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Mensagens na voz
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Special Portuguese Spanish    

Year 4 - N° 158 – May 16, 2010

Muriaé, Minas Gerais (Brasil)
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


Cenas de "Chico Xavier o Filme"

Chico Xavier and his detractors religious

Religion should be nursery of souls, not prison of thought 

"Not satisfied to be losing ground to the Spirit, the Church has not saved vituperation against Chico Xavier, which continued at all times, fearless and undaunted, blessed and respected by Spiritualists and not Spiritualists." (François C. Liran.)

With some rare exceptions, as already found abundantly in our meetings mediums, the spirits who are the biggest surprise of the Spirit World after the demise body are Catholic priests and evangelical pastors (and some spirit too.) There they face the unmistakable reality that vainly tried to dodge, when, as the blind, drove his docile and naïve herds.

But that is old! Even Jesus in His time was repeatedly approached by these "masters" blind and full of intellectual arrogance and vanity ... It is true that on some occasions, Rabbi Gentle rocking them on the pedestals they put themselves. Doctor proud to Nicodemus He asked surprised and warning1: "You are master of Israel, and knowest not these things?"

These bursars infidels not only distort their missions because they are below the task they have taken under your shoulders, but also cast curse on the task of the worthy missionaries.

At the beginning of psychic activities, Chico Xavier experienced the relentless persecution of the clergy, who did everything to keep him away from his task. He endured terrible slander.

The Church tried to discredit one who, at the time, no doubt, was primarily responsible, in Brazil, by the advance of Doctrine: Walking the streets of Pedro Leopoldo, it was common for people crossing himself when he saw it and, on recommendation of priests, changing the sidewalk, thus preventing an unwanted encounter with those who were "in the service of darkness" ...

The walls of the Spiritist Center "Luis Gonzaga, in construction, were raised during the day and dropped at night ... Chico recalled years later it would sound with good humor and all those he knew how to overcome difficulties in silence, fighting back the lesser offense received.
One time a Bishop Belo Horizonte decided to excommunicate him. In all the churches that were under the authority of the bishop from the pulpit, to medieval fashion, the priest repeated to the crowd, paused and strong voice: - "...Francisco Cândido Xavier Is anathema to the fifth generation ..."  

 Alas, that forgotten the Master half naked on the cross!

When the ban was made public for the first time, a sister of Chico, Lourdes, a devout Catholic, was attending the mass. Bathed in tears, on returning home, she told everything to his brother, who calmly answered him, "Do not worry about this issue of excommunication, because, according to the dictionary that already have looked at all those who are excommunicated today for example, as Catholics, have not communed ... If you had no opportunity to receive communion at Mass today, is a former communed ... "

Making a brief pause, the Chico continued: "As for my having been excommunicated by the fifth generation, you do not worry about this because there will be neither the first! You're wasting your tears..."

D. Joaquim A. Albuquerque Cavalcanti, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro and Brazilian Cardinal first since disembodied, back to the proscenium land through the mediumship of Singular and Medium Mining confessa1:

"(...) After the demise body, our smallness in the face of life, so get puzzling aspect with late repentance we acknowledge that religion is the nursery of souls rather than prison of thought.

Something terrible happens to us in indescribable moment ... The priest, at bottom, it is considered a savior for them, with their own theories about hell and heaven, but death is always devastating gale which sweeps the robe and the symbols of faith materialized, displaying it to the naked eye startled the flock he had intended to indoctrinate and drive.

Alas, that forgotten the Master half naked on the cross!

When the garment of good works we do not cloak the spirit disappointed, it is essential to wear the heavy armor of remorse, with infinite humility, to resume the cultivation of sowing. Not always, however, there is enough supply of the heart due to service renovator, and many, including tigers wounded, returning to the forest hollow man, expanding the revolt and moral suffering, which is heaped in acts of ferocity, as if them out to avenge solace in the dreadful misfortune that others owe it to themselves.

(...) Jesus did not stay long among those who consecrated him hosannas, but shackled to the form of the true good and carefree. Lives forever, by His messengers, where the charity and education are translated into actions that aim at dignifying the progress and happiness for all, regardless of individual beliefs.

The real salvation program waive any conflict  

Not triggering the discord that keep the faith, nor feeding ignorance that keeps the harmony. Nobody is worth the bloody sword of tyranny, or the subtle poison of disobedience in order to help here or beyond. The display of power generates the revolt; indiscipline favors overthrow.

Christ is not preached separatism, before taught patience, tolerance and order, recommending be provided to the right of the tares grow naturally, alongside the wheat until the day of harvest. The Master is not held against the further development of the soul in this or that region of life and, yes, asserted that only the truth will set us free; nor protested against anyone taking advantage of some. Accepted Himself the cross of sacrifice and death, showing us the way to resurrection and victory.

The real salvation program and waive any conflict waiver dogmatism and rebellion. So while emerging dueling viewpoints, with disturbance and disorder, the manifestations of faith, the belief it will remain vacant glare being lost in the shadows of bigotry.
The idea of religion is a mode of spiritual expression, as far as the language. Everyone loves the Lord according to his ability to rise in knowledge and virtue. Absolute equality in terms of potential acquisitions and on, is absurdity beyond question. Because of this, so worthy of pity is the priest who condemns, as a believer who curses.

That actually wakes for good and want to collaborate in the common welfare, puts the acts high above the words; cultivate discernment and pushes away any aggressive or idle thought, realizing that the work of regeneration of each requires the action of time and direct competition of those already formed the vanguard of moral progress.

Recognizing the ideal position to steer the priest's service illuminative of Christian charity, we must not forget the cooperation due to any missionary of good, dedicated to the renunciation of oneself in order to spark new light on the path of men.

The world's busiest processor is Christianity  

The community service division and requires decentralization. Enshrine the spirit of the apostolate with Jesus, is a must.

Who cares, indeed, prosperity not popular longing for the Golden Gallery of the great public burdens, nor claims minted vast wealth, which, in most cases, are real obstacles to rising from the heart to the Divine Kingdom. It is essential to unseal the soul to the joys of service and sharing with others the experience of every day.

(...) The world's busiest processor is still Christianity, whose Founder If left to crucify instead of complaining and hurting.

If the priesthood of today want to operate the renaissance of popular spirit, before it imposes upon the natural progress, it is essential to devote to completing the Gospel, the mission to educate and comfort in the Lord. For this, however, you need to reach down and shake hands of others in understanding attitude, reducing to rubble the old trenches of intolerance and discord. God is the Father of all members of the human family and the minimal training of Nature, and we can not forget on earth that Christ is the same for everybody, but not everyone can point out, for now, the influence of the Messiah.

The evolutionary ladder and fight regenerative feature steps and stages of magnificent expression. Each man receives the sun and air, according to the altitude at which place.

The observed higher angle, the ministry of the Church in its Christian foundations, grows and swells in time and space, but alas when stewards distracted from our responsibilities in the implementation of its imperishable treasures! In this condition, however we are hypertrophied in the illusion of posts and titles, cut down on the insignificance of unprofitable servants, because all the monuments of human vanity to crumble and become dust in the whirlwind of death. So stumbled in the midst of darkness, the ghosts of spiritual ruin which only restores the power of prayer.

 The childishness of the dogmas, the need for better insight

Deep commiseration has us in the face of colleagues who still lie in the shadows, and that is why, understanding now more than ever, the childishness of the dogmas, the need for better insight, the emptiness of the honors and the substance of divine gifts, we return to tomb to tell the old companions of the breviary that the Crown of Life, to accommodate itself to our head, demanding broader effort in the dissemination of good works." 
Here is the painful testimony of a senior church that throws his cry of warning, which is useful for all of us who want to serve Jesus.

Fortunately the ranks Spiritualists welling up at the other end where they are located missionaries failed and bankrupt, which the sun dispelling the mists of ignorance to end the regime escarcéus, the towering figure, odd and luminous perched on his pedestal of humility, our Chico dear, that inspired the Eurícledes Formiga, one of the meetings of the Spiritist Group of Prayer in Uberaba, the sonnet entitled:

Ao Servo de Jesus

The Jesus’ Servant

E viverás nas páginas da História,

No coração daqueles que amparaste

E quantos com teu verbo consolaste

Hão de guardar-te os feitos na memória... 

And you will live in the pages of history

At the heart of those that you supported

And how many with your verb comforted

They will save you made in the memory ...


Em todos os caminhos que pisaste,

Ao longo desta estreita trajetória,

Hão de florir, lembrando-te a vitória,

As flores de bondade que plantaste... 

In all the ways you stepped

Along this narrow path, with glory

They will bloom, remembering the victory,

Flowers of kindness planted ...


Jamais se apagará a imensa luz,

Ó devotado servo de Jesus,

Que acendeste na estrada escura e triste... 

Never erase the great light,

O devoted servant of Jesus,

That kindled on the road dark and sad ...


E o teu nome será sempre bendito

Nos lábios de quem ora aos Céus, contrito,

Agradecendo a Deus porque exististe. 

And your name will always be blessed

On the lips of those who pray to Heaven, contrite,

Thanking God because it exists.


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