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Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine Portuguese  Spanish
Program V: Scientific Aspect  

Year 3 - N° 103 – April 19, 2009


Curitiba, Paraná (Brasil)  
Patrícia Baptista Onodera - ponodera@hotmail.com


The medium: concept and

We present in this issue the topic #103 from the Systematized Study of the Spiritist Doctrine, that is being presented weekly, according to the programme elaborated by the Brazilian Spiritist Federation (FEB), structured in 6 modules and 147 topics.

If the reader uses this program for a study group, we suggest that questions proposed be discussed freely before the reading of the text that follows. If you would like to study alone, we ask you to try to answer the questions at first and only then read the text that follows. The answer key can be found at the end of the lesson. 


1. How does Kardec define the medium?

2. In the mediumistic practice, what is really important to the medium?

3. Can the mediumship be considered an instrument of spiritual improvement?

4. Has the mental tuning got any importance in the exercise of mediumship?

5. Where, according to the Spiritism, are the biggest obstacles of the mediumship?  


The mediumistic faculty is not an exclusive privilege

1. In the lesson of number 19 of the II Program of this systematic study, which the Basic Principles of Spiritist Doctrine were examined, we have seen the concept of mediumship and the classification of major types and varieties of mediums. (Regarding this subject, refer to the text published by this magazine, issue number 19).

2. In reviewing this subject, we recall the definition of medium that Kardec entered in the item of number 159 in The Book of Mediums: "Everyone who feels, in any degree, the influence of the Spirits, is by this fact, a medium. This ability is inherent to man; it is not therefore an exclusive privilege. Because of this, very few are the people who do not possess some of its rudiments. It can be said that we all are more or less mediums. However, usually, only those whose mediumistic faculty appears well characterized and is reflected by patents effects of certain intensity, what which then depends on a more or less sensitive organisation, are characterized this way. It should be noted, moreover, that this facility is not revealed in the same way in everyone. Generally, mediums have a special aptitude for phenomena of this or that order, with the result that so many varieties are formed as the species of manifestations.

3. The definition given by the Encoder of the Spiritism is undoubtedly the most complete and comprehensive, but we must understand that the mediumistic faculty alone does not release the man of the influence of malevolent Spirits. The faculty itself is actually neutral. The usage that man makes of it is what matters. When employing it, we can harmonize with the good Spirits or associate with the bad. The tuning is therefore essential in the practice of mediumship.  

The mind remains the basis of all mediumistic phenomena

4. Giving us the opportunity to reject the bad and accept the good influences that come from the good Spirits, the mediumship becomes an instrument of spiritual improvement. As we know, good Spirits seek to inspire us for the good, while lower Spirits seek to lead us to the evil.

5. In our evolutionary journey, we are all instruments of the forces with which we tune to. We are all mediums in the mental field that is appropriate to us. If our thought flows toward higher life, we associate with edifying energies. If we enslave to the shadows of primitivist or tortured life, we tune to disruptive and depressing forces.

6. Each creature emits specific rays and lives in the spiritual wave with which one identifies with. The mind, teach the spiritual instructors, remains the basis of all mediumistic phenomena. Each soul is involved in the circle of living forces that sweat from one’s "mental breath". We act and react one upon another, through the mental energy in which we constantly renew.

The cruellest enemy of the mediums is the pride

7. Emmanuel asserts that mediums on the whole, "are Spirits who recover debts from the past", which explains why it is difficult to the human creature to fulfil completely, without facing obstacles, the duties that the mediumistic faculty designates in one’s existence.

8. In the Chapter of number XXXI of The Book of Mediums, Kardec inserted many dissertations in which important figures in the work of the Codification of Spiritism address the issue that we focus now.

9. Let’s see passages from some of these messages:

"All men are mediums; all have a Spirit who leads them to the good, when they know how to listen to it." (Channing.)

"The gift of mediumship is as old as the world. The prophets were mediums. "(Pierre Jouty.)

 "The faculties that mediums enjoy cultivate praises from men. Congratulations, praises, these are for them, the obstacles. (...) I will never get tired of recommending to you that you must trust yourself to your guardian angel, so one can help you to be always on guard against your cruellest enemy, which is the pride. "(Joan of Arc.)

"When you wish to receive communications from the good Spirits, imports that you prepare yourself for this favour by recognition, by pure intentions and for the desire to do the good, having in view the general progress." (Pascal.)

"I will talk to you today about the lack of interest, which must be one of the essential qualities of the mediums, as much as the modesty and devotion. (...) It is not rational to assume that good Spirits could help those who aim to satisfy their pride and ambition. "(Delfino de Girardin.)  

"All mediums are undoubtedly called to serve the cause of the Spiritism, to the extent of their faculties, but few are those who do not let themselves to be arrested by the traps of self-love. (...) Always remember these words: He who exalts himself will be humiliated and he who humiliates himself will be exalted. "(The Spirit of Truth.)

Answer Key

1. How does Kardec define the medium?

A.: Medium is everyone who feels, in any degree, the influence of the Spirits. This ability is inherent to man, is not therefore an exclusive privilege. Rare are the people who do not possess some rudiments.

2. In the mediumistic practice, what is really important to the medium?

A.: The mediumistic faculty is in itself neutral. The usage that man makes of it is what matters, because when employing it, we can harmonize with the good Spirits or associate with the bad.

3. Can the mediumship be considered an instrument of spiritual improvement?

A.: Yes. Giving us the opportunity to reject the bad and accept the good influences that come from the good Spirits, the mediumship becomes an instrument of spiritual improvement.

4. Has the mental tuning got any importance in the exercise of mediumship?

A.: Yes. The tuning is essential in the mediumship practice. In our evolutionary journey, we are all instruments of the forces with which we tune to. If our thought flows toward higher life, we associate with edifying energies. If we enslave to the shadows of primitivist or tortured life, we tune to disruptive and depressing forces.

5. Where, according to the Spiritism, are the biggest obstacles of the mediumship?

A.: Praises, congratulations, these are the biggest obstacles that present to the mediums, who must be always on guard against their cruellest enemy, which is the pride.


The Book of Mediums; by Allan Kardec, Chapter XIV, item 159, and Chapter XXXI, items X, XI, XII, XIII, XIV and XV.

The Spirits' Book; by Allan Kardec, Question 159.

In the Invisible; by Léon Denis, Pages 52 to 60.

Mediumship and Evolution; by Martins Peralva, Page 15.

The Thought of Emmanuel; by Martins Peralva, Page 233.

In the fields of the Mediumship; by André Luiz, psicographed by Chico Xavier, Pages 11, 15, 16 and 17.


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O Consolador
Weekly Magazine of Spiritism