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Year 3 - N° 115 – July 12, 2009
Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)


Carolina von Scharten - carolinavonscharten@yahoo.com

José Antonio Castilho:

“Everything in this world
can be improved”

He comments on the value of ideas to divulgue
spiritist books


José Antonio Castilho (foto)  is our week’s interview. He was born in Ubarana (São Paulo, Brazil) and has been leaving in São Carlos (São Paulo, Brazil) for the last years. He has been spiritist since the sixties in Paranavaí (Paraná, Brazil), but it was in São Carlos where he got involved with publicizing spiritist books.  

He wrote three books, from which two are spiritists– “A Literatura Espírita – seu Estudo, sua Divulgação” (Spiritist Literature – its study and divulgation) and “É Melhor Colher Flores” (It’s better to harvest Flowers). The present interview should be seen as of imense gratitude to José Antonio Castilho, since he has thought  to  all   of   those   around   him

perseverance, coherence, courange and discerniment. 

O Consolador: How did the idea of a movement called Divulgador do Livro Espírita came up? 

In September 1982, this idea came up. It was during the 5th Spiritist Book Fair, at the spiritist society Sociedade Espírita Obreiros do Bem, at São Carlos. As time went by, the team started to get bigger and bigger. The main goal was always to publicize books, making sure we take it to where the public is: to Spiritist Book Fair or to their homes, with the Spiritist Book Club.  

O Consolador: What were the most marking events from your experience? 

Some remarkable facts were the dedication, courage and resiliance amonst the group. In the beginning we were a team of five people: Ailton Baleeiro (from Sertãozinho), José Carlos Ângelo  Cintra (from São Carlos), me, Aldo (from Ribeirão Preto) and Gilbertinho (from Frutal). We need to remember the role of Arceu (from Araras), who was the biggest incentivator for the Book Fair. Some people would go to Araras to get books for the Fair. Arceu would tell them to get as many books they needed. He wouldn’t ask anyone to sign any papers and trusted the individuals who camme there. Araras became the place where the main meetings would happen for Divulgador do Livro.  

O Consolador: What results have been ahieved from these efforts? 

The first research done showed a total of 40 Spiritist Book Fairs, but after 6 months we reached 500 Fairs! Spiritist Book Fairs became a national reference, where local Fairs are a meeting point for spiritists throughout Brazil. 

O Consolador: Did you aim it to become national? 

No, I didn’t aim for that. We started without a lot of planning but the work developed in itself.  

O Consolador: Where you building up the ideal format in the beginning? 

Yes, we were. It was a result of a team effort. 

O Consolador: Where were you publicizing it? 

We publicised in São Paulo’s countryside, Poços de Caldas, Ipatinga (Minas Gerais), Cambé, Paranavaí (Paraná).  

O Consolador: What is the most curious fact observed in a Book Fair?

I once met a woman who wanted a book to motivate her to loose weight. I said: “We don’t have it I am afraid, but we do have one to deal with something workse – anger” She decided to take the Gospel According to Spiritism. On another occation I took a woman from the evangelical church to sell books, and she sold! She was intelligent and easy-going. I still don’t know why she came to sell spiritist books, but she did a great job! 

O Consolador: What would you suggest to improve the work of publicizing Spiritism? 

Constant attention. We need to be open to listen to everyone’s ideas.  

O Consolador: Would you consider the Spiritist Book Fair a great achievement in terms of expanding the spiritist thinking? 

Yes, I would consider it so. The Book Fair could be seen as a party which united people and leaves them free to choose whiever books they want to purchase. São Carlos sells 5 thousand books, from which most sales come from a variety of 1 thousand books. We put on sale 1.900 books from one single title but they usually go very quickly as we publish small editions.  

O Consolador: Do you think the Spiritist Book Fair could be improved? How? 

Everything can be improved. Courage and criativity is needed to make it better.

O Consolador: Would you know a case of someone who change behaviour because of a spiritist book? 

The team of Divulgador do Livro had colleague from Venezuela called Alípio Gonzales working with them. He said once in Caracas (Venezuela) someone threw the Gospel According to Spiritism in the bin. The person who then found it was about to commit suicide....  

O Consolador: Which authors would you say have marked your heart, your life?  

Léon Denis, Ernesto Bozzano, Yvonne Pereira and of course Allan Kardec. I have always prefered literature writen by encarnated spirits. 

O Consolador: Can you please coment on some classics from Spiritism? 

Em nossa primeira Feira não tínhamos um bom critério para selecionar livros por assuntos. Incumbi-me da tarefa de ir melhorando essa questão. Os clássicos eram separados por autores. Aí os agrupei como devia, em “clássicos”. Modéstia à parte, melhorei muita coisa na FLE, junto com o Ailton Baleeiro, de Sertãozinho, e o Cintra, de São Carlos. Difícil destacar autores. Lá vai. Denis com sua filosofia suave, sua beleza, sua educação. Destaco “O Problema do Ser, do Destino e da Dor”. Bozzano e sua incrível capacidade de pesquisa. “Animismo ou Espiritismo?” é o resumo de todos os outros. Nossa Yvonne Pereira com suas obras-primas “Devassando o Invisível” e “Recordações da Mediunidade”. “No País das Sombras”, de Elizabeth D'Esperance. Meu Deus! É a nata! 

O Consolador: Which authors do you think are really important but are not read? 

The classics such as Léon Denis, Bozzano, Aksakof and Sir William Crookes. There is a book edited by Clarim called “Os Mortos Vivem” (The Dead are alive). It relates the story of a German who went to an island to dismistify a medium. He liked her so much he ended up marrying her. This book was not re-edited, for example.... 

O Consolador: What do you think is the best method to make the Spiritist Doctrine more popular? 

I think participating in Fairs and Spiritist Book Clubs are very efficient.

O Consolador: What would you recommed to the spiritst reader? 

Don’t just read, but pay attention to the text you are reading. We need to do that with all books, as well as spiritist books.  

O Consolador: What else would you like to add? 

Spiritist counselling. I obtained great results but listening a lot the person who came to me for help and speaking very little. I think it’s much more appropriate for a beginner to talk to someone than go just for a healing session at a spiritist centre. 

O Consolador: Can we please have your final words? 

One key element needs to be spoken about: work! We need to work more. I would also like us to remember Kardec, for his work, bravery and discerniment. 



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Weekly Magazine of Spiritism