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Year 4 - N° 162 – June 13, 2010

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Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


What would Doctrinal Purity according to Spiritism? 

(Part 1)

The purity of doctrine, interpreted as "Jesus in Spirit and Truth is nothing more than experience the spirit in any circumstance


One of the greatest scientists known to mankind, Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), discoverer of the uncertainty principle and a creator of a matrix formulation of quantum mechanics, owns the following afirmativa1, 2 "(about the philosophies of Democritus and Plato) (...) Rather, the main advantage that we can deduce from the progress of modern science is to learn how we have to be careful with the language and the meaning of words. "And, talking about discussions between Socrates and his opponents, Heisenberg says que2, 3 "...

Socrates was aware of how many mistakes could be engendered by a lack of caution in the use of language, how important it is to use precise terms and elucidate the concepts before hiring them." 

The question of clarity of language was also analyzed by Kardec. Item I of the Introduction of The Spirit's Book4, regarding the words spirit and spirit, presents: "To appoint new things are needed new terms. So requires clarity of language to avoid the confusion inherent in the variety of meanings of those words. "(Emphasis added). Superior spirits too worried about this and, in answer to question number 28 of The Spirit's Book4, said "The words we care little. It is up to you to make your language the way you see fit. Your disputes arise, almost always, you do not understand about the terms they employ, due to incomplete your language to express what you do not hurt the senses."(Emphasis added). The detached part is valid not only for matters but spirit for all sorts of doctrinal content, philosophical, scientific and religious. Accordingly, in search of clarity of language, let's start this review by the meaning of words in the phrase "Doctrinal Purity" (PD for simplicity, from now on). 

The term expresses purity, quite simply, the idea of "something" that has no mixing with other "things." This definition, however, is meaningless if we do not define also the meaning of "something" and "things" that are different from "something." For example, distilled water can be considered pure in the sense that it consists of only one type of substance or the mixture without the presence of other substances. However, drinking water can also be called pure from us to define the purity of water in terms of quality for consumption. Drinking water is not pure if we consider the degree of purity in terms of the substances contained therein, as well as distilled water was not pure in the sense of quality for consumption. Therefore, the meaning of the term purity can not be taken into account so dissociated himself from the concept of "thing" that is analyzed. 

The concept of purity must also be present in an application context. For example, by questioning whether the water that I'm taking is pure or not, we are introducing a practical application, and therefore, assigning a value or goal for the concept of purity. This means that the analysis about the "purity" of some "thing" has no value for the "thing" itself (which is pure by nature), but when we employ in our lives. We need to be aware if what we are using is indeed what one thinks it is. 

The term doctrine is an adjective that refers to "something" to some kind of doctrine or set of principles that define or govern a particular doctrine. 

We will adopt these definitions in our analysis because they are quite accessible to the understanding of people in general. The term doctrinal purity, therefore, means the feature everything a person or group of persons using or perform according to a particular doctrine. As a direct consequence, the meaning of doctrinal purity can not be obtained WITHOUT KNOWING what does the doctrine in question. 


If PD depends on who tells the Spiritist Doctrine, we deduce in a straightforward manner that DP is nothing more than experience or practice the teachings of the Spiritist Doctrine. But then, who teaches the Doctrine? What examples, practices and experiences Spiritism teaches? Seek the Spirit the answer. According to question number 625 of The Spirit's Book4

625. What is the most perfect type that God has offered to man as his guide and model?

Answer - “Jesus.” 

Kardec: Jesus is the type of the moral perfection to which man may attain upon this earth. God offers Him to our thought as our most perfect model and the doctrine taught by Him is the purest expression of the divine law, because He was animated by the divine spirit, and was the purest being who has ever appeared upon the earth. If some of those who have professed to instruct man in the law of God have sometimes led him astray by the inculcation of error. it is because they have allowed themselves to be swayed by sentiments of too

earthly a nature, and because they have confounded the laws which regulate the conditions of the life of the soul which regulate the life of the body. Many pretended revealers have announced as divine laws

what were only human laws, devised by them for serving their own passions and obtaining dominion over their fellow-men. 

We conclude here, that Spiritism teaches that our practices and experiences should be in accordance with the teachings of Jesus. 

The first and most important teaching of Jesus is contained in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter XXII, among the verses 34 and 40: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all thy mind. - This is the greatest and first commandment. - And the second, which is similar to the first: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. - All the Law and the prophets are found at those two commandments. "Here we see that The Spiritism teaches acting in accordance with the Law of Love, most important commandment left and exemplified by Jesus. 

However, to realize that love does not "accept" anything that comes to us, we see a further recommendation of Jesus (Matthew 5:37) "But let your speech be yes, yes, not no." To comment on this passage we call the spirit Emmanuel on psychographics of Francis C. Xavier (Chapter 80 of ref. 5): "The 'yes' can be very nice in all situations, however, the 'no' in certain sectors of the human struggle, it is more constructive. Satisfy all requests of the path is wasting time and sometimes life itself. As far as the 'yes' should be pronounced without incense of adulation, the 'no' should be said without harshness. Much time it takes to thwart the legitimate aid is not lost, need to recognize, however, that the negative salutary never disturbs. The tears that is the blunt tone in which it is leaked. "(Emphasis added). From this recommendation of Jesus and commentary of Emmanuel is clear to us that Spiritism teaches not always agree with everything and everyone and that in the name of love and fraternity but we disagree. Moreover, Bezerra de Menezes recently said6: "To you, under the inspiration of the Spirit Guides Spirit Movement on Earth, is destined to the tireless task strive in good, to exercise compassion and charity, but not conive in the name of tolerance with error or with the crime."(Emphasis added). However, this has to be done in a tone of respect in a healthy way and not in "forceful tone" of whom are believed fount of all truth. This means that there must always be dialogue and respect among those who disagree with and one that offers something different.           


An important issue is knowing what benefits to humanity of Spiritism. What kind of problems can prevent Spiritism and what kind of contribution Spiritism can offer to human progress? We will answer these questions using a different teaching of Jesus (John 8:32): "Know the truth and it will set you free." It is also important to review some parts of section II of the Introduction of the Gospel According to Spiritism7 , on The authority behind the Spiritist doctrine": 

(9º. Paragraph) This is not however the only advantage which comes from this exceptional situation. It also offers an unattackable guarantee against all misgivings which might arise, be it from someone’s ambition or be it through the contradictions of some Spirits. We cannot deny that these contradictions are obstacles, but they bring their own remedy with them alongside the ill. (Italics in original). 

(2ª. phrase, 13º. Paragraph) (On receiving communications from many spiritual centers serious) It is this concordance which has guided us till today, and it is the one which will go on guiding us in new fields still to be explored. 

(14º. Paragraph) This universal verification constitutes the guarantee of the future unity of Spiritism and will annul all contradictory theories. It is here that in the future we shall find our criteria for the truth. (Emphasis added).  

(16º. Paragraph) The principle of concordance is also a guarantee against any alterations to which Spiritism might be subjected by other sects wishing to take possession of it for their own ends, and so change it to suit their own ideas. 

(19º. Paragraph) From this we understand the need for greater prudence before making any such communication public. But if they are deemed fit to be publicised they should be presented as mere individual opinions, possibly true, but awaiting confirmation. It will be necessary to wait for this confirmation before proclaiming it as a complete truth, unless you wish to be accused of levity or of irreflected cruelty. (Emphasis added) 

First, Jesus tells us to seek the truth because it will set us free, and then we find that Kardec demonstrates that the principle of universal agreement among the spirits is a guarantee for guiding the Truth. Herein lies one of the most important of Spiritism: its disclosure! Note that the attitude of caution in disclosing ideas that have not been obtained from the criterion of universal agreement of spirits is supported by the encoder with the support of the higher spirits. Notice also that Kardec argues that we should beware of being "accused of levity or unthinking credulity." Nobody says Kardec is being unkind, anti-fraternal or missing with tolerance when using those words. It must be clear that prudence is not a lack of brotherhood and tolerance, but respect those who look for the house to meet Spiritualist Spiritism. 

Not to forget any detail, let us see what is contained in Section 9 of Chapter XV of the Gospel According to Spiritism 7

Without truth there is no salvation is equal to without the church there is no salvation, being equally exclusive, since there is no one sect existing which does not claim to hold the privilege of truth. (...) (the Spiritism) not say that without Spiritism there is no salvation, just as it does not intend to teach all the truth as yet. Neither does it say without truth there is no salvation because this maxim, instead  of  uniting  would  only  separate  and  also

perpetuate antagonisms. (Emphasis added). 

Spiritism does not advocate the idea that Spiritism has a monopoly of Truth. We must say "yes yes, no," as Jesus taught, but we can not defend the idea that there are other ways to get to the truth. Spiritism refers only to the Spirit Movement. Spiritism can not say anything about the other philosophies, except the fact that they are others. Spiritism does not condemn the study of any particular doctrine, but that study guides are more appropriate for certain purposes within the House or Spiritist Center. On behalf of Spiritism can not expel or criticize his brother and scholar interested in the concepts of other doctrines. However, Spiritism teaches how to discern about the use of ideas and concepts from other doctrines or philosophies in Spiritist activities to thus avoid the risk of these ideas deviate from the participants of the main goals of Spiritism. In support of this, we will transcribe what the spirits have taught in issue 628 of The Book of Espíritos4: 

628. Why has not the truth been always placed within reach of every one?

Answer - “Each thing can only come in its time. Truth is like light; you must be accustomed to it gradually; otherwise it only dazzles you.

Hitherto, God has never permitted man to receive communications so full and instructive as those which he is permitted to receive at this day. There were, undoubtedly, in ancient times, as you know, individuals who were in possession of knowledge which they considered as sacred, and which they kept as a mystery from those whom they regarded as profane. You can well understand, from what you know of the laws which govern the phenomena of spirit communication, that they received only a few fragmentary truths, scattered through a mass of teachings that were generally emblematic, and often erroneous. Nevertheless, there is no old philosophic system, no tradition, no religion, that men should neglect to study; for they all contain the germs of great truths, which, however they may seem to contradict each other perverted as they are by their mixture with various worthless accessories may be easily coordinated, with the aid of the key that Spiritism gives you to a class of facts which have hitherto seemed to be contrary to reason, but of which the reality is irrefutably demonstrated at the present day. You should therefore not fail to make those old systems a subject of study, for they are rich in lessons, and may contribute largely to your instruction.” (Emphasis added) 

(This article will be completed in the next edition of this magazine.) 


Alexandre Fontes da Fonseca is a teacher of physics at the Universidade Federal Fluminense, Volta Redonda (RJ).


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