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Year 3 - N° 116 – July 19, 2009

De Lins, São Paulo (Brasil)
Alcíone Fagundes dos Santos - alcionefagundes1@gmail.com


Invasion of spirits of
inferior zones

An analysis of young movement of the 1960s
and its consequences

"Until then, however, they will defend all the field. There will be, therefore, an inevitably but unequal fight, because the past is weak and will fall, in frazzle, against the youth future. " (Allan Kardec in The Genesis, cap. XVIII, items 24 to 26, referring to fights against social renewal, during the peak of human history.)

Marta was hearing again the argument of INVASION OF SPIRITS OF INFERIOR ZONES. While listening, she remembered... 

When she was 15 years old, in 1954, she used to attend a spiritist session that was guided by the spirit of Father of Compostela. The medium, a housewife, who had only studied until the Year 4, when mediunised, could speak in second person of plural and use a erudite language, with no errors. The fact impressed lawyers and politicians that, often present to this work, could never notice a mistake in discourse:

"Be prepared, said Father de Compostela, millions of spirits from inferior zones are reincarnated now. They will be rebellious spirits, difficult to educate. They will leave you appalled by their actions. Families will not know what to do. The spirituality will be able to help them, by bringing them the spiritual vision. They are spirits who have the opportunity to test their morality, so they will not be expelled from the planet. They will require you to try to solve their abuse. You will have profound changes. When you live these facts, you will remember my message." 

A decade later, Martha was 25 years old, and she was attending College. She saw the emergence of this generation. She lived with rebels, hippies, and revolutionaries, observing the action of spirits of inferior regions. They promoted real changes in art, music, literature, theatre, politician and customs.  True revolutions in the planet. Many imbalances and excesses, but the result was interesting. Some artists and politicians sought the spiritual, through raids in Orientals, in consultation with mediums of the time and the study of mediumistic cultures. Intellectuals and artists studied the indigenous societies of the descendants of early inhabitants of America or other nations and their relations with the spiritual. 

Stopped the period of rebellion, Marta, having studied at Universities the historical movements on Earth, she tried to apply them to studies made by Kardec on the subject, in Chapter XVIII of The Genesis. Now I understood that rebel and spirits from inferior zones generation really done their test. At the same time they made significant changes in moral and traditional customs, revealing the self-righteous hypocrisy of religion, false morals impregnated by political interests, in Christianity. 

To discuss values of families, sexual freedom, issues of poverty, revolutions, review biographies of figures before respected, change the perspective of history, to approve the divorce, change music and theatre in particular. Everything was altered, by the influence of this generation of rebels spirits who in the back sought with the whole spirit "peace and love", by different paths, and showed the failure of our ancient methods of achieving these ideals. 

By realizing that this historical cycle of progress of spirits and society ended, the divine wisdom utilize the rebel and without direction generation in their contact with material life, forcing the change of social structure for direction of greater freedom. Another cycle slowly emerged. 

Marta knew now that a new cycle began, from around 1970, and now the necessary changes would be much more than just a "sexual and custom revolution " of the 1960s. 

It was perceived with greater acuity than before, that Spiritism had an ethic free of historical hypocrisy and a history too short, for many detours that characterized various spiritists movements. 

Now, in this new historical cycle, which began at the end of the third millennium, we would have more important problems to solve. 

How could the Spiritist Doctrine "support the movement for social regeneration" as Kardec wanted in item 25 of Chapter XVII of The Genesis? 


The old concern with spiritual warnings about a collective reincarnation of spirits of inferior regions entered in the formal conversation between Martha and Joseph. 

In July 2005. Marta was sitting comfortably in a major spiritist publisher, talking to a man of gentle mien and kind eyes, he was telling her that he heard from a spiritual guide this revelation. 

- I am interested in this revelation. What did the guides say on this invasion of inferior spirits?

- They said that these spirits are in a lower level of progress and they will give us a lot of work. Mr Joseph, important executive retired, revealed the word of the mentors with great reverence.

- And did they explain what we should do?

- No, my darling. They only helped me to understand why violence grows here in Rio de Janeiro, slums grow and children do not learn to read anymore, even though in the past, we poor children, with illiterate parents and teachers without college, we would be literate in the second half of the first series of the fundamental school.

Marta has changed has relaxed attitude. The gentleman, whose goodness was expressed in his gentle eyes, talked about issues in which Marta was a specialist. Did she hear well? He said that poor performance of children in school were because their spiritual inferiority? And violence in big cities was the product of spirits of inferior zones, turned to evil? Holy God ... It was necessary to at least put some doubt. 

Very carefully, respecting the naive and kind mind of Mr. Joseph, Marta argued: 

- I would prefer to understand in other way the allusion to these spirits of inferior regions. I have been working in education area since I was eighteen years old. I retired fighting for education in Brazil. I think that the spirits of inferior regions reincarnated are not the ones from the slums and young illiterate. They are other ones. 

Given the curiosity of Joseph, she continued: 

- From the 1960s there was a political movement in Brazil, starting from University, with special emphasis on Psychology and Education courses in which purposely, began to change our teaching, from the universities, until the second grade. 

From 1980 to 1990, the process, with twenty years, changed direction and began to interfere directly, especially in Southern and South-eastern Brazil, in the area of literacy, retiring older and implementing new methods to prevent our students to be literate. 

- And nobody did anything to react? - Asked Joseph. 

- Well, the policy was genius implemented. In the State of São Paulo, only one region had the Municipal Councils of Education, which refused to follow this guidance. In this region, even today, children are literate with 4 or 5 years without any method that violent them, and without requiring parents help. Do the spirits from the inferior zones did not reincarnate in these cities or the authorities had political wisdom to face the “ literacy revolution" that invaded universities, under the guise of a new methodology? 

- Do you mean that you do not agree that children from the work that I manage do not learn to read because they are inferior spirits? 

- I do not think so; I think that the lower level and inferior spirits are the owners of power in various countries that purposely truly set up this plan from "darkness". I tell you that these methods have been tested in very advanced countries, so that new generations lose the domain of language, afraid to speak in public. Did you know that the greatest fear of our brothers from America is not death, but speak in public? Do you believe that this is by chance? 

Joseph heard and his expression of disenchantment moved Marta: 

- I understand that, by being a great manager, you are thinking about what I am saying; you know that leaders of a company, as a country, can do what I'm telling you. Believe. They did this with many countries and, from 1980, with our elementary school. Do you know why they take from our children the ability to use language, read and write with fluency and limit them to visual, TV, videos and DVD’s? 

- I imagine that this way they take from students the opportunity to make speeches, public speaking, leadership, reading topics and authors and revolutionaries, and mainly to change the society. 

- Not only that. Limit our young people understand more than a simple text. They get tired in front of books with over a hundred pages being incapable of analysing a text, compiling the main ideas. Young spiritist find difficult to read Kardec, poorly understand André Luiz and become easy prey to sick or ignorant mediums, producing phenomena, but without moral or philosophical content, or what is worse, with dangerous moral guidance. 

- Who does not know to talk, do not understand what read, do not think, do not fight for theirs rights, mass is easy to manipulate! 

- Congratulations, Joseph, you really are brilliant. Understood the process. So do not sit back, do not give up, but fight for at least your children learn to read, write, read poetry, prose, discuss, do theatre, speak in public. We have in Sao Paulo a spiritist school for children in need, whose students are not literate in these methods and "they got " almost all jobs in the city, they pass the test. They have the domain of language, my dear. 

The old Executive looked Marta in her eyes and said: 

- You know, your word hurts so much here - and pointed to his heart. - It is hard to hear ... Is harmful to us. 

Marta understood. She destroyed with her arguments many illusions. It is difficult to good people to realize that they do the game of the great manipulators of people and find "spiritual" and "reincarnation” explanations for their intelligent and immoral plans. She felt sorry for Joseph. She never noticed before that speaking like this to good people would show their impotence when facing the evil intelligence of chiefs of the darkness, and that, instead of encouraging them to fight, brought them much suffering... 

She simply said: 

- Sorry, but we must face reality. If Anchieta and Nóbrega believed that the spirits that they considered pagan and primitive were incapable of understanding the magnitude of Latin and literacy, certainly they would not have made the College of São Paulo. They would not believe in the potential of savage people. Every time we fail in education, the fault is not of those that we consider inferior, like children, their parents, or their environment. The fault will be always ours, because we do not know the means to reach their spirits, and seek them out, changing our focus on action or improving our techniques and methods. 


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism