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Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine Portuguese  Spanish
Program VI: Religious Aspect

Year 3 - N° 129 – October 18, 2009


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


The polytheists’ religions and her contribution for the Humanity

We present in this issue the topic #129 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. In the breast of which people the first religious organizations of the Earth did have her origin?

2. Did who, according to the Hindus, write them Ban and what does the one control in those books?

3. Done the religion worship in old Egypt was monotheistic or polytheist?

4. The Greek mythology speaks about the many gods' existence. Which among them is the supreme god?

5. In Ancient Rome it was believed in the survival of the soul?


Of Arias it descends most of the white people of Indo-European family 

1. Emmanuel, in his book " The path of Light ", psychographic work by Francisco Cândido Xavier, affirms that the first religious organizations of the Earth had her origin among the primitive people of the East, "to the which he sent Jesus, periodically, their messengers and missionaries." Due to the absence of writing, in those remote times the traditions were transmitted the generation of generation through the articulate word; however, with the exiles' of Chapel cooperation, the rudiments of the graphic arts received the first pulses and it began to a new one to bloom was of spiritual knowledge, in the religious conceptions. 

2. The Vedas’ books, dated of more than six thousand years, they already spoke concerning the wisdom of Sastras. The great masters of Hindu sciences, that preceded them in approximately two thousand years, in the margins of holy rivers of India, what shows that the religious idea was born practically with the own Humanity, constituting the foundation of all their efforts and accomplishments in the plan earthling.  

3. For us to place ourselves better in the time and in the space, it is good to remind that the Adamics races. Formed by exiled Spirits of the planetary system of Chapel. They met in the Earth, with the course of years, in four great groups, that noticed later in the oldest people, obeying the likenesses that associated them in Chapel. United, again, they constituted the group of arias, the civilization of Egypt, the people of Israel and the breeds of India then. 

4. Of Arias it descends most of the white people of Indo-European family, including the Latins, the Celtic ones, the Greek, the germane ones and the Slavs there. Besides they form the rudiments of all the organization of future civilizations, they introduced the more squares benefits within the yellow race and the black race, that already existed in the planet. 

The religion of the Hindus was founded for the you Ban, whose authorship they attribute her Bellows 

5. Civilization of India. Those Spirits exiled in the Earth's environment, the ones that grouped in the margins of the river Ganges were the first ones to form the precursory of an organized society. The souls there exiles had received a lot from Jesus' mercy, of whose love word kept the most moving memories, translated in the beauty of Vedas and of Upanishads. They were them the first voices of philosophy and religion in our planet. According to Thomas Bulfinch, the religion of the Hindus it was founded for theVedas, whose authorship they attribute her Bellows. 

6. You Ban teach them the faith in a supreme God: Bellow. Their attributes are represented by the three personified powers of creation, conservation and destruction, that, under the names of he Bellows, Vishnu and Siva, form the Trimurti. Or the main Hindu gods' trinity. Beyond of those three gods, there is in the Brahmanism inferior gods responsible for certain natural phenomena, as the thunder, the lightning, the fire etc. 

7. He bellows is, second such ideas, the creator of the Universe and the source from which they derive all the individual deities, that will be in the end for him absorbed. To the view of that thought, it is observed the character polytheist and pantheist of Hindu religion. The Brahman ones are idolatrous and they form different sects, according to the gods that worship. The influences of Brahmanism are good when they create the formation of Mahatmas, and negatives when they establish the system of breeds.    

8. Egyptian civilization. Among the exiled Spirits of Chapel, the ones that constituted the Egyptian civilization were the ones that more they stood out in practice of good and in the cult of truth. With effect, according to Emmanuel, they were them the ones that less debits possessed before the tribunal of Divine Justice. In any civilization on Earth the cult of death was so highly developed, because in their hearts the anxiety lived of returning to the distant globe, to which if they felt arrested for the more saints affections. It was for that reason that, representing one of the more beautiful women and early civilizations of all time, the expressions of old Egypt disappeared forever from the tangible plan of planet. After they perpetuate in the pyramids their advanced knowledge, all Spirits that area returned to the origin homeland.   

The great contribution of the Egyptian religion rests in the esoteric teachings 

9. The Egyptian religion presented couple face. For the popular mass, still immature to receive deeper teachings, she was polytheist. For the priests and initiate, it was monotheistic. The main god of the Egyptian people was Amon or Amon-Re, but there were other subordinate divinities: Osiris, Horus, Seti and other. The great contribution of the Egyptian religion rests in the esoteric teachings, that not only they transmitted the existence of one God, Father and Creator, as well as the destiny and the communication of the dead and the plurality of existences and of worlds.  

10. Greek civilization. The vastest experiences in the social field happened in Greece, philosophers' cradle, wise persons and famous writers. The Greek were essentially polytheists and owners of an unequaled mythology, that no people got to overcome. For the Greek there was a great god: Zeus, that was the supreme god, lord of the Universe, the other gods' father and goddesses and of all the Humanity. Besides Zeus, there were other gods. the main ones, the subordinate ones, the infernal divinities and the heroes or demigods. 

11. It is evidenced in old Greece the paper of two cities: Athena and Esparta. Cradle of democracy, where the people loved the freedom and he was devoted to the culture, to the arts and the beauty, of Athena they left great legislators and philosophers, like Socrates, Plato and Xenophon. Esparta, to the opposite, represented the power absolute, dictatorial, where trade was prohibited and the culture was condemned. 

12. The Greek mythology, as rich and imaginative as was, it favored that the Greek lived the necessary social experiences to his evolution. The sociological conquests developed in Athena were what there was of more positive in our world, same considering the current days. Sparta, however, it passed to the history as a simple people of soldiers spreading the destruction and the scourges of war, without any constructive significance for the Humanity.  

The Romans didn't do many transcendent inquiries in religious matter 

13. Roman civilization. Mainly the etruscans that they created the Roman people were. Diligent, operosos and intelligent, the Etruscans possessed wide industries of metals, a navy notable, outstanding progress in farming and, above all, feelings evolved that did them different from the closest collectivities. They believed in the survival and they offered sacrifices to the souls of the dead, worshipping the gods whose dispositions supposed to know through the phenomena common of nature. 

14. According to Emmanuel, the influences of the people etrusco were decisive for the experiences that the Romans would need to live later. In that sense, it is worth to remember Tarquinius Priscus illustration, son of Etrusci, that brought to the city great reforms and countless important innovations in her consolidation and in his progress.   

15. Where, however, more they were evidenced the influences etruscans, in the Roman organizations, it was exactly in the popular soul, devoted to the geniuses, to the gods and the superstitions of all types. Each family, as each home, possessed his invisible genius and friend, and in the society they spread the religious communities. 

16. Unlike the Athenians, the Romans didn't do many transcendent inquiries in matter religious or philosophical, only assisting to the problems of external cult, without many arguments with the logic. It is for that that, despite the large amount of existent gods in Rome (the Pantheon had more than 30 thousand), the Roman mythology is poor. The Roman polytheism contributed, however, so that if they developed in the society great Roman virtues, among which we detached the family duties, especially the paper of matrons. 

Answer Key

1. In the breast of which people the first religious organizations of the Earth did have her origin? 

They had his origin among the primitive people of the East, "to the which he sent Jesus, periodically, their messengers and missionaries." 

2. Did who, according to the Hindus, write them Ban and what does the one control in those books? 

The authorship of the you Ban is attributed by the Hindus Bellows her. You Ban teach them the faith in a supreme God: Bellow. Their attributes are represented by the three personified powers of creation, conservation and destruction, that, under the names of he Bellows, Vishnu and Shiva, form the Trimurti. or the main Hindu gods' trinity. 

3. Done the religion worship in old Egypt was monoteísta or polytheist? 

The Egyptian religion presented couple face. For the popular mass, still immature to receive deeper teachings, she was polytheist. For the priests and initiate, it was monotheistic. 

4. The Greek mythology speaks about the many gods' existence. Which among them is the supreme god? 

The great god, in the Greek mythology, is Zeus, the supreme god, lord of Universe, the other gods' father and goddesses and of all the Humanity.  

5. In Ancient Rome it was believed in the survival of the soul? 

Yes. Each family, as each home, possessed his invisible genius and friend, and in the society they spread the religious communities. 



A Caminho da Luz (The path of Light), by Emmanuel, psycography: Francisco Cândido Xavier, pp. 37 a 100.

Delta Larousse Encyclopedia, 2a edition, 1968, pp. 1734, 1740 and 1751.

O Livro de Ouro da Mitologia(The Gold Book of the Mythology), by Thomas Bulfinch, pp. 8 a 10, 260 to 266. 


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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism