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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 3 - N° 135 – November 29, 2009

CAROLINA VON SCHARTEN - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


The forgiveness of a debt


Once upon a time, an eight year old boy called Rui was very worried. He took his father’s new sound system to school, without asking for permission as he wanted to impress his colleagues. 

On  the way back, Rui let it fall on the floor. He was so

scared and rushed home. He wanted to test it in order to find out if it was still ok. Therefore, it was broken and Rui got really frightened. His dad was about to get home.  

His dad arrived from work, turned on the sound system and realised it was broken.

— What happened to the sound system? — His dad asked.

Rui then trembled and said:

— I was the one who broke it, dad.

Rui then explained what happened and concluded:

— I know I made a mistake, dad, but I had no intention of breaking it. I am so sorry.

His dad then said:

— You did say the truth, son, which is good.

But do you realise what you have done? This cost me a lot of money and now I have no resources to get it fixed. I will accept your apologies, but you will need to pay for it to be fixed. 

His son then said:

— But I have no cash on me, dad! The pocket money you gave me was spent! Please forgive me, just one. I promise I will never take anything from you without asking your permission! — He then started to cry.

His dad then looked at his son, and said:

— Ok, Rui. I will forgive you for this accident, but I hope this never happens again!

The boy hugged his father, thanking him for his support. He then went out to play in the street. He then met a neighbour he borrowed some marbles a few days ago. The boy was only six years old.   

Rui looked at him and asked for the marbles back. The boy got scared and said:

— I don’t have the marbles anymore, Rui. I lost them. As soon as my dad gives me money, I will buy you new ones.

Rui then got furious. He felt really angry and started to scream at Roger, who was much smaller than him:

— You are such a fool. You promised me to give my marbles back. You will have to pay anyway.

— No, Rui! Please don’t hit me! I promise you I will give you new marbles! 

Rui didn’t care. He started to hit the boy. Since Roger was much smaller than Rui, he couldn’t defend himself.  

Someone saw Rui hitting Roger in the street. She then went on to Rui’s dad to get help. Gerald was able to see his son saying to Roger: 

— If you don’t give my marbles back now you will be beaten up badly. 

Gerald got in the middle of the fight and stopped both of them. He then looked at his son and said, loudly: 

— Is that what you learned with me today, Rui? I just forgave you from a much worse debt. You should be compassionate with your friend, don’t you think? 

Rui heard his father’s saying and felt ashamed of himself.

— I didn’t recognise you when I got here, my son. You looked so arrogant, proud and intrusive. You were about to beat someone much smaller than you???

Rui then started to cry and asked:

— I am so sorry, dad. Please forgive me! This will never happen again.

Gerald was inflexible. He then said:

— This won’t happen; you are right. Now, you apologise to Roger for your aggressive behaviour. Then we will talk. In order to repair your mistake, you will have to repay me the damage on the sound system.

— But I already told you I don’t have any money, dad!

— It doesn’t matter. I will wait. It will take you eight months to pay it back, but you deserve this lesson. During this period of time, you won’t be able to buy anything.

Rui then learned to be compassionate with other, as other have been to him. He learned to forgive if he wished to be forgiven.

                                                                  Aunt Celia


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism