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Year 4 - N° 160 – May 30, 2010

São Paulo, SP (Brasil)
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


Automatism and the spiritual body

The same law of evolution prevails for all beings of the universe, be they stars or be they men

(Part 2 - final)


Evolution and sex 

The emergence of magnetic qualities positive and negative cells and bacteria, outcomes for Spiritual Advisors, responsible for the progress of the planet, starts to animal evolution.

A different bacterium (leptotrix) that resembles a tadpole, covered with iron which is nurtured and is forced to swim when it breaks free of this shell until it resembles the other involves, these instructors used to propel it to the transformation. After a long period of new trials, reborn in the form of green algae, inaugurating sexual communication on the world. 

The gap that exists between leptotrix and the emergence of green algae leaves unanswered the most modern biologists when they try to establish an evolutionary line of these structures. This space was filled by the activities in the Greater Plan that submitted the first major changes, transmuting her subjects more complex, making them reappear in that metamorphosed seaweed, so installing new cycle of progress and renewal.

When that occurred eons huge, the intelligent principle after experiments on two different planes, is shown working with more complex constitution, receives from the Higher Plane-special magnetic fluid concentrations on chromosomes that Andre Luiz calls "gifts of playing more complex." Says the spiritual writer, in the absence of terminology, such concentrations can be compared to "templates built to service the foundry typography."

Chromosomes share the physical body with the nucleus of the cell that remain and the spiritual body in the cytoplasm that were forming, being in nature fisiopsychosomatic infinitesimal granules. They consist of the elements called genes, which give them characteristics of immortality on cells because they are renewed transmitting successor to its peculiarities. With evolution, the chromosomes are different giving rise to different species. Monstrous forms appear and disappear until the species we are able accommodation types. But "the chromosomes remain immortal through genetic centers of all beings."

André Luiz calls our attention to observe the laws of animal breeding, since leptótrix by shrinkage and expansion of energy, in the occurrence of birth and death of form, are the same in the phylogeny of the organization of any vehicle in human embryonic stage. So if there is a science that studies the genesis of the forms, there is also a genealogy of the Spirit.

Heredity - Law that defines life, confined to the way in which foreign

Architects spiritual spent centuries preparing the cells as background to the plant kingdom. It was necessary to establish a safe level of forces contained in the baggage of the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Processes of cell division are tested. Surge mitosis, simple division and indirectly by altering course the heavenly monad, which is reflected in the core, already foreshadowing major changes. Through the center cell (nucleus), the Superior Spirits join forces to maintain physical and spiritual, and that is the "point where there is the mental boost of electromagnetic nature, by which it operates chromosome movement, securing the load hereditary in number and different values for each species.

This consciousness latent (pupa of consciousness) within the principle of repetition: birth - experience - death - experience - revival in the physical and nonphysical, proceeds as being autotrophic (André Luiz uses a term that is no longer used in modern biology), that is, self-reliant beings, who produce their own food, like plants, for example. At this stage, the intelligent principle by relying on heredity and the experiments recapitulated progresses to greater differentiation in the animal scale, where the spiritual body is already offering more complex manner, given the reactions of the nervous system, "elected to the seat of instincts higher, with the option of filing conditioned reflexes. "

Further changes in cells are needed, because the spiritual element must be like to live now as heterotrophic, that is, be not producing energy for their nutrition, such as animals (the term alotrophic, quoted by Andre Luiz, not appears in biology textbooks today). Advancing in the path of progress, the intelligent principle in plasma implements new vehicle of expression - elements to balance the salts in the digestive cells and elements for the balance of nutrition (protozoa). Conquest, in short, a "car physiological" structured systems consisting of organs, tissues that are formed by, composed of molecules with specific functions and structures, which, upon fertilization, is mixed male and female units, and obeying repetition in the law of heredity, will determine their genetic ancestry.

Already as a man, the Spirit and not the most intelligent principle commands, at will - with their presence, or mere influence - the most complex phenomena of cell division in the egg feeding, building the foundations of their own destiny in stage that is new to experience, within the merit that it will have.


The process of man's creation is a slow development since the dawn of time.

The way scientists admit human existence - the evolutionary process in which man is the result of a phylogeny fantastic - we have the impression that since its creation, from the mineral, the man has no experience other than those faced in this process. But the creative intelligence that is inherent to man, makes it able to have no limits on your imagination and that, coupled with a growing need to become better and better, the drives go beyond their own human condition. If at first the Divine Seed guided the development of forms and routes to the cellular world, in favor of the intelligent principle, as it progresses, begins to take responsibility for yourself.

On the basis of heredity, takes the physical form and discards it, to take it in a new incarnation, in a process to elevate themselves culturally and morally, or when not to redo tasks forgotten or abandoned. Compelled to live among their peers - heredity and affinity in the physical and nonphysical laws are immutable - it will learn, by his own choice, leading to the well, thus ensuring the balance and the power to change circumstances in the environment they live and interfere with formation of the body that will serve you a tool for evolutionary greatest achievements - whether it has merits for that - through higher values for their impulses to perfection.

In this longing for lifting and communication with higher planes, it creates more and more, a contrast between his original position and the man who seeks his elevation. Whence all this? The answer lies in returning to the idea of God, innate in the human creature: the Being perfect Descartes found deep in our own imperfection and the Law of Worship that brings us Kardec in coding.

The random construction of the materialist conception of the universe is lost if we look at the simplest elements as the atom and its microscopic universe. We need not even think about the complex formation of man, or galaxies or solar systems. So it will be if we look at the "experiences of God" sought through religious artifacts to explain the appearance of man on the planet.

"Whether created from the slime of the earth, according to the biblical allegory, or plucked from the bowels of the mineral kingdom, according to evolutionary theory spiritualist, man is still in formation, maturing experience in facing the corporeal existence." The body is your instrument Lifting, alive and well and what needs to be controlled by the Holy Spirit. It is therefore solely responsible for the success or failure of your walk. God is in this man, the power supervisor and maintainer, not punitive force. Your conscience will be his judge and his actions, the process.



ÂNGELIS, Joanna de (Spirit). Spirit Studies. (Psychographed by) Divaldo Franco. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1983. Chapter V.

LUIZ, André (Spirit). Evolution in Two Worlds. (Psychographed by) Francisco Cândido Xavier. 11th ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1989, Part 1, Chapter IV to VIII.

_____________________Sexo And Destination (psychographed by) Francisco Cândido Xavier and Waldo Vieira. 16th ed. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1996, Part 1, Chapter I, pp. 13:14, Chapter III, pp. 25 and 26, Chapter X, pp. 105-111.

PIRES, J. Herculaneum - Agony of Religions. 4th ed. São Paulo: Paideia Press, 1994, Chapter IV.


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