions embodied all about these complex spiritual issues. Thus, besides all the steps above for detailed study, the extraordinary Encoder Spiritualism established as a criterion "Universal Character Education of the Spirits", and such discretion would only be discussed in the messages that were previously approved in the initial selection of individual content the message.

Therefore, the analysis of individual primary content would be a first qualitative analysis, which in the case of approval, be running for such work to the classification of "doctrinal content", if validated by a second analysis, ie the support "of the Universal Education spirits. "

Within this context, a subject extremely difficult is the determination of past incarnations. In fact, the definitive conclusion that two figures correspond to the same Spirit is something hard to prove to researchers incarnate. The work of Ian Stevenson, of Banerjee and Hernani Guimarães Andrade examples of tasks are extraordinarily well developed in this sense, because from the evidence that suggested reincarnations were made detailed studies of these hypotheses. In these cases, we analyzed the effect (memories, birthmarks, knowledge of foreign languages, personalities, etc. very peculiar.) Looking up from there, going back to the possible causes, which might or might not be linked directly to past incarnations .  

The hypothesis that Chico Xavier is Allan Kardec reincarnated, raises a number of considerations,
besides being a complicated controversy

However, when dealing with prominent figures the history of humanity, curiosity reincarnation becomes extremely sharp. Unlike the natural way to stop the phenomenon occur spontaneously to evaluate their possible causes material and spiritual, we usually do just the opposite, ie, we begin to speculate on his own account, on the possibility of an earlier incarnation of important people in history and / or Spiritualism. So, do not respect the wisdom of Chico Xavier information that "the phone rings back and forth" on spiritual matters and begin consciously and unconsciously to "call" to the other side or even a "call" for our own unconscious, hoping that our curiosities are satisfied.

Of course, any curiosity regarding who has some minimal benefit, has great value in our constant quest for intellectual knowledge. However, the "rational and moral restraint" must be very attentive and active, for without such scruples, we can make serious mistakes. Herculano Pires says the famous phrase "resembling a stone and she will answer," because the Spirit can express and any use of any famous name and respectable, bringing an alleged revelation, regardless of the veracity of this information and moral condition of the Spirit.

Within this context preliminary hypothesis notorious Chico Xavier / Allan Kardec raises several reflections. Firstly, it is a controversial complex as all the discussions said reincarnation, just the difficulty of obtaining a certainty in the conclusion. Considering this initial difficulty and without wishing to limit the use of scientific curiosity, we spiritualists, we should have some discretion to promote such situations in the middle of doctrine in order to ascertain whether they are truly useful to the development of doctrine and the spiritualist movement. Discuss the "sex of angels" without having the possibility of obtaining an adequate response to meet the Greeks and Trojans can be a subterfuge to avoid focusing the issues that are really relevant and capable of doctrinal definitive conclusions, which are very high priority for us in the short and medium term.  

Chico Xavier was deeply religious and had traces denoting deep spiritual mark of Catholicism

Obviously, the study, discussion and even controversy are perfectly valid in our search for Truth in the light of faith to reason, but not all propositions are also contributors to our moral and intellectual growth. How would the Apostle Paul: "All things are lawful, not everything suits me."

Noted speaker and spirit medium José Raul Teixeira says that we worship spirit issues extremely complex and distant from our immediate reality, precisely because we do not undertake such discussions, ie not sensitize us to a behavior change for the better, so that Our intimate reform is implemented with greater urgency and effort in the field of good.

In any case, even if the value of all healthy curiosity and every study that may bring some intellectual advance minimum, one might assess the possibilities of studies about reincarnation, because of course, reincarnation is highly relevant topic in the field of Spiritualism. Thus, not daring to give a thorough conclusion to this hypothesis, we can in a preliminary study, reflect critically whether such a proposition is minimally plausible. So let us evaluate some topics.

Chico Xavier was deeply religious maintaining traces denoting deep spiritual brand of Catholicism. Jesus was referring to frequently as "our Lord Jesus Christ," had an image of Our Lady in her room and asked to play the song "Our Lady" by Roberto Carlos in his wake. Such personal characteristics seem very different from the sober attitude of Allan Kardec in relation to religious matters.

Still on the religious attitude of both, please note that Allan Kardec would have been Jan Huss, dean of the University of Prague and forerunner of the Protestant Reformation, dying to be burned by a critical scholar of preaching and policies of the Catholic Church. Despite admitting the different contexts and means of each incarnation, would not be very drastic change of personality for the same Spirit? If changes are really dramatic, what is the correct proposal? Or both would be wrong?!

  (The conclusion of this article will be published in next edition of this magazine.)


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