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Year 3 - N° 104 - April 26, 2009

Matão, São Paulo (Brasil)
Mani Fagundes dos Santos - manifagundes@yahoo.co.nz


The 40 years of the moon landing

The 62nd General Assembly of the United Nations designated 2009
as the International Year of Astronomy, at the initiative of the
IAU - International Astronomical Union


It was in 1969; forty years ago that Apollo 11 took man to the Moon. A great human achievement, no doubt, as the advance of technology, a natural consequence of the Law of Progress, as Chapter VIII - Third Book – which deals with the Moral Laws, particularly in issues 779 to 785 - classified in the subheading March of Progress, in The Spirits’ Book.

This exciting theme of the achievements and research in the Universe brings us to Chapter VI - General Uranography, in The Genesis- published in 1868 - the work of the Spiritist Codification of Allan Kardec. That chapter, as indicated by the codifier in the footnote, includes a series of communications dictated to the Spiritist Society of Paris (1) in 1862 and 1863, under the title Uranography Studies and were signed by the physical, mathematical and astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). That brings important chapter headings with studies on space and time, matter, the laws and forces, the suns and planets, satellites, the comets, the Milky Way, among other attractive

subjects gathered there.  

Furthermore, in Heaven and Hell, another work of the Spiritist Codification and published in 1865, we have the chapter III with the significant title Heaven, which was first published in the Spiritist Magazine(2), copy of March of that year, with the incendiary title Where is Heaven?

Not only. Among other important matters, Chapter III of The Gospel according to Spiritism brings explanatory texts relating to issues concerned.
Such references, with emphasis encouraging the reader to read in full, are very apt when the 62nd General Assembly of the United Nations designated 2009 as International Year of Astronomy, at the initiative of the IAU - International Astronomical Union, with the UNESCO (3) designated lead agency in the celebrations. The attention of the world will be direct towards Brazil, because the XXVII IAU General Assembly will be held in Rio de Janeiro, from 3 to 14 August 2009, bringing together approximately 3,000 scientists from 150 countries. It is a great expectation around the largest event in the area of science promoted in Brazilian territory. 

Interesting repetition of the number nine in the sequence of the achievements exploring the sky: 1609, 1709, 1909, 1969 

The event aims to commemorate important dates that are achieved in 2009, coincidentally, in round figures, generating much joy in the science of astronomy, as described below: 

1) In the distant year of 1609, four hundred years ago, Galileo built the first astronomical telescope, revealing the secrets of the sky, never seen before, like the moons of Jupiter, for example. The findings were published in the book "Siderus Nuntius" ("Messenger of the Stars") in 1610. 

2) In 1709, one hundred years later, the priest and Luso-Brazilian inventor Bartolomeu Lourenço de Gusmão, born in Santos (SP), made in Lisbon the first successful public demonstration of a hot-air balloon. He was thus the first man to raise an object from the moved by heat and thus became the first scientist of the Americas. Because of this feat, Gusmão is considered the Father of Aerostats. 

3) Two centuries later, in 1909, Alberto Santos-Dumont, Father of Aviation, presented his latest aeronautical invention, the Demoiselle No. 20, entered in history as the first popular airplane in the world. It was The Demoiselle the real efficient flight machine that took man to the sky. 

4) And sixty years later, in 1969,

on July 20 - exactly on the anniversary of Santos Dumont, born in 1873 - the Apollo 11, the fifth manned mission of the Apollo program, led the man to the soil of the moon. Manned by the astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins, the mission has fulfilled the goal of President John Kennedy who in a speech in 1962 established a deadline by the end of the decade for the American space program reach this target. It is noteworthy, therefore, that we, as humanity, completing 40 years of the arrival of humans to the Moon.

It is interesting to note the repetition of the number nine in the sequence of the achievements exploring the sky: 1609, 1709, 1909, and 1969. And in 2009, this institution, the UN, the International Year of Astronomy… This refers us, immediately, the exceptional approach of Allan Kardec in the Spiritist Magazine in the July 1868 under the title The Science of Numbers Concordance and fate. 

The law of the concordance of dates is not a chimera, is a law that will be revealed to us later 

Allan Kardec was questioned at the time, on the possible existence of a science as to the coincidence of dates and concordance of numbers. The matter in question the codifier put his personal opinion and referred the matter to the spirits, which provided a brilliant response. We feature small words, but we ask the reader to see the full approach. The Spirit in response to Kardec’s question: "(...) the law of the agreement of dates is not a chimera, is one that will be revealed to you later, and give you the key of the things that seem anomalies to you. Because, believe it well, nature has no whims, it always runs accurately and safely. Moreover, this law is not like you imagine, to understand its reason for being, in principle and in its utility, you need to acquire ideas that you do not yet have, and that will come in time. Currently, this knowledge would be premature, reason why is not given yet, it would therefore cause you an unnecessary stress.

Limit yourselves to collect the facts; observe but do not conclude fearful of being deceived. God knows when to give men the intellectual properties as they are able to bear. Work on in your moral progress, the more essential, because it is this which should have new lights. (...)". (Emphasis added by this author)

More than numerical coincidence is the human effort at all times. Men and women fighting for achievements that contributes to humanity. The General Assembly of IAU - International Astronomical Union (5), with great joy to the Brazilian scientific community - will have the honor of hosting the event - and internationally, is clear demonstration of this effort. Indeed, from Galileo to the moon landing and the wonderful achievements of the current space, we can not remain indifferent. Mainly because it links us with the greatness of the Spiritist Revelation (figures in brackets correspond to the questions on partial transcripts of The Spirits' Book): 

- The veil is raised to those who cleanse, to understand certain things, they need faculties they do not have yet. (18)

- Science has been given for his progress in all fields, but it can not exceed the limits set by God. (19)

- (...) God can reveal what the science can not grasp if He judges it is useful (20)

- (...) nothing is empty, what you think is empty is occupied by a substance that escapes to your senses and instruments. (36)

Common sense is the exact word in these space achievements at all times, as in all human challenges 

It is also advisable to indicate that the reader examine the issues from 55 to 58 of the work in reference, which deal with the peopling of the different globes of space, their physical constitution and source of heat in different worlds. The issues in the study in question are absolutely amazing.

At this point, to complete the approach – inexhaustible by itself - the spontaneous remembrance guides us to the great Camille Flammarion (1842-1925), the "Poet of Heaven." Contemporary and friend of Kardec, author of classic spiritist literature with notable works on the premise of the relevant plurality of inhabited worlds, and he was appointed to make the last words on the brink of the grave (4) of the encoder of the spirit, called him "the incarnate common sense."

Moreover, common sense is the exact word in these outer space achievements at all times, as in all other human challenges.

We can therefore create an interesting link in this whole issue: creating a bridge of the Galileo Gusmão, from Camille to Dumont and to Armstrong, culminating with the major event planned for August in Brazil, commemorating the 300 years of the hot air balloon in the important International Year of Astronomy, established by the UN.


(1) First spiritual institution in the world, founded on April 1, 1858 by Allan Kardec.

(2) Publication founded by Allan Kardec in January 1, 1858 and which was under its coordination by 31 March 1869, when he returned to the spiritual homeland.

(3) Body of the UN responsible for Education, Science and Culture.

(4) The following speech in full is in the works posthumous book, which combines work and writings of Kardec published after his disincarnation.

(5) All information about the event taking place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 3 to 14 August 2009, is available at http://www.astronomy2009.com.br/

Author's note - This is based on field work 2009 - YEAR OF HEAVEN FOR EXCELLENCE, authored the writer and the physical Laureti Godoy Ricardo Magalhães, coordinators of the Committee of 300 Years Balloon, available here www.artefatocultural.com.br, now adapted to the spiritual vision.


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