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Year 3 - N° 126 – September 27, 2009

Londrina, Paraná (Brasil) 
Marcelo Damasceno do Vale - marcellus.vale@gmail.com


As occurs the spiritual influence in our life, and as we can neutralize her

The influence that the Spirits exercise about our thoughts and actions in the day by day is very larger of the than we imagined, since in a lot of occasions they are them that direct us.
We read in the item 459 on “The Book of the Spirits”: – Do spirits influence our thoughts and our actions?  "Their influence upon them is greater than you suppose, for it is very often they who direct both."

The “Revue Spirite” of 1858 presents us an example of that fact with the case of Sr. F., well educated young man, of careful education and soft and benevolent character, a victim of a fascination process that only reached the end with the help of the good Spirits.

Inspired for his father's spirit, the young man was going to Kardec and tried to follow the piece of advice of the Spirits, that they recommended to give him to a simple work that he didn't leave him time to hear the bad suggestions.

To the end of the treatment, the Spirit that acted on F. that it identified with François Dillois's name, it ended up being admitted due, and it expressed the desire to progress. Commenting on the case, Kardec did in the “Revue Spirit” the following observations:

1. The Spirits exercise on the men an influence salutary or pernicious; it is not necessary, for this, to be a medium.

2. Not having the university, they act in thousand and one ways.

3. The influence of the Spirits on us is constant, and all are exposed to her, they want to believe or not.

4. Fourth three parts of our bad actions and of our bad thoughts they are fruits of that occult suggestion.

5. No there is another criterion, except the common sense, to discern the value of the Spirits. Any formula given for that end by the own Spirits is absurd, and it cannot emanate of superior Spirits.

6. The inferior Spirits fear the ones that analyze them the words, they expose them the vilenesses and she don't let to arrest for their sophisms.

The spiritual influence is only rendered because of the syntony that settles down between us and the Spirits

According to the spiritualistic teachings, the spiritual influence on us can be good or bad, hides or ostensible, fleeting or durable, but in all and any alone situation is rendered because of the tune that settles down between us and them.

In many of the thoughts that we have, they appear us sometimes different and same ideas contradictory concerning the same subject. Probably, on those moments we are under it influences of the Spirits, a fact that nor all noticed, especially when she feels in a subtle and occult way, as it was verified in the acquaintance Custódio Saquarema, that Humberto de Campos (Spirit) told in his book "Letters and Chronicles", psychographed for the medium Francisco Cândido Xavier.

Custódio Saquarema out in the Earth important lawyer and, according to their own words, it gathered a lot of considerations  and  it  made a lot of money in the last

existence, returning, however, to the much poorer spiritual life than when it had left, in the direction of the reincarnation.

He had been reborn at a spiritualistic home, but, as it happens to most of those reincarnated, he brought with itself, to his psychic climate, some partners of addictions and extravagances of the past that, without the meat vehicle, if they were worth of him for if they link to the sensations of the terrestrial plan.

His reencarnatory program was excellent, but their vamparizers, cunning and intelligent, acted secretly, without him, or lightly, it foresaw them the influence. And he did through simple intimate considerations. So soon one saw left of the adolescence, with a good dose of logical reasonings in the head, the instructors’ friends exhorted him, through their parents, to cultivate the kingdom of the spirit, referring with that to the study, self-denial, improvement, but inside of him their companions' voices appeared of the mind, as threads of water flowing of brook, giving him the false idea that he spoke to itself: "Things of the soul, Custódio? Anything of that. His hour belongs to youth, happiness, sun... Leave the philosophy for later..."

The case Custódio Saquarema is a proof that the
influence it can be subtle and disguised

Those considerations repeated along the existence, just changing in the way.

When concluding the university, the warnings of the home were made more discharges, shouting him/it to the duty; however, their invisible followers hit back with the inarticulate mockery: "Doing now? It is not opportune occasion. That sorts out to harmonize the career beginner with religion subjects? Custódio, Custódio!... Note the criterion of most, don't be done of crazy!..."

Years later, Custódio got married and, soon afterwards, the calls to the spiritualization worsened. Their astute exploiters, however, they commented on, lively: Don't "give in, Custódio! And family responsibilities? It is necessary to work, to win money, to obtain the position, to care for wife and children..."

When in the age it ripens, he still received the warnings of the good Spirits, through dedicated companions, requesting him to the moral elevation for the execution of the assumed commitments; but in the mental house if they the arguments of their inflexible obsessors: "Custódio, you have more tasks... How to reduce the businesses? And the social life? Think about the social life... You are not prepared for the wheat field of faith..."

They arrived, finally, the old age and the disease. Custódio passed, then, to suffer and to disenchant and the last invitations of the Larger Spirituality still insisted the one that if it consecrated to the sacred things of the soul, while the screams of their old vamparizers became taller, ironic, blowing him sarcasm, as if you had been him same to ridicule: "You?  An old man Custódio! What will you make with Spiritism? It is too late... Profession of faith, messages of another world... What will be said of you, my old one it? Their best friends will speak in madness, senility... Don't have doubted... Their own children will interdict you, as being a mental patient, inapt for the regency of any economical interest... You are not more in the time of that..."

He noticed, as the own Custódio Saquarema observed, that their pursuers didn't ill-treat him/her the body, nor they disturbed him the mind. They just rocked his/her complacency and, with that, they impeded him any renovating step. He had been a victim, along the existence, of a type of disguised obsession.

The unhappy Spirits, of outraged mind, live more with
the red companions than it is supposed

One way, although precarious, of distinguishing our thoughts of the ones that they are suggested us is to understand that, usually, it belongs to us the first thought that happens us. The important, however, it is to know that, independently of suggestions or no, the responsibility for the actions is ours, fitting us the merit for the albeit then to result or the demerit if the action goes negative.

Allan Kardec explains in the subject 462 of "The Spirit’s Book" that to do that distinction not always it is possible and it justifies like this it: “If it were useful for us to be able to distinguish clearly between our own thoughts and those Which are suggested to us, God would have given us the means of doing so, as he has given us that of distinguishing between day and night. When a matter has been left by Providence in a state of vagueness, it has been left so because it is better for us.”

Rodolfo Calligaris says in his book "Pages of Christian Spiritism" that to "think it is to vibrate, it is to enter in relationship with the spiritual Universe that it involves us, and, according to the species of each being's mental emissions, similar elements if they will magnetize it, accentuating it the dispositions and cooperating with him in their ascendant efforts or in their falls and lapses."

We are not able to, Calligaris says, to neglect of our mental house and to follow life out dragged by the malicious  action  of  the  late  Spirits. "The  unhappy

Spirits, of outraged mind, live more with the red companions than it is supposed", it accentuates Calligaris. They are mixed in the common activities, they wander in the domestic nest, they participate in the conversations, and they proceed with the commensals, on who depend in legitimate process of vampirization. "They disturb themselves and they disturb. They suffer and they make to suffer. They hate and they generate hates. It depreciated in themselves, they depreciate between the other ones. Unfortunates, make the unhappiness."

It is, however, possible to neutralize that influence and, for that, the Spiritualistic Doctrine indicates us an income simple, however certain: the practice of the good and the faith in God.

The spiritual influences that surround do us part of the laws of the life and the temptations elapse of that

Here is the one that, regarding the subject, they taught the Superior Spirits in the subject 469 of "The Spirit’s Book ":

"By doing only what is right, and putting all your trust in God, you repel the influence of inferior spirits, and prevent them from obtaining power over you. Take care not to listen to the suggestions of spirits who inspire you with evil thoughts, stir up discord among you, and excite in you evil passions. Distrust especially those who flatter your pride, for, in so doing, they attack you on your weakest side. This is why Jesus makes you say in the Lord's Prayer, 'Let us not succumb to temptation, but deliver us from evil.' "

The foundation of that teaching is in the lesson contained in the item 122 of the same work that is fast summarized:

1. Free-will is developed in proportion as the spirit acquires the consciousness of himself.

2. The spiritual influences that surround do us part of the laws of the life. The temptations elapse of that: some give in to them; others resist.

3. The good influences come from the good Spirits. The bad influences come from the imperfect Spirits that they try to take possession of the creature and to dominate her, and they rejoice when they get it.

4. That fact that created two biblical illustrations was: the man's fall and Satan.

5. Does this influence act upon a spirit only at its origin? "It follows him through all the phases of his existence as a spirit, until he has acquired such as thorough self-command that evil spirits renounce the attempt to obsess him."

To get empire on himself means: to elevate morally, to elevate the vibratory standard call, what is gotten with good thoughts, good feelings and good actions, that is, the constant practice of the good and of the charity.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism