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Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine  Portuguese  Spanish
Program VI: Religious Aspect

Year 3 - N° 144 – February 7, 2010


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com

Respect laws, religions and
human rights

We present in this issue the topic #144 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. Jesus told us that his disciples would be recognized by a particular facet of behavior. What is it?

2. What is the concept of justice according to Spiritism?

3. What kind of conduct in relation to the next natural law provides?

4. What causes generate disrespect human?

5. What factors will enable the necessary change, when it will be seen in earthly society a greater share of respect, not only the laws but also to people and everything that interests them?


It is the lack of love that creates a breach between the people

1. Jesus told us: "By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if you love one another."

2. In this teaching, which was recorded by the apostle John, is summarized the law of justice, love and charity. With compliance, the men would respect each other, the social ties between the creatures would be more consolidated, the laws more just, human society more peaceful.

3. If we love one another, there would be a failure on earth among humans. Everyone would understand their rights, their limits and freedom to profess a belief which was tilted without choking or criticize other people's beliefs. The men would implement the laws and rules governing life in society with precision and ease.

4. It must be recognized, however, that this state of affairs does not exists on Earth, and that is why there is so much disregard for the laws, religious beliefs and human rights in the world in which we live.

Justice consists in each respect the other's right

5. When it comes to disrespect the rights of others, it is worth remembering that, according to the teachings of spirit, justice consists in each respect the rights of others. Two things, warns Spiritualism, determine those rights - the human law and natural law.

6. Human law, of course, changes with time. Something that would apply in the Middle Ages, such as the admission of slavery, would today be inconceivable and unbearable.

7. Natural law, in turn, is of all time, and it is what determines us, as Jesus advised, "May each other for what you want for yourself," simple rule of true justice which God has implanted in the heart man.

8. Under the laws, religions and human rights in general, should therefore always act kindly, keeping the respect and brotherhood expectations, as Andre Luiz in strongly recommends in his book "Spiritist Behavior," psychographed by Waldo Vieira.

Respect and kindness to all should be our motto

9. Here are some postures taken from the mentioned book:

Respect the ideas and people from all our brothers, our neighbors whether or not they are present or absent, never go down to the pond of levity that makes it slander.

Delete any destructive criticism in the community in which we learn and serve.

Forgiveness always possible social and unfounded criticisms of our faith, confessing, when necessary, our religious quality, mainly through the reputation and integrity that we exornem character.

Cooperate with the powers that be and the official organizations, striving selflessly to improve the conditions of the government machinery in the context of our own resources.

Cherish and revere the brothers of other faiths.

Under no circumstances, you would lead someone or some institution, this or that religious practice, humiliation and ridicule.

10. In view of that natural law provides, it is not difficult to conclude that the causes that generate the human disrespect from the very imperfection of men. These are the same causes that impede progress, and you can find its root in pride and selfishness and all the passions and imperfections characteristic of spirits in the improvement.

11. As man progresses morally, it broadens your free will and increases in the same vein, his sense of responsibility.

12. The personal growth around the social and moral duties - that constitute the matter of array legitimate human rights - is to permit the necessary change, when it will be seen in earthly society a greater share of respect, not only the laws but also to people and all that interest them.

Answer Key

1. Jesus told us that his disciples would be recognized by a particular facet of behavior. What is it?

His disciples, Jesus said, would be recognized because they love each other. In this lesson, recorded by the apostle John, is summarized the law of justice, love and charity. If he were observed, the men would respect each other, the social ties between the creatures would be more consolidated, the laws more just, human society more peaceful.

2. What is the concept of justice according to Spiritism?

According to the teachings spirit, justice consists in each respect the rights of others. Two things, warns Spiritualism, determine those rights - the human law and natural law.

3. What kind of conduct in relation to the next natural law provides?

The natural law, which is of all time, provides us, as Jesus advised, "May each other for what you want for yourself, a simple rule of justice which God has implanted in the human heart.

4. What causes generate disrespect human?

The causes that generate the human disrespect from the very imperfection of men. These are the same causes that impede progress, and you can find its root in pride and selfishness and all the passions and imperfections characteristic of spirits in the improvement.

5. What factors will enable the necessary change, when it will be seen in earthly society a greater share of respect, not only the laws but also to people and everything that interests them?

We know that as man progresses morally widens your free will and increases in the same vein, his sense of responsibility. It is therefore the maturity of the people who permit the necessary change, when it will be seen in earthly society a greater share of respect for the law, people and everything that interests them.


The Spirits' Book, Allan Kardec, Introduction, item 8, and questions 785, 874, 875 and 876.

The Gospel of John 13:35.

Conduct Team, André Luiz, psychographed by Waldo Vieira, chapters 9, 20, 23 and 31.

Moral Laws of Life, Joanna de Angelis, P. psychographed by Divaldo Franco, P. 134.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism