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Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine  Portuguese  Spanish
Program VI: Religious Aspect

Year 3 - N° 140 – January 10, 2010


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com

prayer and its

We present in this issue the topic #140 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. What results in sincere prayer that which now produces?

2. Prayer may have the purpose of three things. What are they?

3. How should we understand the teaching of Jesus when he said that whatever we ask in faith, in prayer, we receive?

4. What it takes to that between the request that part of the Earth and the supply that comes from above, to take effect, the assistance requested?

5. What virtues are necessary to expect and understand God's answers to our prayers? 


When told of the heart, are good prayers of all faiths

1. There are people who question the effectiveness of prayer based on the principle that, knowing God our needs, unnecessary and useless if it expose them to the Eternal Father. This argument, however, is not correct because, regardless of God know our needs, prayer gives itself to prayer and being a very large, since the close of the Creator and creature, the eldest daughter of faith, leads us to the path that leads to God.

2. As we know, there is a special formula for someone to pray. When told of the heart and not just the lips, are good prayers of all faiths. Regardless of formula, the main thing is that the prayers are clear, simple, concise.

3. Prayer may have the purpose of a request, an acknowledgment or a glorification. Addressed to God, are heard by the spirits responsible for the Creator to execute his will. Is why the prayer the man gets the assistance of good spirits, who come to support him in his good resolutions and inspire you with ideas sound. Whoever prays fervently acquires thereby the moral strength to overcome difficulties and develop the right way, if this went away, and can also, thereby, divert him the evils that would attract with their faults.

4. Although Jesus said that whatever we ask in faith, in prayer, we will receive, it would be illogical to conclude that just ask for, just as it would be unfair to blame Providence if it does not access all the prayer that you do. We must always bear in mind that God knows better than us, what we really want this or that circumstance. A careful father also denied the child that is contrary to their interests.

Prayer is a fountain of high magnetism creator and life-giving

5. The man should not forget, at all times and circumstances, is the work of prayer and dedication in the sanctuary of the struggles cleansing, because Jesus will bless their achievements sincere effort.

6. The household shrine to find creatures love prayer and elevated sentiments becomes sublime field of the most beautiful blooms and spiritual harvests. Therefore, prayer can not be a mechanical movement of the lips, not hard to repeat the easy device of the mind. The prayer is - and should - vibration, energy, power.

7. The person who prays, mobilizing their own forces, performs work of great significance and put them in contact with the upper springs of life. The divine rays sent by prayer sanctifying converted into factors of early and effective cooperation in the final healing of the body, the renewal of the soul and the enlightenment of consciousness.

8. Every prayer is a fountain of high magnetism creator and life, and because of that, every creature which grows to prayer with the proper balance, gradually becomes the focus of radiating energy of the Godhead.

It takes humility to understand God's answers

9. Learn, therefore, to pray and also to understand the answers to our prayers Alto. If we display in prayer to the Lord our obstacles, calling the measures we are for peace and the enforcement burden that life delegated plead to the Father to enlighten the understanding so that we may worthily receive their decisions.

10. Among the application that part of the Earth and the supply that comes from above, it is imperative to work the lever of human will, with determination and firmness, to be made effective the assistance requested.

11. Let us trust in God and plead his support, but - if we receive God's blessing - try to empty the heart of everything we disagree with our petitions in order to offer the blessing climate of acceptance, and place on.

12. All, in fact, we can address to God anywhere and at any time, all kinds of prayers, yet we all need to have patience and humility to expect and understand God's answers.

Answer Key

1. What results in sincere prayer that which now produces?

A prayer to prayer provides a well-being too large, as close to the Creator and creature, the eldest daughter of faith, leads us to the path that leads to God.

2. Prayer may have the purpose of three things. What are they?

Prayer may have the purpose of a request, an acknowledgment or a glorification.

3. How should we understand the teaching of Jesus when he said that whatever we ask in faith, in prayer, we receive?

We must realize that even though Jesus said that sentence would be illogical to conclude that just ask for, just as it would be unfair to blame Providence if it does not access all the prayer that you do. We must always bear in mind that God knows better than us, what we really want this or that circumstance.

4. What it takes to that between the request that part of the Earth and the supply that comes from above, to take effect, the assistance requested?

We need to work the lever of human will, with determination and firmness, to be made effective the assistance requested.

5. What virtues are necessary to expect and understand God's answers to our prayers?

We can address God, anywhere and at any time, all kinds of prayers, yet we all need to have patience and humility to expect and understand God's answers. 



The Gospel According to Spiritism, Allan Kardec, chapters XXVII e XXVIII.

The Comforter, from Emmanuel, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, question 306.

Light harvesting, from Emmanuel, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, p. 157.

Right Direction, from Emmanuel, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, pp. 71 a 73. 

Missionaries of Light, from André Luiz, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, pp. 64 a 67.

Letters and Chronicles, from Irmão X, psychographed by Francisco Cândido Xavier, p. 15.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism