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Spiritism for Kids - Célia Xavier Camargo - Portuguese  Spanish
Year 3 - N° 134 – November 22, 2009

CAROLINA VON SCHARTEN - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com


A future astronaut


Lukas is seven years old. He is always walking around and looking at the sky. He admires stars and dreams awake. 

He loves the space and dreams of becoming an astronaut. Whenever he got together with friends, they used to imagine there were in a special spacecraft, travelling in space. They used to imagine the entire trip  and  then  see

them returning in safety to Earth.    

One day, Lukas got as a present an astronaut costume. He got so happy he couldn’t do anything else but live his dream of becoming and astronaut. He found hard to keep up with school everyday as he was always dreaming awake. One time he wasn’t able to do his homework. His teacher than asked:

— Why haven’t you done your homework, Lukas? 

He then answered, headed down:

— I forgot to do it, teacher.

Daniel, who was one of his colleagues, suggested:

— I think he was travelling through the stars, teacher.

Everyone then started to laugh.

— Can you please all be quiet for now?  — She said, firmly.

She then looked at Daniel and asked:

— Why have you said that, Daniel?

He then answered:

— I am sorry, Mum. Lukas is always pretending to be an astronaut!

— Oh! Is that why you haven’t done your homework, Lukas?

— Yes, that is why. I love pretending to be an astronaut. I wear my astronaut costume and imagine I am on a mission in space.

— Right, I see. Why are you so interested in the space?

Lukas then replied:

— I would love to go to new planets, get to know life in space and meet different beings. I want to become an astronaut when I grow up. I will study a lot to become one! 

The teacher then said, seriously:

— Don’t you realise you can damage your grades by not studying? Besides, this is all silly, Lukas. Nobody was able to prove that there is life in other planets. You better forget about this and start studying. Now, let’s get back to the class! 

The teacher then started to talk about the topic of the day. Nobody said anything else about this in class. Therefore, Lukas got really sad, as he felt humiliated in front of his colleagues. 

The teacher managed to destroy his dream; his plans for the future. He then returned home, feeling really down. His mother realised he wasn’t looking as cheerful as normal and asked: 

— Hello, my son! What happened? You seem a bit sad. Please tell me what happened. 

He then cried for a bit and told his mom what happened:

— Mom, is it true that there is no life in other planets? 

His mother than looked surprised to him and said:

— How can that be true, son? The fact we haven’t proved there is life in other planets doesn’t mean it is not there. Space exploration happens so we can find out more about life in other worlds.

— Oh, really? I feel much better now — He said. 

She then said:

— Besides, I don’t think your teacher knows Jesus’ Gospel.

He smiled to her and paid close attention to her words:

— Jesus said: In my Father's house are many mansions. What is the house of the Father, Lukas? 

— The Universe! I learned it’s everything that exists!

— That’s right, my son. The house of the Father is the Universe. The stars, the sun, the planets are all part of it. Do you believe the Creator would have created all of this for nothing?  

— No, mum!

— Our Celestial Father, Lukas, wouldn’t allow that.

He then said:

— Why haven’t we found life in other planets, mom? 

— Maybe it’s too early, my son. There is a vast amount of planets in the Universe which makes this search really difficult. We are not ready to make this discovery yet. Besides, the world nowadays is so violent. There are so many wars in the world, which are a result of our selfishness, pride and ambition. Can you imagine what would happen if we were able to land in another planet now?  

— We would fight there! — He said.

— That’s right, my son. It would lead to confusion, disorder, aggressiveness, violence and much more. God wouldn’t allot that. 

Lukas started to reflect on what his mom said. She then concluded: 

— Don’t loose hope, my son. Trust God. Everything will change. In the future, men will become better beings. We will learn to respect one another, leave in peace with our brothers and sisters. God will then allow your wish to come true. Please don’t stop dream about it, but be ready to study hard. 

He then felt much better with his mother’s words. He then looked at space and admired the stars. He kept dreaming of becoming an astronaut, bringing peace to other planets.

                                                                  Aunt Celia


O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism