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Year 3 - N° 128 – October 11, 2009
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

José Antônio Luiz Balieiro:

“The spiritist centre will become what we make of it”

The President of the Union of Spiritist Societies from São Paulo talks about the challenges found at the spiritist movement, and the future plans for the institution


José Antônio Luiz Balieiro (picture) is our week’s interviewee. He is the President of Union of Spiritist Societies from São Paulo (USE). He is also the President of Inter-municipal Union of Spiritist Societies from Ribeirão Preto.

He comes from a spiritist family. José Antônio was born in Franca (SP) and now lives in Ribeirão Preto. Mr. Balieiro is linked to the spiritist centre Centro Espírita Amor e Caridade and the sanatorium Sanatório Espírita Vicente de Paulo.

In this interview he talks about the spiritist movement in São Paulo and his projects at the Union  of Spiritist Societies  from  São

Paulo (USE).

O Consolador: The last State Congress from Union of Spiritist Societies in Serra Negra showed how strong the spiritist movement in São Paulo is. What results came out of this recent event?

On the 14th Congress from Union of Spiritist Societies we focused on love to be learned through education. We talked about the importance of working against selfishness. It needs to be done by changing the institutions, by starting at people’s home. We also presented our continuous campaigns and re-launched another one:  Comece pelo Começo. We had the opportunity to show the audience the way we work and interact, which marked a new era for the events we organise.

O Consolador: What have you learned within the period you are leading the Union of Spiritist Societies from São Paulo (USE)?

I have learned to work closer with a diversity and plurality of ideas and opinions. I have also learned to respect differences and the needs of different areas of work and geographical regions. I have also learned to respect the different areas that are part of the Union of Spiritist Societies and the individual spiritist centres.

O Consolador: Do you believe the size of the State, the extension of opinions and experiences are an obstacle for the task?

We have been working hard to disclose the spiritist principles and Jesus’ Gospel, which is the main goal of the spiritist centre. We think the best way is to place the cause above authoritarianism and personalism. There is a lack of commitment and loyalty to the Spiritist Doctrine visible in different places. It’s seen that the spiritist practice is being replaced by financial and personal interests. The State of São Paulo is highly considered for its position within Federation. It attracts a lot of attention to it as a consequence, which can be disturbing on a day-to-day basis. The Doctrine is extremely useful to us all. Therefore, it is our responsibility to keep a close look into what we do about it. This has been the biggest challenge for us. Vigilance is the work we are constantly reminding ourselves of.

O Consolador: How many institutions exist in the State of São Paulo? How many are affiliated to  USE?

We have 4.000 spiritist institutions in our State registered for tax purposes via CNPJ (Tax Brazilian Registration). We are aware that these institutions would need to be reviewed to check if they are really spiritists, but this is not under our remit. USE maintains constant contact with 2.200 societies. There are 1.400 spiritist centres joined with USE in promoting its goals, tasks and philosophy. There is a very intense exchange of ideas, experiences and fraternal help. We also work closely together, which helps the objectives from the spiritist centres to be achieved.

O Consolador: What kind of feedback you can get on the spiritist national movement, from the meeting organised by the National Federative Council, in Brasília?

The National Federative Council is part of FEB (Brazilian Spiritist Federation), and represents the Brazilian Spiritist Movement. It is formed by Federations which represent each State and the Federal District, which gives it consistency and depth of knowledge. This area orientates the work of the Federative. It also suggests actions in order to orientate the spiritist centre, facilitate the study, practice and disclosure of the Spiritist Doctrine.

O Consolador: What do you believe are the biggest challenges in the spiritist movement?

We are in the process of learning to work with a variety of different opinions, but also with our own personal difficulties. This are all projected in the spiritist centre and in the spiritist movement. By working on our personal difficulties and the challenges we have at home, we are giving a big step towards solving the problems we are faced at the institutions we work. As the Spirit Benefactors explained, this will depend on education, our commitment and responsibility to our Cause, which will allow us to face and overcome our selfishness.

O Consolador: What do you believe are the biggest achievements in the spiritist movement?

I believe it is to work with a variety of different opinions. The same people who cause challenging times also give us happy moments. Every day we have new opportunities to learn by understanding one another. The Spiritist Doctrine is a gift. Let’s share it with everyone. Courage and willinglyness allow us opportunities to work in Spiritism, which are useful for our personal and collective growth.  

O Consolador: Do you believe the triple aspects of Spiritism (Science, Philosophy or Religion) are accepted and disclosed within the spiritist movement in Brazil?

There is a massive campaign managed by the National Federative Council in order to disclose the three aspects of Spiritism. We find some differences outside the Federative, but these are small and isolated places.

O Consolador: Do you believe the mysticism and rituals found in some institutions are damaging the progress of the Spiritist Doctrine in our country?

Yes, they do damage the progress since it makes the process of disclosure of Spiritism slower as they avoid the basic principles and practices. We believe this is a process that contributes to test our commitment to the Spiritist Doctrine. Scandals can not be avoided, unfortunately. I feel sorry for those who are involved on it.  ‘The spiritist practice should be done with simplicity; without the practice of exterior cults and ceremonies. It should be under the Christian principle that God should be adored in spirit and truth.’ (Campaign done for the disclosure of Spiritism by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation and the National Federative Council). 

O Consolador: The religious aspect of the Spiritist Doctrine brings several benefits to the human soul. It strengthens faith, spreading moral and spiritual help to those in need. It also encourages love through charity work, which is widely seen in our country. Can you please tell us more about it?

According to the leaflet created by the National Federative Council in order to promote Spiritism: “The Spiritist Doctrine brings new concepts about man and the surroundings. It also reaches areas of human knowledge, activities and behaviour. It opens a new window for the regeneration of humanity. Hence, it should be studied, analyses and taken into practice in all fundamental aspects of life, such as: scientific, philosophic, religious, ethical, moral, educational and social.” The religious aspect of Spiritism opens a new concept of charity as Jesus thought: benevolence for all, indulgence for others’ mistakes, forgiveness for others’ resentment. This is preached by the spiritist movement.   

O Consolador: What are the plans for the Union of Spiritist Societies from São Paulo (USE)?

On one side, we want it to become self-sustainable; the facilitator centre for the exchange of experiences and ideas. USE could help the spiritist centre deliver what is required of it. On the doctrinal and moral side, we want to improve the unification of the groups in order to work closely on the promotion of the Spiritist Doctrine. Our main focus is what represents our mission: the Spiritist Codification, Education and Promote the Human Being.

O Consolador: What kind of planning goes behind the campaigns organised by USE?

We always prioritise our permanent campaigns. In 2008 we have done a promotional campaign with the National Federative Council called “Gospel at Home and at our Hearts”; this turned out to become a national campaign. In 2009 we are doing a campaign called “Comece pelo Começo” (Start by the beginning). This campaign is promoting the Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine (ESDE). In 2010 we will focus on the campaign “Viver em Família” (Living in a Family). This will focus on strengthening the family unit.  

O Consolador: The Union of Spiritist Societies from São Paulo has a strong history of continuous strengthening of the spiritist thinking and joined team work among the spiritists. Is there a recipe for that?

Our historical background is marked by respect and commitment to the Spiritist Doctrine. We have created in our State a group that works with freedom and autonomy. We preserve the spiritist principles with loyalty and firmness, since we are committed with joining efforts to strengthen our work. At Posthumous Work (1890), Allan Kardec reiterated the importance of freedom, equality and fraternity.

O Consolador: Is there anything else you would like to add?

This is a transactional moment. The importance of the work done by the spiritist leader in order to orientate the centre, its spiritist practices and the responsibility for what happens in the centres is really high. The spiritist centre will become what we make of it. Study and practice of the spiritist principles are the safe route to reach our objectives, which are tasks we have committed ourselves to accomplish.

O Consolador: Can you please give us your final words?

We would like to thank you for the opportunity to show a bit about the work we do at our Union of Spiritist Societies from São Paulo. There are 1.100 workers in the Federation who are all ready to talk and share activities and experiences. We would like to invite you all to approach us, get to know our work so that the Spiritist Doctrine can reach other hearts and help our planet to become a better place.



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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism